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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Here's a comment about a year and a half later, but here's some more current thoughts. While the album certainly has some flaws here and there, I find myself going back to listening to the album from time to time, which speaks volumes about the music's quality in perhaps the more abstract department, even with newer albums. The album isn't how I probably would've imagined it, but that's why it's always nice to hear other people's works/attempts. I enjoy this album quite a lot, and probably is in the better half of released albums on OCR IMO.
  2. And it's back to the reviews! Link (Jose the Bronx Rican feat. zyko) vs. Ganon (zyko feat. Jose the Bronx Rican) This is an amusing battle in that they both collab with each other for both their tracks. zyko's track doesn't really fit the battle mantra, which he knows as is evident from the comment section of the tags. Jose's track is solid, mocking Ganon throughout. zyko's track on the other hand is a serious track & unusual in its combination of rapping and singing, along with a song structure that is out of the box for most hip hop with a fuller backing track that could evolve into a different song on its own. I love this battle - it's one of my favorites on the album because I enjoy listening to both tracks. I have to give the edge to zyko here, but both tracks certainly deliver. Ryu (zircon, Joshua Morse) vs. Sagat (posu yan, Joshua Morse) Wait...Joshua Morse vs. Joshua Morse? Crazy. He certainly shows his influence on both tracks. The zircon/Joshua Morse combo for Ryu is solid, keeping relatively conservative with the melody in comparison to the posu yan/Joshua Morse combo. The latter track is solid & fun, but for me I just enjoyed the Ryu one more for some reason so I have to go with zircon and Joshua Morse (JM wins either way it seems ). Kirby (Insert Rupee, halc, cthtonic) vs. King Dedede (Mazedude) This is an intriguing matchup. halc & cthtonic approach Kirby with the standard fare that you'd expect them to do, and then Mazedude goes completely off the wall with his source, although it might be harder for people to appreciate. For me, the more traditional take by the Insert Rupee, halc, and cthtonic duo wins out, but I've been growing to like Mazedude's track more and more with each looping of the album. Simon Belmont (Mustin) vs. Dracula (Ailsean) For some reason, these two tracks is a strange way to end the album to me after all that transpires. They're both solid, but I find them harder to enjoy after the rest of the tracks in the given flow of the album. The styles are also drastically different - Mustin goes for the smooth sound while Ailsean goes with a dark & somber ballad. I think I might actually prefer Mustin's track here, though both tracks are solid. All in all, I enjoyed this album a lot. The album flow was weird at times since some of it was just people doing their own takes on songs, but that's fine. All of the tracks had a good deal of merit to them, so I'm just glad I got to listen to a good collection of music for free.
  3. ...you serious? At least listen to this: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01345/
  4. The past few days have seen more wavs come in - Opening Stage (MMX) is finished by Dominic Ninmark, and Blast Hornet by Joshua Morse is done too! Joshua Morse's is particularly exciting of course . The cover art is also finished by Dominic! It looks pretty badass!
  5. So I haven't posted my thoughts yet, but it wasn't for lack of appreciation - I've been listening to this album pretty much every day on loop while playing TF2 or doing other random tasks. I love this album quite a lot, and definitely ranks up there as one of my favorite albums on OCR so far. Here's my breakdown on the matchups: Samus (BGC) vs. Mother Brain (Mazedude) This is a pretty awesome way to launch into the album - both tracks are great, but I have to side with Mazedude's here - Mazedude did some pretty crazy stuff and you really get the vibe of something scary & aggressive through this song, and a bit of a fight too with that notable brass section playing the fanfare & then switching back to the assault. Well done by both BGC & Mazedude, what an excellent beginning from a mellow song to a battle. Guybrush Threepwood (audio fidelity) vs. LeChuck (Diggi Dis) Sadly enough, I've never played the Monkey Island games despite owning them on Steam - it's on my to do list though! More relevantly, this is one of the best matchups on the album. Jay crafts a great cheery pirate song while Diggi Dis brings the contrast. I think I have to give the slight edge to audio fidelity here, although I do wish it was a little longer. This matchup is probably my favorite matchup of the bunch though. Kratos (Brandon Strader) vs. Zeus (Kunal Majmudar) I'm going to be honest - this is the most underwhelming matchups IMO. Production/guitar recording really drags on Brandon's track (guitars don't have an in your face feel that the arrangement seems to call for), which makes Kunal's track the defacto winner of the battle for me. It does a great job in setting a big atmosphere, although it's a bit out of place with Brandon's as far as comparing & contrasting goes, which is certainly long. Axel (WillRock) vs. Mr. X (zyko) Oh hell yeah! Love both these tracks - WillRock brings his great synthwork to the forefront here, while zyko circles a dance of death with his. I, like WillRock, think the remastering did a number on Will's track in terms of the overall sound - I haven't heard the original, but it sounds off compared to all of the other tracks I've heard by him. In particular, the synth panning from left to right sounds more extreme than normal. zyko's track is also excellent, but it's a more darker/serious track and is harder to appreciate for many I feel. This round is a push for me, I look forward to listening to both these tracks quite a bit. Mega Man (Mattias Gerdt Haggstrom) vs. Dr. Wily (Joshua Morse) Elevator music for the Mega Man matchup? This is the most surprising of the matchups, although if you looked at the artists beforehand you shouldn't be surprised. These are two solid tracks, although for this, I personally have to side with the more active one by Joshua Morse. