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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Rozo, is this the one you're talking about? http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00704/
  2. The first 15 minutes, as well as the scene where he was looking through the scrapbook were pretty much the best Pixar moments I've ever seen. Coupled with the beautiful music, I was on the verge of tears a couple times in the movie. It was very melancholy for a Pixar movie, but it was executed so well. The animations and textures were flawless, as well. But the rest of the movie did absolutely nothing for me. Most of the gags felt kind of stale compared to what I've come to expect from Pixar, and the storyline itself just didn't entertain me much. The first 15 minutes of the movie were so great, it gave me the impression that the whole movie would be more of an introspective, quiet film that carried more of an emotional impact, and I ended up disappointed because of those expectations I set. There was a lot of merit to the movie, but it just made me realize how much I'd love it if Pixar would make an entire movie with the same mood and tone as the first 15 minutes of Up, crossed with the lighter-hearted, but still low-key and personal opening scenes of Wall-E. Obviously it's an unrealistic thing to expect, but I'd still like to see Pixar expand on the themes they introduced in the opening scenes of this movie and carry out that mood in a full-length movie geared more towards adults.
  3. Brilliant start, as always. The song progresses beautifully and I really like the way the drums build up in particular. This reminds me of djp's Sunken Suite but with more personality and overall production/arrangement quality. I don't really have any particular feedback on how to improve, but I think you're on the right track with this. I can't wait to see your work get submitted and published, you're an AMAZING remixer and you deserve to be recognized for it!
  4. Haha, I actually just made some money off of DKC2 the other day. I bet my brother that I could beat the game 102% in one day, without getting any game overs, and beating my previous personal best time (5 hours and 3 minutes.) I ended up beating it in 4:30 'course, it was only 5 bucks and I got paid in spare change, but still... money for playing videogames is always good! There were some levels that just sucked in terms of repeatedly dying... I can't remember any aside from the obvious Animal Antics, but it did remind me just how hard this game could be at times! I plan on rerunning the game again right before this album releases, too. I'd like to get some other people from this site to do the same thing and we'll compete for bragging rights
  5. That's great to hear about the extra surprises - I was starting to think that I'd spoiled most of the magic of the project by overlistening to the preview track. I have no self control D: Glad to hear things are moving along though!
  6. Remixers, don't listen to this dude. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Leak, leak, leak like a cheap tampon!
  7. I can't wait to check out the preview tracks on 8-Bit Radio when I get home! I'm really psyched for that and the interview. I hope the bLiNd track that's gonna be played is the one from the MAGFEST preview!
  8. This is a pretty incredible song for me - I've never played Final Fantasy VI, and yet I get a nostalgic feel from this song all the same. I think that I've listened to this mix so many times (it was one of the first that I discovered on the site) that it's become nostalgic in its own respect. I can't say that for very many remixes here. It's so simple, but the instrument samples are great and the arrangement is pure and heartfelt, it feels exactly like the remix title implies; sorrowful, somber, and cold - the pining song sung by a hero's heart as he witnesses a comrade fall in the midst of a wintry battlefield, pensive and mellow, yet transcendantly powerful at the same time. I'm rambling here, but I think this is one of the most emotive remixes on the site, and to me, it conveys exactly what the title leads you to expect. I've never played the game this song is from, so I don't know the context it's used in, but this piece practically creates its own context simply through the music and title. Beautiful stuff.
  9. Given the progress shown on the original post, what would lead you to believe that this particular one would fall short? Even if that last track was never finished, I can't think of any reason why this wouldn't be released at some point in the near future
  10. Dude, you *have* to finish this mix. Your Manoria Cathedral mix was great, but I think that if you could extend this one and expand on the ideas you've created so far, I think you could definitely surpass that landmark. I love the drum/percussion work and the ambience level of the song is just right - nothing feels drowned out by reverb. Some of the drums remind me of the sample used in the Phazon Mines theme (sorry for the vagueness, I'm not familiar with the actual name ) which would fit incredibly well with this type of mix. I'd love to see more of that tpe of drum come up as the song progresses. This is officially on my watch list, great job! Oh, and the title that you're using is perfect, you should definitely keep that title when you finalize the mix (which should be ASAP!
