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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. That was a very sweet final showdown mix from Willrock wish I woulda heard more flashman in there though...
  2. Whoa, gonna be 30 in another year. I thought you were closer to my age lmao! Anyways happy birthday dude!
  3. Wtf, this is dirtier than fingering Zelda only to find a blood stained note, "The Skull Kid was here". Fortunately I've been to auditory hell before so this trip wasn't as bad as it was for those children. I looooove that fuckin drop dude, I actually busted out laughin from pure excitement and ownage "HEY..... Listen" BOOOOM" Fuckin sick man, you need to come out with those tutorials you have 'that sound' down I would like to hear some of your insight.
  4. That's what the lamp was for? Niiiice, contests dude.
  5. With a fuckin trailer like that, I would much rather see a full length animation done in the same manner. Never did I enjoy superman action till I saw this...
  6. I looove piano solos and this is no exception. Fun stuff, I enjoyed listenin to this =).
  7. Lol I can't believe how many people are just now gettin to their mix. I'm glad I'm not the only one though, thankfully I'm on fire with this remix and should be done by tomorrow and everyone will like it, I hope lol xD.
  8. I have a question: since were sending these to thasauce, does that mean we can't submit it here? And I'm guilty of starting late, I started workin on it about a week ago but I'm on a roll and should be done bythe time these are due. I hope that you'll like my track Hoboka hehe.
  9. Happy belated bdays
  10. Wooowww! You guys need to hurry up and finish this I'm so excited about this album now. @Dunther - I've played the first two and the first one had completely different level designs even different bosses if I remember correctly, two not so much but it still felt different enough to call it Donkey Kong "Land"
  11. Damn dude this is sweet. I'm quite reminded of your Tales of Destiny remix when I listen to this track. It's in no way a bad thing, just similarities I noticed. Hope to hear more from you soon!
  12. You should probably do that I would definitely not find it boring, and if your last statement is any indication to what I think you're sayin, then I'm hella excited!!
  13. That last one was pretty funny xD.
  14. Uhm let me bring this out "ocremix.org is dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form" This is exactly what this remix is, albeit bad art but it's art regardless. I'm listenin to the song as I type it. Love the production aspect, but these lyrics? Lol man sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not. This might be some inside joke thing that you guys decided to do, but I don't really think inside jokes work in music especially if the rest of the world doesn't understand lol. Anyways I respect djp postin this on ocr direct post or not, it shows he doesn't discriminate and the writeup doesn't seem forced at all like some people were saying, just him bein more open-minded unlike half of you guys. It's whatever, haters are gonna hate I suppose, sad world we live in. Uhm good job guys, I didn't fully appreciate the song but there were some elements that I liked about it. It's a nice little fun track for like a house party or somethin lolz.
  15. The one on the first page is far better lol.
  16. Whoa, these are sweet. I've been wantin to do a track usin sounds like these. Thank you Gecko!
  17. Hey guys, this is my entry for the Linkin Park "The Catalyst" remix contest. My version The thing about this contest was that they gave you "assets" from the song and a minute of vocals which you had to turn into a 2 minute or higher song, but not higher than 6 mins. "Assets" ranging from an electronic drum loop or rock drums and some other stuff. On a plus, this was my first finished piece of work, using Zircon's shreddage and I was pleased with what I did with it bein as how I'm a complete nub with guitar stuff lol. But yeah enough explanation. Please vote for me and let me know what you thought about this piece good or bad it doesn't matter =7).
  18. Actually I decided to bump this as I want to make more use of my axiom keyboard and I remembered that this video was posted a while back. I only see two videos though I hope you plan to keep this series goin like you had intended =).
  19. The intro was pretty cool but at the same time I was put off by it as I thought the buildup was gonna lead into a breakbeat style track. Not a huge biggie but I don't really think it clicked that well. After that buildup, the track is definitely quirky and I'm lovin it. I love how you added Kirby in there, it was blended so fuckin smoothly in there I almost didn't notice till I was like that sounds very familiar. This is definitely my favorite track from you though chthonic, good stuff sirrrr.
  20. This kinda turned out to be a mess. But not matter everyone did a stellar job with their mixes, and I'm just glad it's all over. I hope to see some of you guys for the Grand Maverick Battle as I will indeed be entering in this one hehe =D.
  21. I've watched almost all of them today out of boredom and they're all funny as hell but the one I thought was the funniest was the Mailbag Showdown one. Hope he keeps makin these xD.
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