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Everything posted by Nutritious

  1. Sounds good. I'll check out youtube, but if you have a specific example, feel free to send it over. Also, could you isolate the saxophone part(s) for me and send it over? Either midi or audio file would work fine. Nutritious414 at gmail.
  2. Well, if you need a sax player (and don't find anyone else), I'd be willing to take it on. One caveat though, we recently had a baby (3 mo. old now), so I'm pretty limited on opportunities to record. If you're willing to wait a little while, I'll eventually get a chance to lay the tracks down. Based on what you've got here, the sax part sounds pretty straight forward from a technical perspective - wouldn't be hard to record. I play an alto and can play with a classical mouthpiece for a softer tone if you want. Anyway, if you're interested, let me know.
  3. Ok, so I'm trying to raise the tempo in my song to experment with different speeds. When I click and drag the tempo up (with the two-sided arrow), it will go up slowly (as normal) about 7 bpm, then, it instantly jumps up 50 bpm. I can't drag it back down, only up at this point. If I want to lower it, I have to let go of the mouse button, reclick, then drag it down. This is extremely irritating as I can no longer manually record tempo automations for a more natural sounding change. I can only use edit events, unless I want a sudden 50 bpm jump in tempo. This is occuring at all times, not in just one specific project. Anyone else seen this problem before?
  4. Hey guys. I put together this song fairly quickly today with some random inspiration. May eventually use this as one of the soundtracks on a game, but not really sure. [links removed for lack of interest] The intro is pretty sparse so far and some of the parts are just placeholders. Anyway, feedback/ideas always appreciated.
  5. Voted. Better vote tonight (unless you wanna get up before 5AM EST). Crazy time differences!
  6. I'm just curious how long, on average, everyone spends on their finished mixes - especially those who've submitted accepted mixes on the site. Do you spend most of your time on arrangement, mixing, mastering? How much time do you spend refining your mixes (days, weeks, months?)? I'm just curious because I tend to get really into mixing a specific song, which can last anywhere from a week, to 2-3 weeks, but then I find myself somewhat losing interest in it. Anyone have a similar experience? Do you just have to work through it to still try to produce a quality piece?
  7. Well, You might want to start here for your gear questions and here for remixing tutorials. I'd recommend trying out demos of various DAW's (like FL Studio, Reason, etc.) before buying anything so you can get a feel for how the workflow of the programs work and see what you like the best. It's by no means a short process to learn and takes a lot of practice, experimentation, and dedication.
  8. So... you guys gonna take a shot at a remix? Anyone wanting to make a sig for it?
  9. Oops, sorry Rexy, it's actually Track 1 on the OST (I ripped it real fast from the OST just now to try and clear up any confusion). Now that I think about it, the track played during the gameplay and not the title screen - it's been a LONG time since I played the game. Ah well, comedy of errors I've caused already, eh?
  10. Nice, I've been waiting for this to get posted since hearing it on the WIP boards. I think he's done a great job capturing the feel of the game and fusing the electronic/orchestral elements very well. Yeah, the (lack of) transitions are a bit disappointing, but each section is very well done in its own right. Nice string/choral patches and brass (man some of this brass REALLY cuts through everything). Very moving stuff.
  11. I think it was Final Fantasy IV or VI that brought me here originaly - after searching on the web for music from them several years ago. Too bad I lurked for a long time before joining up. Among the first remixes I downloaded: DJP's Mute Radiology, Adventure is in the air by EmptyMy, & Bloody Hell by Ailsean and Kaijin. Well, he just had this remix posted a couple weeks ago.
