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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Hurry up mofos! Talkin about the peeps who haven't responded to the emails yet lol.
  2. This has a really crazy sound to it, but lookin at the remixers who did this I shoulda known better. What is the source anyway? I'm havin a hard time figurin out what it is, must be the credits theme or somethin. Anyways great stuff you two, oh and happy birthday again halc!!
  3. Oh my bad, shoulda specified that this was supposed to be a cover then =P.
  4. This is a carbon copy of the original pretty much. Everything was overly loud as well. Not really much else to say since this is exactly like the original which I'd rather listen to =/.
  5. Happy birthday dude!
  6. Damn, I gots me a tricky one! That's how I want it though . Cant' wait to start on this.
  7. I think you would get more out of paintballin. For some reason pain in the middle of extra curricular activity brings out excitement in people so while you will feel gettin hit with paintballs, you're gonna love it, trust me. The gear isn't that heavy, just wear like two shirts and you're fine. I'd say go with paintballin especially since you've never tried it. Do you mean, rent the field just for you and your friends? I wouldn't worry about that, just play with the people there, it's always fun taggin people you don't know lol. That's my two cents, I have done both and I find paintballin to be a lot more fun, there's definitely nothin wrong with laser tag though. My good friend is super good and he goes to tourneys and he definitely prefers paintballin over laser tag lol.
  8. Thank you I really appreciate it. I'll try to keep the good music comin lol xD.

  9. Don't know anything about voxengo, but I do have ozone and I love it. I'm very pleased with what it does to my music. There is a nice assortment of presets to work with whatever type of mastering you're goin for and there are parameters that you can mess with to tweak the Sound of the presets even further. You can always do it completely from scratch if you're feelin up to it, nice straight forward interface so things aren't confusing. Anyways I'd recommend ozone but that's mostly because I don't have the other one lol.
  10. I call this go for Mod review(didn't mean for that to sound pompous, just goin with the flow of the joke 99 had started lol xD). First off I want to say this is a cool idea. It's got a nice club FEEL to it, club SOUND though, could use a little work and heres why: The intro synth doesn't sound meaty enough to me sounds kinda airy like it's all high end and not enough mid or low. I say beef it up a bit more by turning up the mid and some of the lower frequencies not a lot though as you don't want the synth to start interfering with the kick and bass instruments, or you could maybe layer that synth with another one that's more saw'ish, layering's a good beef up tactic The crash that comes in is kinda too high meaning on the frequency spectrum it hurts the ears a little bit, so tone that down. And when a lot of the elements jump in on that 26-27 mark, everythings sounds so compressed and pushed back, but that pushed back sound could be from the compression. I'm not the know - it - all of compression but I start off with a limiter on the main track. And everything else is compressed individually and I usually turn the threshold knob of the drum stuff in the (-)20 - (-15) with a ratio of around 3:1 and a 45-50 ms attack 450-500 release gives the drums a punch which is what you want in dance but it still does the job compressing. Take it as you will, this may even sound weird to some people but it gives my music a sound that I like. And in that same mark, compared to everything else, that synth is a tad too loud in my opinion, turn it down some. 1:28 - The strings are too quiet in my opinion. Turn them up a bit more I'm not sure if theres a harmonizing part or an octave playin with the strings but I can barely hear it especially when everything starts to come in that 2:13 mark. Anyways balancing and compression were my main issues with this, overall though I like it. You should switch to the mod review tag if you feel like this is close to being submitted as Emunator and halc can give you some insight to the mix as well, they're very helpful. Good luck with this dude I like it.
  11. Aight cool, thanks. I signed up I definitely need to be challenged as the only thing I know how to really do so far is breakbeat style music lol xD.
  12. Probably gonna be a dumb question, but what part of the sauce am I supposed to sign up for before I can enter as an artist?
  13. Whoa, I never realized the songs were different for each version. I might have to do somethin with this though it sounds really sweet all the way through. O_o
  14. I missed that part which is definitely my fault. But just because someone may have even missed somethin like that should not be a reason why it doesn't get judged. Anyways, I sent the song and I'm done with the matter.
  15. Oh wow, well that clears up a lot of things although me not being notified is still iffy but whatevs I feel at peace of mind knowing that's all it was lol, Imma do that right now.
  16. I have a question about an issue that's been brought to my attention, why are some remixes still gettin special treatment? I asked a question about songs being posted in order according to dates and from what I'm still noticing, the songs are still being posted in an erratic manner. There were songs in the same timeframe as mine that have been posted, then there have been some that were judged and passed long after mine and still got up =/. I tryin not to complain but it's been almost a whole year since I even sent it in my one remix and it still hasn't been posted yet, kinda ridonkulous if you ask me =/.
  17. Great stuff. Never heard the source of it but from the sound of this, sounds like you did the song justice because I'm likin this. Great work.
  18. My question never got answered because I did an edit which doesn't act as a new post. But: Was this mix done entirely in Reason? If so I'm glad lol.
  19. Really O_o? Now while I may not have been constructive before I will this time but looking at both sides: Conservative? Granted that he didn't really play on the melody that's there, but he does have quite a bit of original material that fits nicely with the mood of the song. Sifu play on the original melodies, even if it's just a tiny bit I really don't feel like this mix is that conservative. They sounds may sound simplistic but I feel the techniques used were executed to give the mix a nice coherent sound without feeling like the song needs to be clogged with a lot of stuff or crazy sounding instruments. I even feel the drums were pretty damn good. I like the way they sound, nice programming, and the fills I felt like were enough to keep the drums interesting. I really don't see how he could beef up anything without ruining what he's goin for when I hear this but then again I could be or probrably am wrong. Just my two cents granted I'm a nub myself but I'm just goin from the top of my head listenin to your mix and the source then defending your mix while trying to help lol. You should probably switch to mod review sifu, and see what emunator and halc think about this. Edit: Lol beat me to the punch.
  20. Lol dude, this is really sweet. I wish could tell you what was wrong with it, but it sounds like you already have a good handle on production for the most part. Yeah sorry, constructive criticism but for what it's worth I really want to see this posted on OCR, this is a really cool mix .
  21. Uh wow lol O_O. That was hella fast, this was seriously an overnight thing for me. I posted this before I went to bed and woke up to actually see responses. I recommend everyone use the tags to help out the mods it's a really good idea anyways. I don't know if you guys are always this fast but I really do appreciate and this concept definitely works as long as you guys keep it up =). Anyways about the track. Thank you so much for the fast and effective feedback. I can work on this when I get off work today =). I'm confused about what you guys said about the drums, could you guys elaborate please? Do you mean theres a tad too much verb on some of the stuff, or do the drums need more layering? If you couldn't tell already I'm still a nub, there are still some things I need to know/learn about terminology regarding musical feedback lol xD.
  22. Alright mods, I would like your expertise. I finally brought this out of my chest of wips and finished it so yeah, review it please lol. "Lucked Out" Finally gave it a name too lol.
  23. It's all good man. Actually I don't think imma need em though. Apparently people think the remix would do better without the vocals, gotta give the people what they want sometimes lol. I'll definitely ask you for your help if I need vocals for anything else.

  24. Man this is crazy, can't wait till this is released.
  25. If I were to get two monitors would fl stay on one monitor while Reason is open in the other, or would fl take up both monitors?
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