  11. Good God, I'm blown away. Absolutely drop-dead amazing collaboration. I've unknowingly listened to Dan's vocal work before, but I never associated his name to tracks like "Knuckleduster" before. However, when I first listened to this tune I immediately recognized his excellent vocals. Zyko's rapping started off a little awkward in the first few lines, but I think it worked out as the delivery speed picked up just a little bit. Parts of it reminded me of Sage Francis' style, which works well with Zyko's voice IMO. Even if you're not a fan of zyko's rapping, you've gotta give him credit for being such an experimental artist that's willing to go to a lot of different places with his skill. Great lyrics all around, as well. That's one problem I've had with a handful of fan-made vocal mixes - the lyrics are quite often extremely lame. Didn't have that problem here. Vig guitar is great. That's pretty much to be expected. I'd love to have a twin-guitar breakdown at the end with zkyo also chipping in with his signature shredding style, but oh well. One of the best vocal mixes on the site, I can't believe I missed out on this one until now.
  12. Definitely the kind of mix I can appreciate. It's full of energy, but with the exception of a few remixers, I've found that plain guitar mixes have kind of lost their appeal to me. That's where this mix shines - the extensive instrumentation really brings this song to a new level of awesomeness I look forward to seeing what you can bring to the table in the future, and to the DKC2 remix album in particular. I'm excited to hear your track for that!
  13. Ah yeah, I didn't take that into account. It could be that the VGMix version is just a WIP (I wasn't able to download it) but from reading the comments, it sounds like they're talking about the exact same song that I'm listening to now.
  14. If memory serves, that song has been released for quite some time now, perhaps even longer than the project's been around. It's been on VGMix for a while, so unless I'm getting my dates mixed up, I'd guess that tepid just took an existing WIP/finished song and submitted it to the album. If VGMix would load, I'd be able to look at upload dates and see if I'm right, but it's being a pain right now ._. EDIT: According to VGMix comments, Crystal Swamp was first commented on on 1/15/08, a few months before this project was even started. Well, that explains how an early copy got released
  15. This is pretty tight. I'm not sure if I liked the section in the middle with all the tempo shifting though, but the rest of it was pretty sweet. The first half left me wanting way more acoustic guitar though. Great ending. Thanks for the unintentional full preview track
  16. Oh, that's cool. Any other hidden tracks that I should be aware of?
  17. Stellar arrangement man, I'd love to see this get posted some day. I can't really say much on the production side of things because I wouldn't have the slightest clue what I was talking about, but as far as arrangement goes, I think you're pretty much set. I do think it would be cool to get someone like Tepid or a similar-styled guitarist to record the guitar live though, I think that would bump up the song quality a notch. Best of luck with the judge's panel!
  18. So, I take it that the Game Over theme won't get featured on this album? Or will it get mixed in with another song perhaps? It's not an overly memorable source, but I was curious about it anyway since it was part of the soundtrack. I've probably listened to the preview track over 30 times now, it's probably not a good idea to do that so frequently ._. I'll try to make myself stop listening to it until the project launches so I don't get burnt out. Also, seeing Patrick Burns pick up another track is just awesome!
  19. I don't really have time to give my full impressions of the album, which I'd like to do at some point because it's one of my favorite album projects ever, but I've got one question about a particular track that's been eating at me. On VGMDB, it says that injury contributed vocals to "Altar Perception" (which is, by far, my favorite track on the album and one of my favorite songs of all time) but honestly, I can't hear any vocals whatsoever. Can someone help me find them? This has been killing me for quite some time now
  20. ^^ Doesn't worry me much. While it would have been nice to get it on the front page, there was nothing wrong with the quality of the mix itself mentioned in the judging thread, which is reassuring. Plus, Sixto mixes are always awesome and judging by the preview clip, this one was no exception
  21. Definitely one of the most unique and entertaining mixes I've heard recently, I'm always impressed by your work AeroZ Admittedly, I'm not a fan of the introduction, but that's just a personal preference issue, not a knock against the quality of your work.
  22. Haha, I've got a serious bias towards that song, to be fair It's my fav. videogame song of all time. Knowing the style of music that you usually make, though, I had no idea how you were going to approach such a mellow source tune, but you seem to have handled it great.
  23. Bahamut, can you clarify the song used at 3:21 in the first preview you posted in this thread? I couldn't recognize and I don't think it's even in the second preview. It came right before Run, Rambi Run.
  24. I have a feeling that Fishy's Forest Interlude is going to be one of, if not the best song I've ever heard in my life. It didn't really hit me the first time I listened to the preview, but the second time was a practically euphoric experience. Well done man. I am so psyched for this project I can't even begin to express it. Patrick Burns, Audix, and Joshua Morse all have some absolutely stellar tracks too, I can't wait. The collab on Mining Melancholy is also quite impressive, I didn't think I would enjoy a rap version of it but the lyrics are pretty tight. Color me impressed guys, I can't wait to hear the full versions of all this!! @Hobocop: With a few exceptions towards the beginning, these tracks pretty much go in order of the tracks in the original post.
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