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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Bump, because I thought of something. I have spoken to a couple of people informally, asking if we could sit down face to face to discuss remixing. I think that with in-person guidance I could really start to make some headway. The couple of people have agreed, which is good, but I was wondering if we couldn't make this an official event. I can't be the only person who wants to mix but doesn't know how to really get started when confronting a massive and complicated program. It would be more illuminating than the panel, especially since I think everyone who goes to MAGfest already has a pretty good idea of what OCRemix is and what they do. And for the lone straggler who doesn't, this session would probably serve the purpose just as well. I'm talking about something a bit more in depth than Virt's chiptune talk. I want the ins, outs, and back ins of mixing: levels, panning, sample quality, etc. I think the benefit of making this official is that we get more people involved: more tutors and tutees, and more fresh ideas getting passed around. I think this would rock enough hizzy for all the fest.
  2. Where was the last place you put it? Talk to the band director... I wouldn't continue with a job that was seriously detrimental to my well-being. My well-being has to come first and foremost. Perhaps relaying the directions to a large male with a more booming voice... I don't know. But to me, it sounds that trying to compromise your voice with your job will not end up very well.
  3. Shotgun Site = win. But 56 amendments? For god's sake...
  4. I could talk about my first games, but I don't think that's as interesting as the games whose mixes my friend first introduced me to on the site. However, it wasn't until my interest in computer music grew and I finally met OCR at MAGfest that I really started posting.
  5. MIDI keyboard & laptop. Though I guess that could be inferred. Mentioned, nevertheless. I'll bring drumsticks, but I probably won't have the space for even a small drum. And I sing.
  6. Cloud/Squall. I'm withdrawn, hesistant, quiet, but coming out of the shell.
  7. Oh yeah. Saw the step sequencer and I knew. Normally I dislike products updating yearly... I'd rather a whole assload of new features every 2-3 years than a relative few. But this workflow change I like.
  8. I had always hoped OCRemixers were performers in addition to musicians.
  9. http://www.cakewalk.com/Products/SONAR/English/Upgrade/features.asp Yay?
  10. Change can always be good. The minute we say, "I like everything just the way it is" we lose any possibility for progress and innovation. Plus, I'm sure everyone here could point out at least one thing they'd like to see done differently on the site. The sponsor is not meant to cause stress. Game companies work with fan sites all the time, so it's not like this would be a huge step. It would take a bit of work to hammer out the details, yes, but it would be worth it.
  11. Did you sequence the instruments yourself, or did Andy assist?
  12. Methinks your modesty is inappropriate here. I play a little keys. You fucking rock the joint.
  13. That shit's too expensive for the folks. In other news, RELEASE, DAMN YOU!!
  14. Hell yeah. The thing is, though, that the developers and creators always seemed to love the world of VII especially, but FFs never had sequels so they couldn't continue. But after XI was decided to be an MMO, the single player RPGers got pissed. So Square decided to, for the first time in EVAR, make an FF sequel. They could reuse a lot of existing code and scenery from FFX and the traditional FF fans got their game. But once that sequel came out, BOOM. The can of worms was open, and now they could all go back and bring to life all the ideas they'd had for FFVII. And so we get sequel after sequel after spinoff. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. I must say I thought DoC was pretty damn cool (except for Cait Sith... WHY?), and AC looked pretty although it didn't serve to explain a whole lot.
  15. Ahhh! Shit, forgot about this. Interest = high. Can write, can sing baritone. Can probably do other things.
  16. I IS A DRUMMER!!! For realz. Course, I can't bring my own set (since I don't have a car), but it does mean I'd love to contribute on that front.
  17. Ableton Cakewalk Studio Instruments Spectrasonics(?) Waves(?) Amplitube Garritan Products(?) TASCAM(?) The one without question marks are ones I've personally tried. The others make no mention one way or the other, but the differences between XP and Vista regarding programs that already run well are, as I understand, minimal.
  18. Good god this man is brilliant.
  19. Well what do you know? Okay, it's not Square, but it is Sakaguchi, and that should be enough for pretty much any halfway decent FF fan. I definitely took it to mean that. That video is hardly evidence for any remake at all, though it seems that logic, interest and pure economic benefits are more than enough.
  20. A Taiko drum group came to my school last year. It was awesome, and this was a great throwback. When will it be released and by whom?
  21. Happy Birthday. Awesome arrangements and stuff. Are you actually a hemophiliac?
  22. Note: I PMed DJP about this some time ago and never got a response. I figured I'd post it here and see what the community @ large thought. When I traveled with OCR to the VGL concert this past summer, I was one of many contestants who stood in line to play Space Invaders. The game was being played in an old skool VG cabinet, but it had been heavily modified to have a hard drive which contained several old games. It was pretty awesome. While standing in line, I was approached by the president of Dream Authentics, the company who created the cabinet and was an official sponsor of VGL. He introduced himself as Rick Barretto, and wanted to know more about OCRemix (he saw I was wearing the shirt). I hadn't yet played the game, so I couldn't leave the line to introduce him to DJP, so instead I emailed him later. He sent the following back: Hi Jeremy, How are you? It was good meeting you at the show also! The DC show rocked! I will check out the site – I have heard lots of good things about it from Tommy and the gang. I am also most interested in exploring any potential “link exchange” programs like we have with VGL http://www.dreamauthentics.com/videogameslive.html Would be interested in bringing awareness to our customers of what you guys are doing and vice versa – like you have the link for VGL on your site. We do regular email blasts, etc…so would also be open to doing some sponsored contests/giveaways for certain products, light guns, game packages, etc…. We have done these type of things before so let me know what you have in mind and would be happy to put something together. Personally, I think something like this would be damn awesome. Sponsors never hurt anyone, willing ones no less. Any thoughts?
  23. In all srsness, is the possibility of some kind of special edition even remotely on the radar?
  24. How long before you decide on final track listings? At present, my mix skillz are not up to par. But hopefully over winter break (when I see people in NY and @ MAG) I can finally pick them up. I have ideas about what I'd want tracks to sound like, of course, so I can always contribute in that sense. But how long would I have to select a track and then be able to come up with something decent? And I personally think the BM are awesome and did a find rock arrangement of Force Your Way. I'd love to see it covered in a jazz style (which I think it could work equally well for).
  25. I've long since determined that none exists. People don't like Yuffie because she whines and steals your materia. Personally, I think that just makes her human (especially since she stole the materia for Wutai's sake). I did miss her, but if I had to add one track, it would be Who Am I?, hopefully with bits of Who Are You? added in to make an easy mix title: Who We Are. Admittedly the piece is not very interesting on its own, but in context it is fucking spooky. First time I was playing and saw Cloud going apeshit psycho in the Temple of the Ancients with this music under it, I was seriously creeped out. My mom told me to turn it off not long afterwards (I was 12 at the time), and I was thinking about that while I went to sleep. It creeped me out that much.
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