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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Just listened to the preview... Here's my opinions as someone who has no knowledge of music whatsoever: I can't tell what the first track is D: I kind of heard Lost World Anthem in there but I can't really tell. Excellent drum work in the first half of the segment. 2:21, is this Snakey Chantey? This sounds like an alright track, but the style doesn't fit with the original at all in my opinion. It's way too mellow for such an upbeat source. Maybe it picks up more in the actual track. Jib Jig is good stuff, I love this style of music 3:21? What's the source here? Krook's March was EXACTLY like I'd hoped it would be! Definitely my favorite track of the preview. Oh man, I really, REALLY can't wait to hear this song. Run, Rambi Run isn't my favorite style of music, but it's growing on me so I'll give Zyko the benefit of the doubt here and say that I'll probably end up liking the whole track. Primal Rave sounds like it has a lot of potential. Reminds me of a more fleshed-out version of Dry Lagoon from Sonic Adventure Overall, some standout tracks and a handful of meh ones, but nothing bad in my opinion. I'm hoping to hear a bit more diversity in the final project; there seemed to be a LOT of rock songs in the preview and, while they were pretty good, I hope the final album isn't flooded with them since a lot of the source tunes just don't seem like they'd lend themselves to that genre :\ I don't really know why I put so much time into "reviewing" a short preview, but naturally I have high hopes for the remix of my favorite videogame soundtrack of all time, and I guess I'm just really excited for this Thanks for putting this together!!
  2. Wow, this is one of my favorite rock remixes to date. Very energetic and it's got a bit more diversity than your average guitar mix, which is what makes it stand out so much. My only problem is that it feels like it's over so fast. It's not really a short remix, but it flies by so fast that I find myself dying for more as soon as it's finished.
  3. The introduction was intense, I had to listen to it a few times just to figure out what was going on. Incredible job, you guys!
  4. @ Canidrianic: That's how I felt about this mix too, though I don't really have a problem with rapping in general. If you had the vocals spread out throughout the song, I would have liked it. If you had just saved the vocals for another song and left this as an instrumental, I would have liked it too. What you've got going here is very good, but I'll echo the other opinions that it seems out of place so late in the song. For a first sub though, it's not bad by any means! After listening to it a few times, the rapping itself has really grown on me, so kudos on that. It's definitely left me wanting more of it. And the lyrics are especially tight, that's possibly my favorite part of this song now that I see them in print. Damn fine work, my only complaint after half-a-dozen listens is that the rapping comes in too late. The best line is "Don't bother with her, she's too late to mourn" which I assume was a reference to the point in Twilight Princess when this song is played
  5. Wow, given the time limit, many of the tracks on here sound better than a lot of songs you hear on standard projects. I'm very impressed by all of this, but I guess when the cause is worth it, it's much easier to put together something this great in such little time. Bravo! It's great to hear you're doing as well as you are, Blind - my dad is suffering from the same thing and I can only hope he recovers as fast as you did. Best of luck to you! I gotta say, The Wingless' track is probably my favorite on here. I thought he was bragging earlier about having 2 tracks on the album, though - am I creating false memories, or what? I wish there were 2 Wingless tracks on the album! And, of course, it's great to hear more from Blind himself, too - stellar as always!
  6. That's crazy, I can't believe it's been a year... I was just listening to one of his songs today and thought about him... It's such a shame, just by listening to his remixes here on this site, I could tell that he was a talented and passionate individual with a love for his art that had the potential to do extraordinary things with his gift. I tear up inside every time I listen to one of his songs now because of how great a loss it was to this community. He was probably one of the best pianists to grace this site, and it's a shame that we couldn't have seen more of his work, cause I'm sure it would have been great. I don't come onto these forums often, but this is one of those occasions that I feel wrong not paying tribute to such a great musician and, from what I understand, a great guy too. Rest in peace...
  7. Very mellow in a unique way. It's been a long time since I've gotten a new DKC mix on my playlist, so I'm extra-happy to see this on OCR This is the kind of mix that will only grow on me as time passes. The only thing that bugs me is the animal noises at 3:36, but that's just a personal preference issue. Overall, this was a great first submission on your part and I think I'm going to be listening to this one a lot in the future!
  8. I don't post here often, but this kind of thing just saddens me and I had to stop in and offer my prayers and best wishes. BliNd was the first real experience I had with trance music, and he was one of the first artists I actually checked out on this site. I've never spoken with him personally, from the sounds of things, his personality was just as great as his music. Best of wishes, hopefully he'll be back to doing what he does best in no time
  9. Lol, yeah, I'm having such a darn hard time navigating this site I just realized it eventually. I think I understand it now *feeling very stupid* Thanks for the clarification
  10. Looks like both Audix tracks and Jill's got 1st in their respective categories. Congratulations to the two of you
  11. As soon as I figure out how to work this site (I don't think it's loading properly) I'll cast some votes for both Audix and Jill Both of you are amazing musicians and it'd be a pleasure to help you both out!
  12. Great work Rize!! It's good to see a familiar face showing up on OCR finally :] Awesome arrangement, and congrats on your big return!
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