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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Yeah...sorry guys. I am again missing this month. ;_; Too much going on and not enough time to finish things during THE WEEK.
  2. You and me both. Change it back to being due on the last Sunday of each month!!
  3. AD has a birthday? I always thought he simply an omnipotent presence that we had the pleasure of having loom over us like a damn fog. Cheers.
  4. Her "Lost Painting" from Symphony of the Night gave me a chill....I'll admit it.
  5. Thus far I've heard pretty much all positive reviews from friends and acquaintances. I'm very much interested in even just watching it being played.
  6. Still trying to think of something good. Gah...racking my brains.
  7. Not so. Soma is Dracula's reincarnation. Therefore, he's Dracula's soul. He *IS* Dracula, but with another personality. Lets say its the virtuous personality Dracula had when he was still Mathias during the Crusades pre-vampire days. Really, if you go by Dawn of Sorrow's Julius-mode, Soma became Dracula pretty much totally, except that he was a white-haired pretty boy instead of a white-hair scary guy who is a head taller than everyone else. (looking at your sig there, Relyan) <end off-topic rant> I honestly hope the Lords of Shadow are other vampires, because I want the Castlevania world to be expanded upon other than Dracula being the only big-bad-vampire with only a handful of other lesser-vamps floating around.
  8. He retconned Legacy from his "official" timeline, meaning if you want to go by what games are influenced by what games, Legacy and Cornell would be unofficial tie-ins. Iga acknowledges Legacy, as well as Legends and CV64, but doesn't feel they fit into HIS timeline. (prompting mass griping at him from fans for trying too hard to make a believable timeline) Cornell was put into Judgment to give the game more balance and because, despite being retconned, he's still a very popular character amongst fans. Lords of Shadow being before Lament of Innocence could work, and I'll tell you why. Kojima and Dave Cox already said this game will have no connections to any other game in the series. (though I'm skeptical to believe it will have no mention of anything from the other games at all) Having the game happen between Lament and Dracula's Curse would run the risk of Dracula already inhabiting Castlevania itself since he became its master after he became a vampire at the end of LoI...which would also negate the idea that the Belmonts didn't encounter Dracula/Mathias again until CV3 because Drac was supposedly laying low. Having Lords of Shadow happen before Lament takes away the risk of running into the other games because chronologically they hadn't happened yet, but Castlevania itself is still there and vampires were around long before Dracula since there were Walter and Joachim, and I'm guessing more. All speculation of course. I could be totally wrong and they might try to slip it in after Lament, but I'm guessing they don't want to step on Iga's precious timeline which is why they are staying away from this game interacting with any others...which means the less interaction with Dracula the better. Or....they could take a big shit on everything and not give a damn. Hell, Judgment already did that, and it wasn't put to the torch.
  9. If it takes place before Lament of Innocence there is.
  10. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if they left Death out of this one, especially if it's not connected to the other games. I mean, he's as iconic in the CV games as Dracula himself...but he's not necessary. In fact, I'm still not even sure they might be using Dracula for this game. All they really need are vampires of some sort and Castlevania itself.
  11. HAHAHA, isn't that the fucking truth. I actually had to ask him once and was shocked they weren't already.
  12. Nope, the little bastards were in Curse of Darkness though.
  13. Oh, you mean the Rippers? Yeah, pain in the ass x 2.
  14. We're talking Fleamen....not medusa heads.
  15. That's the point...you're supposed to hate them with a passion, lil' fuckers.
  16. Yes, they actually had a BUDGET with this. It's like....unheard of in a Castlevania game.
  17. True. I remember back in the day when I said "Christ I wish Castlevania were more like God of War." So, retro-wish granted?
  18. Yeah, one of my only reservations is that it might turn out like God of War with vampires. Edit: - Trailer's up http://www.konami.jp/kojima_pro/e3_2009/castlevania/
  19. Yeah, remember that trailer for that game "Lords of Shadow" that surfaced last year, and how much it looked like Castlevania what with the chain-sword-whip and the Simon Belmont-looking guy? Looks like it will be, in fact, a Castlevania game. And Hideo Kojima is involved. That mysterious MASK project that was being hinted towards by Kojima Productions? Yeah, this was it. And it's being produced by someone *other than* Igarashi. More specifically Dave Cox of Konami Europe, along with MercurySteam. And it's slated for 2010 on 360 and PS3. This very well could be the new Symphony of the Night for this generation. If it is, I will be so stoked. Beyond stoked. Uber-stoked.
  20. Love the Skeleton Frisky is pretty much name only. Oh, and experience they give. FRISKY!
  21. First , I would like to say I'm sincerely disappointed that June is not Boss Month. It should be a staple. Srsly. Had mine all picked out. However, this is a good alternative that I can salvage.
  22. I'll more than likely be there, though doubtful I'll be at the panel. I'll be in the art show again though.
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