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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. I stayed for the credits, hoping that the pig would show up there. I figured they kept him out of the 2nd half only to play a "gotcha" moment on the audience in the credits as many movies are wont to do. But nope. He was gone. And I was a little upset/annoyed.
  2. 15. The Pezman doesn't know shit about OCR's forum legacy 16. All roads lead to 42nd and/or 34th Street station 17. If it's raining, bring a damn umbrella
  3. Who on earth would eat a whole pack of those? For the sake of the rest of you guys, Virt & Prozax threw packs of Mentos to the audience, but A_Rival had to bring them out to them beforehand. And for the sake of said guys as well as PP and myself, please tell us about the performance of said Rival.
  4. Man, I so totally CANNOT wait to see this. A Bruce Wayne clone with Peter Parker angst AND lots of awesome digital high-tech special effects for the awesome digital high-tech super suit to boot. This movie's got it all!
  5. But the real question is whether it's enough to make you play the Fest come January.
  6. Thread bump so I can hear about DJPretzel's name.
  7. I think we're in good shape then. Especially if it's just the three of us. Anyone else who wants to join us later will have the option, of course.
  8. DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA-NA-NA-NA-NA! Twas okay. I'm afraid to say much more for the sake of those who haven't seen it. But see it.
  9. Me. Jose? And, of course, Tenchar.
  10. I move for a transfer of Internet meme staying power from 4chan to us. We could do a much better job.
  11. This is poor news for me, as I will be in college at the time and without a means to download the torrent in all its lossless quality. ...there will be lossless, yes?
  12. Care to actually attend the show? Should we post our numbers so we can find each other?
  13. 27, huh? You're the oldest college junior I know.
  14. Regular Boss theme from Threads of Fate (entitled "Confrontators") Regular Boss theme from Metal Gear 2 (don't think it has a title) Both of these are very complex pieces, not staying in one time signature and featuring running background lines. I think this does well to represent the tension and confusion that can exist during a boss fight (for reference, I'm also a fan of Chrono Trigger's boss theme). I would love to remix them, but I can't arrange them, and I think leaving any part out really takes away from the feel of either piece. Just a MIDI arrangement is fine. Oh, I can link to the songs, but I'm not 100% sure if the links would be in accordance with OCR's policies. So if you're interested, respond or PM me.
  15. My biggest concern is when and where to meet. What we end up doing before the show is of little consequence to me... I had a good time just chilling in the snack place and playing music.
  16. Doesn't have to be, depending on what we do. If we go to Central Park that's zero dollars. If we go bum around at Nintendoworld that's also zero dollars. If we play arcade games in Chinatown it's only the cost of playing the games that we have to pay. Aside from transportation, but that's $2 no matter where we're going.
  17. I don't know, and I never want to.
  18. I've got a small favor to ask youse guyz. Not as members of OCR, but as individuals who (probably) heard about this at MAGfest and don't mind helping out: Otakon is a ridiculously huge event, and if I were going I would break out the Chrono Trigger Novel Project signature sheets to get an assload of signatures. However, I'm not, and I was hoping one of you might be kind enough to sent a few sheets around and get signatures. I imagine you could gain quite a few just by casually mentioning it at the OCR panel, but any other sigs you could get would be totally appreciated. Afterwards you could send them to me, and I'd take it from there. Anyone out there able to help me out?
  19. Do you think there'd be time to sit down and talk about remix techniques?
  20. Guess I'll tell all those deaf people life just isn't worth living.
  21. Bump for update/guilt trip. PS: Can you save the individual pitched notes so sample packs for other programs can be made?
  22. Wherever is fine for me. The west side is a bit easier for me but it shouldn't be a big problem to navigate to Grand Central. Haven't been to either of the locations mentioned in some time... could be nice.
  23. ::shrug:: DJP's the one who brought it up. I was just posting for interest. w00tz.
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