  12. http://doulifee.com//Storage/OC_Removed/Final_Fantasy_7_Mako_Reactor_Oc_Removed.mp3
  13. A buddy and I are currently looking at some purchases to get a recording/demo studio set up for his business. Currently, we're trying to decide on a few key items, so I was gonna see if I could get some input here first: 1) New Desktop: either PC or Mac. It won't ever be on the internet, so viruses etc won't be a concern. Trying to get the most bang for our buck, power wise (something we won't need to upgrade too soon) and something as quiet as possible. I've been checking out sites like avadirect for pc's, but can't seem to get the same power, dollar wise, as some of the mac machines. I have 0 experience with macs personally, but we haven't ruled them out by any means. 2) DAW: Pro Tools or Logic. Mainly leaning towards Pro Tools here, but I know there are a lot of strong opinions here for either. Obviously, Logic won't be an option if we decide to go PC. Is anyone very familiar with the different packages of Pro Tools? We're looking at the 003 series, but trying to get useful info from digidesign.com is like pulling teeth. Something to note: I'm the more technical/sequencer oriented person while he's the one with experience in studios and professional production/performance - so something he can pick up easily would be ideal. 3) Keyboard: fully weighted and 88-key board. We've checked out some keyboards at the music store already, but no decisions yet. We're wanting something that will work well in a studio setting with a decent set of sounds and options. I'm just hoping to get a few opinions as all the options are a bit overwhelming. Thanks.
  14. I guess it could just be me, but I'd think with that computer and card, you shouldn't have ANY problems with UT2K3 (don't know about hellgate), especially on normal settings. I'd wager something's wrong with the system. Do you have the latest graphics drivers? Have you tried reinstalling them in a while? Also, do you have any programs to monitor your temperatures (i.e. speedfan I think it's called)? If so, can you post them while running one of the games?
  15. My entry's almost done. EDIT: Done and uploaded. Man DZ, this source is tough. Weird chords/progression/melody. I'm pretty happy with what came out of it though
  16. Ok, so as I mentoined in a Remixing thread, I'm looking to possibly get EWQLSO Silver, but I want to make sure I understand that I'll be able to use it effectively before I buy it. Basically, I'm wanting to use the FL workflow, so I was planning on using it as a VST instrument. However, I was wondering if there's any way to route several different sounds to different tracks (not mixer tracks, step sequencer tracks) from a single instance of EWQL, rather than loading an instance of EWQL for every single instrument and killing my computer's resources (or would it be ok?). Anyone with experience with VST's/EWQLSO that can help?
  17. Man, I picked this up the first time around and it was HARD . I probably should've tried out the lower difficulty, but I hate doing easy mode in games.
  18. MOO:2? This post is automatically win. That game is epic.
  19. As the title suggests, I'm looking to purchase a good sample library for orchestral instruments and am trying to figure out which library to choose. I'd be using it for full orchestral songs, small ensemble/single instrument use as backing for contemporary music, and electronic music hybrid stuff. I'm looking to spend ~$200, which so far has led me to either Garritan Personal Orchestra, or the EWQL Silver Bundle (both silver and silver Pro XP together). Does anyone have experience with these libraries that can help me out? I don't quite understand the different between the EWQL bundles (pro xp vs just normal and gold vs silver, etc.) so any info about that would also be helpful.
  20. Nice take on this theme - cool ideas. -Right ear is very hot/bright with that piano and maybe some other stuff. It's even louder later. I'd tone it down a bit. -Pretty hard panning on the pizzicato strings and piano, I'm not sure if it works here, but that's up to you -Needs a lot more bass presence I think. Especially at the intro, the low end should be really filled out. -I like how it's leading up to the main section, but I think it needs a lot more dynamics to make the transition exciting. Right now it just feels like it increases speed without much volume change. I'd love to hear a big, full hit with that chord at :48 after a strong buildup. -You've got some cool gating effects, but they seem a bit buried. -I like the effects at 1:11, but it seems to get pretty cluttered. Not sure how to help you here. Not much more time to listen now, but keep it up - I love this source tune.
  21. Great watch; good insight to how music is really composed for games these days. Now I know what to do on my commute to work... ...though I don't want to die, so maybe I'll stick with my lunch break.
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