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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Please someone do a rendition of "Illusionary Dance" from Castlevania. It actually became associated with Dracula for more than one or two games, which I loved because it's a great tune to begin with and because I think there's so much power in "Boss Themes" with games.
  2. Wow, that was pretty in-depth and informative. You must really hate him to go into that length.
  3. Motoi Sakuraba...wow. My first of him was Arcus Odyssey. Fucking awesome soundtrack. But yeah, Guilty Gear had pone of my best rock soundtracks ever. Perfectly fast-paced and kick-ass.
  4. My stuff comes up twice out of the top 4 search results with my username. Guess it's better than nothing.
  5. What kind of camera do you have now, Bigfoot?
  6. The beginning of that actually made me think of some Silent Hill music. It's nice.
  7. Hey, fuck you. You knew that a while ago. =P
  8. This is true. I'm not saying he's bad as a PERSON. He's probably a really fun guy who I'd be happy to hang with. I guess the fangirl in me takes things a wee bit too seriously at times.
  9. He always came off as being too fucking nitpicky for my tastes. Of course now that I'm doing video game reviews, I'm starting to be likened to him.
  10. You mean he hasn't done the world a favor and overdosed yet? I kid. I believe he was overshadowed in favor of Yahtzee. I'm not really kidding.
  11. Because anything that was turned from 2D to 3D was awesome beyond the original. Sorry. The bar's too high.
  12. Wow, is it really that time of the year already? Damn. Unless there are multiple Free Comic Book Days.
  13. I was going to say Mad Max meets Pokemon.
  14. I actually don't think I've ever tried making a Poison Necro. I almost always go Bone. I'll have to try that.
  15. God, another reason to keep playing that game. You bastards. I'm username 'Sindra' on USEast. I dunno if my USWest account is still active.
  16. Nah, no way mine'll get done in time, so yet again I'm bowing out this round. Fucking-A.
  17. I'll try and pump something out by end of day Saturday, but I've got ToraCon in Rochester and then work that entire day. We'll see.
  18. Coop's only 23? Why'd I think he was older than me? Have a good one though!
  19. Considering the FAC's renditions there have been, you guys should know what artists lurk around these parts. Myself included. My art can be seen on my DA site mostly. Link below the sig. Contact me if interested. I can do it for dirt cheap or for....favors.
  20. Hah, it's a good feeling, isn't it? Unfortunately I tend to only get those after having been at a convention selling art. ;_;
  21. No, "survival" should be a combination of fleeing/hiding, tactics, and fighting. Silent Hill always had room for a combat edge to it, because it was believable. If you were trapped in a fog-world with dozens of horrific creatures straight from your nightmares, you're survival instinct should tell you "find something to defend yourself with", because chances are pretty much definite that you'll need at least a knife or a wrench to brandish at creatures you may not be able to run from in time. Sorry for going on a tirade about it, but only having a "flee" aspect to the game and no combat is out-of-character for Silent Hill. Have at least *some* defensive-combat. It's honestly more believable than having none at all if you really think about it in terms of realism. And honestly, I didn't mind the fact that you could only get into certain locked rooms either in only mist-world or only other-world. It was frustrating as hell, yeah...but it added to the exploration part of the game. Never knew what nasties would be in a room that had been locked in a different phase of Silent Hill.
  22. Huh....you know, this one I actually may have some trouble thinking up something good for.
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