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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. R u serius? I think they've had a lot of good stuff happen since TSW: Merger with Enix. Ramped up Square's stock and control of the Japanese RPG market. Final Fantasy X. Hugely positive reception. One of my favorites. Kingdom Hearts I, CoM & II. Attracted at least 75% of the FF fanbase, along with a younger crowd besides. FF Crystal Chronicles. Anyone who hated Square for going with Sony now has no reason to keep whining. Not the most well-respected iteration, but it did its job. Remakes of the first six games. If, like me, you did not hop on the Nintendo train at the SNES (and technically speaking, I never have as far as a console system is concerned), this was your chance. And, from what I know of the originals, it sounds like they kept them mostly the same (but cleaning up the graphics a bit), adding just enough new stuff to warrant a new playthrough. Dragon Quest VIII. DQ fans have never been as numerous or vocal as FF ones, but from what I understand this installment was solid and lived up to the series. Of course, there were flops as well, but I think they're largely overshadowed by the mentions above. Please tell me how Square would still be in a hole from a six year old movie when they've clearly done so many good things (including a newer, more successful movie) since then.
  2. Kickass, Jose. MAGFest, I've discovered, is the central knot of the underground VG community relations web. There has to be a damn good reason not to make it. The girl seems to get around. ...or I do, at any rate. Seeing as I was in Philadelphia and decided I wanted to meet up with Will, who referred me to Andy & her instead. It was kind of funny though, because I did attend the OCR panel upon which both of them sat. At the end, they had short little contests for which they gave away shirts. I won by singing three songs from Sonic 1, and I've worn it at every meetup since. The funny part is that when I mentioned this to them, neither of them could recall me being there, or winning the shirt. I'm also wondering if anyone is coming early (~10 am) to help set up (and thus get credit towards earning your admission fee back).
  3. Looking forward to it. I've been looking into it long enough that I understand the base concepts (write in your notes in the piano roll and assign a sound to play them), but it's the more complex stuff which makes it sound good that currently eludes me. Are you telling us you did the effect for Treasure Planet? And that you made those graphics for your advertisement?
  4. Even though I'm a computer person (and always have been, as long as I can rememeber) it's very difficult for me to learn complex programs. If there's too much presented to me at once I will get frustrated and unable to focus. Most complex programs share common themes (layering, reusability, etc), but it's very hard to reconcile them into the intricacies of each program. Reason may be the exception (we'll see when 4 comes out), but I don't really think I'll be able to remix until I can sit down with someone at length about it. Hopefully that can happen @ MAGFest.
  5. But for right now, I just want to get the rest of the spinoffs over here. That includes the cell phone game, this game, the novellas and radio dramas. And the secret ending of Dirge of Cerberus seems to indicate that game may not be the last one, either.
  6. I just wish they'd stuck to one time signature at a time.
  7. Cool. Done & done.
  8. At what point are you aiming to release this project? WAIT!!! All is not as it seems. I ask the question not as an impatient fan, but as someone trying to learn the craft and attempting to gauge how long a deadline I might have to come forward with something decent.
  9. Not that the other tracks weren't awesome, but it was what I noticed most in the released preview, and the first song I chose to play when I finally hooked my laptop back up to my PC speakers.
  10. This still exist?
  11. Awesome. Now let's get to work on one larger.
  12. You should tour. Come to Carlisle. You'd get a good number of fans here at Dickinson, especially since I've pimped this out in the paper.
  13. What I've heard so far while doing (or attempting to do) my homework is great. Just wish there were a few more tracks on there. And while I'm at it, I wish I were sk1ll3d enough to have contributed a couple of them.
  14. Yum. Owing to inconveniences like sleep & homework, I will be unable to listen to much upon its immediate release. But you can bet your ass I will have my fill this weekend.
  15. Having attended both in consecutive summers (Play! alone, and VGL with the OCRemix group), I'd say I enjoyed VGL because, as Jack Wall put it afterwards, it's more of a show, while Play! strives to be more of a concert. A very stiff, removed orchestral concert where they happen to play video game music. As such, I enjoyed VGL more. Play! was also heavily sponsored by Square (since Arnie Roth, the conductor, had been in charge of the Square-only Dear and More Friends), with only a few of the most popular non-square games making it in. VGL, by contrast, only had Kingdom Hearts and OWA from Square, which was interesting. Apart from the Mario theme, Final Fantasy music was the first to get serious cover treatment, so it kind of set the bar in terms of what you'd normally expect when you hear "video game music." To hear a concert with almost all of that removed was different at worst and inventive and exciting at best.
  16. Have a PC laptop, and won't be considering a new machine till I've graduated. But I'd like to hear more reviews of Logic 8 and how it compares to the assortment of programs used here.
  18. Pretty sure that's the plan, yes. Someone in charge could respond with more authority, but I figure I'd just save them some time.
  19. What you've said about it being the industry standard is true, but I think it's becoming less so. There are more and more powerful and effective DAWs crowding the market. The studio I interned at was all about Logic, while another one I heard about used MOTU Digital Performer. I will never use Pro Tools because I can't see what distinct advantage it has over Sonar, Nuendo, or any other such program. When I took my Music Recording & Editing class problems with the M-box ran rampant. I also use a laptop, so hardware minimization is a concern. Just because Pro Tools has been the industry standard doesn't mean it's immune to criticism.
  20. Yes, let's. The mere fact that it needs external hardware even to play takes it down in my book.
  21. I don't think most people have actually laughed out loud when they type LOL. But I did. LOL.
  22. He TORCHED yo' ass.
  23. Eventually it will happen. The VST addition is, thus far, the best thing I've seen.
  24. Pistol Pez... I'm gonna have to hang onto that one. Not quite sure what you mean by ReMix though. Is it supposed to be spelled that way?
  25. I'd be very interested to get an answer on this.
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