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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Dude....seriously? He got banned again? Here's mine: http://sindra.brinkster.net/misc/vectormanfinalsmall.jpg I was listening to Wagstaff's Vectorman Project Album almost the entire time I drew this. Edit: He says he's only banned until 11pm tomorrow. Guess there's a 24 hour reprieve.
  2. I'll be handing mine in probably right at midnight tonight. It's turning out great, but the background is what's taking forever.
  3. They were good. CN felt threatened by the awesomeness.
  4. I know. ;_; I mean, I could certainly try, but it would need my undivided attention to do proper justice to, and I honestly don't have that kind of free time right now with school and two jobs. I can barely get my entries for the art contests here done on time.
  5. Original Castlevania and Sonic & Knuckles And Starcraft.
  6. Seph....you're awesome. Truly. Watching your video, I couldn't help but think back to a handful of times I'd be playing a Castlevania game (ie. Symphony or Aria), and ended up spending hours looking up all the weapons references. You have stuff from religion to Tolkien thrown in there, which I always found to be interesting.
  7. It's looking more and more like I very well might have to quit one of my jobs in order to go to MAGfest this year, because it requires me to work every Saturday except two of my choice which will have already been used by then. We'll see how that goes though. I'm still tentative.
  8. I guess he was more thinking that the Gamestop Nazis would come after him. Which would, of course, be hilarious. Or it would if he hadn't disabled comments. He's even got a song from Project Chaos as the opener for Episode 3.
  9. Who's ever checked this guy out: http://www.youtube.com/user/WhistleBlowerZero He basically copies Yahtzee intentionally, but instead of reviews he makes episodes that consist of him explaining why Gamestop sucks.
  10. Already done with the inking and flat colors....which is a good thing since schoolwork is now piling up and I'll have to set this aside for a while more than likely.
  11. Already done sketching and have begun inking. Getting a leg up on things this month.
  12. Score! Hehe....I have just the idea too. And if that doesn't work out, I have a backup idea.
  13. See, that's my confusion. Are we including all types of robots like Megaman, or "Mecha" in the stylized sense of "Mechanized Armor" akin to Gundam and the like?
  14. Eh, the only reason I get any kind of upset is because of the amount of time I put into my stuff, which honestly could go faster but I take my time. That by no means is to say mine are better than anyone else's. Didn't mean to sound egotistical. Much.
  15. I can think of robots to use, but not necessarily mecha. Shows how little mech games I play.....except for Dynasty Warriors Gundam, which doesn't count.
  16. I had a great theme picked out again too. ;_;
  17. Half an hour left. Just remember how much hard work and effort when into the *cough* fully colored and shaded pieces *cough*. Yup. No shame.
  18. Hells yes, so participate dammit! Vote peoples!
  19. I do what I can to bring the masses together.
  20. The whole damn thing. It's like a high school debate on who does the most work for what site. "I've got the biggest musically-inspired dick!" "No I do!"
  21. Wait, when did this become a debate?
  22. HAH! Finally done! Took me for fucking ever to finish due to so many damn layers and texturizing of the BG, but it's DONE! For the record, zombies are damn hard to draw.
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