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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. This version's defintiely an improvement, but there's still a handful of gnawing issues that are holding it down, mostly on the arrangement side of things. The lack of compression/punch on your drums has been pointed out already, but I'm not sure if it's been mentioned that you use the same drum loop for the entire song. Switching up the loops a bit and expanding on the drumwork as you progress through the song would really help bring up the intensity later on. The stuttering drums worked in the intro so maybe you could try employing a similar effect later in the song. As for the synth writing, it sticks pretty close to the original which isn't exactly kosher by OCR standards. Arranging the melody to make a bit more unique or personalized, or even some soloing at the climax of the song would not only bring this more into ReMix territory, but also make the song more interesting and less repetitive. The last thing that stuck out to me was the lack of bass on the song - I can tell you've got a synth playing a bass part, but it's really quiet and leaves that end of the frequency spectrum feeling rather empty. Not bad work overall, this definitely captures the cheery, punchy essence of the source tune. Just fine tune some of the things mentioned above and try to make the arrangement side of it feel a bit more personalized, and I think this would work a lot better as a ReMix. Keep at it!
  2. Get in touch with Zyko, he'll do wonders for ya
  3. Your link is broken, can you reupload? (possibly to a more reliable server like Tindeck or this.)
  4. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=32621 Hasn't made any posts yet, but this one just looks like trouble.
  5. 1.) There was teaser art posted a few pages back, and it was excellent. I've personally been working with the artist to coordinate on the back cover art too, and he's working hard to make things perfect. 2.) Bahamut's already got the money he needs to finance the album, so I don't know what you're on about there, either. People were more than happy to finance the album with or without a firm release date at the ready. 3.) The release date issue has been frustrating, yes. But in the long run, having the absolute best music possible will last us longer than we would have gained if Taucer had cut djp and found someone who could have got the songs done quicker. Once the project is out, I think the extra wait will have been worth it. (this is conjecture, but if you've listened to djp and virt's stuff, it's generally worth the wait for!)
  6. It's a legitimate concern, at least from my perspective. The last time we had a major album release (Xenogears) it was bumped off of the front page spot only a week after it was released by a much smaller project (Castlevania.) No offense meant to Joshua Morse, but if I were avaris and spent years upon years planning out a large scale project, I would be a little disappointed if it only saw a week on the front page. Ideally, every project would get its time in the limelight, but when you've got several projects that want to be released very close to each other, I think it's fairest to allow the largest project to be released last and therefore have the most "airtime" on the OCR front page.
  7. This is wonderfully chill and relaxing, but it still maintains that quality Aud-- err... Sole Signal feel I love the level of respect you have for the source tunes you remix, but at the same time it never feels like I'm listening to a remake or a cover of the original. Greg knows how to do a conservative(ish) remix right, more people should take note of this!
  8. We need to get Sting in here for a cover song, stat! Happy birthday!
  9. Aww You guys are all so awesome, thanks for totally making my day. I didn't expect to see one of these when I got home at all. To all of you guys, I appreciate it a lot! Also, special thanks to Brandon Strader for hooking me up with a birthday WIP for my project, that was pretty cool of him Thanks dude.
  10. I love how, from a general quality standpoint, Fishy's remixes from 3 years ago are almost indistinguishable from his new mixes. That's not meant to slight his new work, which is extremely good, but rather to compliment the timeless quality of his work This is a rather simple arrangement but it's very cohesive and an appropriate take on the source material. The whole thing can be described as very tasteful. Nice work!
  11. Yeah, you dropped the ball on SDB as well, you've just got lame regular rap on it Who wants to hear that?
  12. Heh, it's about time this finally got posted. I've been listening to it off of chth's Tindeck and I have to say that the properly leveled version is a lot more pleasant. I love how you integrated the low health sound effect into the song, it definitely was the initial attention grabber that made me like this song. Past that, it's pretty basic but gets into a fun, enjoyable groove nonetheless. The vocal clip was unnecessary IMO but meh, it's a personal preference thing. Not bad overall
  13. Willrock? More like Willsuck! ... okay then. Really, I'm not digging the opening synth choice - I dunno why, it just sounds MIDI-ish to me. But past that I really like your arrangement, a lot of the sounds remind me of AnSo's older stuff, which is good It's somewhat hard to go back to these songs because of how much your arrangement/production/sound quality has improved in the last few months, but at the same time I enjoy hearing Will in all his unadulterated cheesy-synthy glory like this from time to time. This is a good listen, but wait until you guys hear what he's got coming up in the pipeline!
  14. Wobbuffet? It's officially classified as a Patient Pokémon.
  15. This was my favorite song off of K.K. Setlist and it continues to stay that way now It's one of the relatively-few songs from that project that really felt like a complete song that was ready to see the light of day - the polish and attention to little sonic details is just what I'd expect from Andrew The acoustic guitar riffs felt slightly out of place, maybe just because of the tone, and there was a bit of bleeding between notes as Willrock pointed out to me. Nothing was there that stopped me from enjoying this one just as much as any of OA's songs that I've heard so far, though. Nice work dude
  16. Sorry dude, I fell asleep for a few hours pretty soon after I got home. I'm on now, but really we don't need to talk tonight. I've filled you in on most of the pressing details but the rest we can hammer out at your convenience.

  17. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still on board with this I've put in a lot of time to writing out the song more lately and I think I'm getting to a point where I'm happy with it. I'm gonna go record with my neighbor next Sunday so after that, you'll have a WIP (or possibly even something final, depends on how well I can play that day!) from me if that goes well! Best of luck with all this!
  18. Damn, I was hoping to have a 2-for-1 Lost and OCR album release day this Tuesday. Sorry it didn't work out :\
  19. All my contact info is in my profile, I'd like to work over IM if possible (you have an MSN address in your contact info so we could use that.) I'm actually almost done with the back cover design, I kinda got carried away. I showed it to Taucer and Bahamut and they both seemed to be okay with it, but I'd like to show it to you and see what you can do to make it look more stylized and interesting
  20. I've actually been working on a back cover since yesterday morning, and it's looking pretty good (I think! ) If you'd like to see what I've got going, Maverickk, get in touch with me somehow and we can figure out whether to use both of our designs or just scrap the idea I've been working on and let you handle it.
  21. Hehe, likewise :3 I love not only your project, but the crazy amount of progress you've made on it! Keep it up!

  22. One of you Bad Dudes REALLY needs to pick Dedede's theme, it just has to happen. That's such a great song and I've never heard a good remix of it before :\
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