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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Lol didn't mean to leave you out, it's still early lol. But since the weekends over for me, I need to get back into school mode anyways xD.
  2. Didn't mean to leave you out my man. I saw the feedback I kinda figured that you'd dig it enough to say somethin about it seein as how your style shows that. After listening to yours and GTH's brostep music I want to create my own so If I ever need any help, I'll be comin to you to seek advice lol =D.

  3. Thanks dude for bein the most critical that I've heard so far lol, to be honest I haven't heard much outside of this, everyones been very hush hush hee, so I humbly appreciate it. And since you said that, I'm actually gonna just make an edit without Sakuras part in there since really this was just an excuse to make an Akuma remix haha. Again thank you!!
  4. All with Reason? Most excellent. I'm gonna have to Thor it up now. Yours was good bro, although I wasn't really a fan of that really fast trebly wobble. Other than that it was most excellent! Everyones is excellent I feel. And thank you yall for sharin the stuff comin out your brains!
  5. Rofl! Your Dan avatar seems fitting for such a remark =D.
  6. I already am =D! Also, our songs are about the same length! lol Dangit! Of course we had to face each other first round, when will the black on black fighting end?! I'm joking btw lol. Edit: It also seems fitting that my post count has me labled as Akuma. Coincidence? I'll leave that open for discussion xD...
  7. Haha, I'm afraid I'm not that confident. But since you mentioned it, I guess my real reason was to have an excuse just to turn em up! It's too early in the morning though =(. Either way, pretty impressive! What compo? Edit: Subbed!
  8. Sending Darke my entry after this shit gets done rendering xD! Edit: It woulda been nice to blast these krk's for a final reference point ;_;.
  9. Racin's against the clock!
  10. Well I hope people like what I gots grillin, although I wish I had more time because honestly, I'm slow with the tools I just don't use them enough to be fast and efficient @_@. But as I type this I'm workin on the song, so no worries you guys will get enough of it that's for sure lol xD.
  11. Happy born day Meteo Xavier!
  12. Happy born day Jamison!
  13. I understand what you're saying. I'm not sure if it was the intention to release the album exactly at 27k. If so, then I would take your side. If it's merely just a hype thing, then I say, why even trip about it? No matter how this goes down, you're gonna get some sick ass music. So would everyone just please sit back, relax... and eat rice?
  14. Cya Neko, good luck in life.
  15. The title is full of win lol!!
  16. I mentioned it earlier after I posted my five. But I was just letting you know DS that I switched my first and second. If I'm already locked in, then I'll switch em back.
  17. I didn't see that Neblix picked Akuma's third strike theme as second. Would it be possible to switch my first two choices?
  18. If I haven't missed the deadline yet: Akuma(Third Strike) Akuma(Alpha) Birdie(Street Fighter) Eagle(Street Fighter) Gil(3rd strike)
  19. Nooooo, my heart lol ;_;. Oh well. I may still try my hand at this as there are some pretty cool songs in the street fighter series, me personally though I think the EX series did it better, sorry Capcom haha xD. I'll be thinkin about my theme for like the next hour or two...
  20. What about the characters from the Arika company? I'm talkin about the ex characters like skullomania and stuff. Please say they're allowed xD.
  21. I had went back to that Mickey D's thread and I was thinkin about all that stuff you were talkin about lol. I was particularly curious about the diet plan that you had recommended to chthonic and some others as you have said, care to enlighten me lol =D?

  22. When you say send, what do you mean exactly? Do you mean putting your songs in the group dropbox?
  23. http://soundcloud.com/blackpanther-2
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