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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Yeah, was this credited at the end of the episode? I know several shows that will flash the albums of whatever songs they used at the end of the show. Though, granted...most of those were for the WB.
  2. We're nothing if not a "helpful" community. Couldn't say that with a straight face, just fyi.
  3. Remember this place and us when you're famous. ;_;
  4. So disappointed I didn't get to color mine, but I'm too constrained for time lately.
  5. Happy Birthday Andy. Be online more asshole. ;_;
  6. Pencils are all done. Dunno if I'll get it fully colored in time for the deadline, so if that's the case I'll just submit the inking. Either way, I have something this time around.
  7. Wow, I just realized how random having Tuesday as a deadline is. I was so used to it being the last Sunday of each month.
  8. Didn't see this the first time around. Damn....this is why I like the skinny white guys. They're wily and you never know what they're capable of. Awesome sounds.
  9. Very nicely done. I always liked your format, even though you admit to mimicking Yahtzee, I feel yours is still different. (I mean, how many new ways can things be brought across to people?) I kind of mimic it myself in the videos I do. Is your voice really that high-pitched?
  10. Still in pencil sketching stage. I'm cyked about it though.
  11. Yeah, most anime is classified by the artist who draws certain memorable styles, such as Miyazaki, Toriyama, Obata, etc. Manga is the same, as I can pick out stuff by Yuki Kaori and Yoshitaka Amano by a glance, but there is usually slight differences in manga styled-art as opposed to anime styles...most notably shading differences and use of line technique and medium. Ayami Kojima's stuff also falls in here, though her stuff is video-game, it's more based in manga style than anime. You have your super-deformed, or 'Chibi' style, which is usually very big head and very small body and looking as cute as possible. Art styles sometimes go along with the genre of anime and manga as well. Shoujo and Shonen anime/manga usually has a distinct style about it that's more or less uniform except for artist's personal styles being mixed in.
  12. Yeah, you're better off printing them elsewhere, and selling them yourself. I've used Kinkos in the past, which worked ok. Then I got a new Epson printer and just got high-quality print paper and printed them myself to sell at conventions. Yeah, DeviantArt is nowhere worth it unless you're really good and popular enough to gain enough interest in your stuff.
  13. Oooo...I also get Visa WorldPoints on every dollar I spend (sometimes double points)....and I'm so eying a mini food processor right now to redeem them for. =D
  14. I was always of the mind that surviving on your debit/check card would be preferable, since I would constantly hear about how cousins of mine would get themselves in ridiculous amounts of debt because they got theirs and acts like morons with spending. However, once I started paying my own tuition for the junior college I went to, I figured I finally needed one. Had nothing to do with wanting good credit or anything....I just wanted more time to pay off my tuition. Debit card only held off a few days before taking the money out of my account. With a credit card, I had a whole month to make sure I had enough funds. Since I've had the card (through my bank too, thankfully), I've always paid the entire amount off when it's due, rather than the minimum $15, so no interest charges have hit me yet. Only a few times when my payment didn't get accepted by the due-date did I ever get charged fees for being late.
  15. Hmmm...I have been wanting a PS3, but only for a handful of games that cost a shit-ton. Though having the blu-ray player would be a nice extra.
  16. That was stellar. "With apologies to Alan Moore."
  17. Eh...I'm pissed at Marvel for punishing their fans for liking their stuff enough to share parts with others.
  18. I wrote a small article to promote not only this new album, but the community albums as a whole. http://powet.tv/wordpress/2009/03/09/obscure-find-of-the-week-ocr-albums/ Hope it helps get the word out.
  19. I can tell you what you shouldn't read for him - Civil War. Irondickery abound.
  20. Too bad they'll never touch upon that in Spider-Man Movieverse.....unless someone revamps it like the Batman franchise.
  21. Already started sketching mine. I'm getting a jump on this early so I don't have a repeat of last month's miss.
  22. The more exposure, the better. Last contest garnered a huge response.
  23. Sweetness! Great theme! Now I just have to come up with a good idea.
  24. Shit, I shoulda voted. olie! would have been my top. Don't give up all you new peeps!
  25. One can only hope. And by one I mean me and the other artists here.
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