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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Edit: Nevermind it works now.
  2. Dude you make some crazy ass shit and I love it. The synths and those changes to minor are sweet as well and I love the jazzy sound of those solos. Sweet mix man!
  3. *Sigh* like usual people are complainin too much . I thought this last episode was funny as well and the eyephone joke was done in good taste. Leela and Zap doin it again was kinda confusing especially with her and Fry dating. Hopefully they get that shit straightened out. So far though I'm pleased with the episodes.
  4. Ok so I'm confused. I thought Fry and Leela were dating. Did I miss somethin @_@?
  5. I feel exactly the same way you do davis but I always refrained from making a post about it from fear of gettin laughed at but obviously that didn't happen and I knew it wasn't goin to lol xD. Overclocked was part of the reason I got back into making music after seein all the talent on here and listenin to some of my favorite video game music get remixed in cool and unexpected ways. So I would like to thank OCR as well =).
  6. I haven't heard the original, but I can honestly say that I don't care, because this piece is tight man! Great job rozo.
  7. You're not understanding then which is my fault I guess. I understand it's playable but why even talk about hacking it. Shouldn't the game be played as is with the super overpowered characters. I mean Brawl is the next step up, everything should be balanced already correct?
  8. Lol funny you have to do all this shit to Brawl to make it playable, and that's why Melee owns =).
  9. Agreed. Everyone pulls the nostalgia card and in some cases it works but I don't think this is the case here, and I definitely feel the way you feel about the appeal carrying on to this new season.
  10. Holy crap this is tight. Beautiful voice and great work with the instruments. Overall great piece Kate =).
  11. Oh well then lock this and I'll move to the other thread which I didn't notice anyone responded too lol.
  12. What did you guys think? So far off to a good start I think they were good lol.
  13. Nice! Here's what I did: Sat in the torrential rain till I got cold =P.
  14. Lol I don't think I'm good enough to do a collab with zircon yet xD.
  15. It's not high def enough =P.
  16. Yeah I've seen em all lol. There was still a hiatus between the movies and the series so we shall see though I doubt there won't be any trouble.
  17. a day and a half left, can't wait!! I just hope Billy West and the crew hasn't lost any color to the characters voices and it'll be like they never left either way I'm stoked lol!!
  18. The piano's a nice touch. That and the drums help to keep the song sounding more modern. Likin the beatwork, likin the song all together *thumbs up* good stuff ProtoDome
  19. Oh damn this track kicks ass man. Great debut track!!
  20. Hmmm, Imma have to try that. Gonna have to check out some videos now lol.
  21. Cameras on phones aren't the main feature but that doesn't stop them from putting great cameras on cellular devices, great being relative to non camera devices. What I'm trippin about is that how is that gonna look blown up, but then I realized that my monitor does not have 3d capabilities so it would be pointless lol. I'm done arguing about it, I would like a better camera but I'll probably just eat those words when I see that the pictures look pretty good on the 3ds. Wonder if you'll be able to send them to other people...
  22. Ok I'm curious as to why someone is retarded for wanting a better camera on the 3ds? It's personal preference so calling someone retarded makes you the only retarded person.
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