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (bLiNd) vs. Shredder (Danimal Cannon) Now this is a huge matchup! bLiNd vs. Danimal! bLiNd goes a non-trance/house route here, while Danimal goes for a hyperactive battle. For those not familiar with Jordan's capabilities, it should surprise them greatly that he is able to come up with a track like this, far from his typical electronic goodness, although I seem to remember him saying that he just prefers to make house music. Danimal has a great song too, but admittedly I was not terribly interested in the first half, although part of that might be due to the compression on the album as a whole causing the synth to sound not as great as it should sound - the second half of the song is where things really get interesting and ascend the song to another level. I have to go with bLiNd here for this one, his song is too solid throughout. More to come sometime this week on the rest!
  6. Usually in these tech cases the point of the suing is to coerce parties into cross-licensing agreements as settlements that otherwise wouldn't really happen. This doesn't really strike me as particularly special.
  7. And another wav bites the dust! BONKERS just handed me his Opening Stage Zero (X4) wav!
  8. Lots of blue so far on the first post! Diggi Dis gave me a finished wav earlier, and Joshua Morse is about finished with Blast Hornet!
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-12377862 I've been saddened to hear this news earlier today, as I absolutely love his work in electric blues/rock/metal and more. He is one of my favorite guitarists and the news still puts me in disbelief. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap78ZlJfNhU
  10. Happy birthday to Amy! (I got back in time!)
  11. The trailer is sick, kudos to Jose for his great work on it, along with the rest of the people involved! I can't wait for the album, it's sounding quite great just from the trailer alone.
  12. Good thing you mentioned it - I wish he told me directly though .
  13. A BlazBlue mix! ...Although this is a bit short for my liking - I wish it were longer, but definitely a fun foundation.
  14. Oh, it looks like I forgot to mention - a few days ago, Washudoll gave me the final wav for Boomer Kuwanger! I love this song, and Washudoll's work on the album period. This is the song he wanted to claim originally, so wait until you guys get to hear it . This puts us at 75% completion according to the list of wavs on the first post! At this point, I'm only worried about Demonstray finishing his tracks. That's right I'm calling you out!
  15. You're better off contacting him on TheShizz if you want to get in touch with him.
  16. IMO this thread has a high likelihood of killing off the novelty of such spur of the moment challenges in the community.
  17. I <3 this mix, a great take on Forest Interlude! It's so calming & has chippy goodness to it too.
  18. Calling it one of the most important issues of our generation is a bit stretching it, don't you think?
  19. Because I'm not interested in picking apart some poor arguments made more recently to get responded to by a block of text due to a lack of understanding, I'm going to just cut to the original post. They wouldn't be making the so-called shovelware if it didn't sell so well. It doesn't entitle someone to have a right to piracy for a product he/she did not create. Companies will naturally adapt, although arguably many don't adapt in the best way possible. There is no grave sin committed here though, and frankly it's not really an issue that would make piracy all of the sudden wrong. A crime is a crime. You don't seem to understand what made game prices raised in the first place. Development costs have soared this generation, and so publishers had to start charging a higher price in order to maintain their profit margins. Gamers have shown that they readily accept the market created by higher prices in bringing about a rapid expansion of the industry even through a bad economy, and new markets have risen to fill out the price spectrum better. Game prices deteriorate over time, and so the games will get cheaper for those patient enough to wait. The purpose of the higher initial price is to recoup the majority of costs & earn a particular threshold of profit additionally. The dynamics of the economics is more complicated than the simplified picture you're painting, and considering that you're trying to fit a simple theory to a situation not so simple, it shows that you do not grasp the theory itself. You do not even provide numbers, which I'm sure many of these big publishers already gather and analyze with a team of economists. Also, you're generalizing your opinions to the general populace, which I'm fairly confident are nonchalant about the issue although I dare not codify it as fact as you have. Please think about these things before going off on heated rants, you'd be the wiser for it.
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