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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. I can agree with that as long as they don't take the multiplayer mode from that game .
  2. Yeah I found a lot of really cool presets in Massive. I will start by using those. I'm gonna try to keep a focused mind one day and try to figure out Massive and get the sounds that I want from it. I've been lookin around loopmasters to find a good deal on some electro house drums. It's a hard choice. I'm gonna give it another run through maybe I'll find somethin this time.
  3. Sorry to bump this, but I wanted to be part of the group that saw this and I have to say, I loved it. I definitely recommend everyone seein this of course that's been said already.
  4. Thanks man, I appreciate that! I just sent in my entry for the Freshly Baked Remixers Challenge. Hopefully they have no qualms about that one and I can get my sophmore mix in lol xD.

  5. I've already went through quite a bit of these and I want to finish listen to a lot of the others soon. It's cool to hear peoples old stuff and listen to their progress. Guess I'll jump in and show some of my very first pieces of work Disclamer: This was before I learned about the internet so I had no help whatsoever, just fl tutorials so there is a lot of clipping going on in these songs xD. Alright well this song I'm gonna link you too directly is definitely one of my favorite 'gems' of the past that I created The Fight From there you can visit that page and listen to all of my other pieces of work. These were all done in like a 6 - 9 month time frame which after that point I gave up and came back a few years later, come here and try a remix.
  6. Ok I'm assumin it doesn't matter which admin, and I also assume that this was somewhere that I may have over looked @_@?
  7. Me has a question: How do you add a picture to your artist profile?
  8. How can blind make anything bad. I'm so in love with this remix it has a really nice vibe and as Joshua Morse pointed out, he really brings out the feeling in the melodies through his synthesis. You can't argue with this not like that would be an issue anyway, great work!
  9. I like the combination of electronic and orchestra in this song, it gave it a nice, fresh sound that you don't hear in these types of blends. Great album piece and congrats to Abadoss!
  10. At first I had started on this as a license track or whatever you want to call it but now I've decided that I want to make an album of breakbeat tracks with this being one of them. It's a wip though so it can go anywhere at anytime but for the most part it'll sound like this just way more refined since it's part of an album project. Try playing this to some action sequence whether it's fighting, or a car chase scene, or gun fight, whatever I think it fits nicely lol anyways hope this is enough to spark some interest... Rush
  11. Actually now that you ask I don't have any really lol xD. A lot of stuff I should probably experiment on along with listen to some music as Rozo said. I would like to see some tips on getting a good, full bass sound and mixing it in, and side chaining, and what type of elements should also be side chained. Oh and how you get your stuff so loud. I've been wanting to get a few more dbs out of my stuff for the longest time but I can't see to do so lol xD.
  12. Well at any rate, I uploaded my song, so assuming all you guys know where to go to upload the song, you can listen to the track there...
  13. Yeah I've been gettin into side chaining as this' actually my first time messin with side chainin. I just need to figure out how to get those crazy bass sounds. I guess I'll just experiment though.
  14. Yeah I'm gettin ready to download and play this. Watching the gameplay footage creeped me out, but I'm positive that playin it myself is gonna be a ton times more creepier @_@.
  15. Not to sound like an a-hole who doesn't understand that people have things to do, but good lord this won't be any fun if there aren't any tracks to present lol. Granted there's still a whole list of people who entered and majority probably have mixes to show xD. I think I'll be sendin mine in today I don't see any other problems with it...
  16. I want to chime in a little bit. I'll agree with what Emu said he knows what he's talkin about and it's not to discourage you. Believe me I know I've been through it and I still go through it now you just gotta have that drive to improve and want to be the best because I do and I hope you do as well because frankly this is really cool. Try adding more to the melody and drop some of the elements and add new ones to try to end that feeling of 'perpetual buildup' or add drums and I think any type of drums would work, downtempo or more fast paced drums would work although I've never messed with 3/4 time music so I don't know how that would work. Either way you gotta slow it down or speed it up with some more or less elements and you should put a lead in there so this doesn't feel like background ambience. You definitely shouldn't stop working on this though. You can always sub it still as Rozo pointed out they can get more specific to try to help you with the things that stand out most. Either way, they'll help to get this track up to speed and you'll learn a tons more in the process.
  17. Please guys please lol! All I wanted was help on how to make music similar to that of some of bLiNds music and PrototypeRaptor's recent stuff. I apologize for callin it electro if that's not what it's referred to I don't want this to turn into some label war or somethin @_@
  18. I was attempting to go the lazy route and hame someone link it for me but fair enough lol.
  19. Lol agreed. I want to add another thing one thing that makes me love this remix so much is that. It's ultra progressive, even when you listen to today's dub step it's nowhere as adventureous as this mix is and that makes it stand above all others in my opinion. This man is settin the bar for dubstep lol. Also you have a hell of a ear for music and production. I would love to be as versatile as you one of these days I'll get there slowly but surely you're an inspiration man, keep it up!
  20. So where can I download this game? I want to try it out on one of my bored days...
  21. As the title says, I want to start gettin into electro house or whatever it's called. I've been wantin to for a while but I didn't really know where to start and I still don't really. I've tried googlin for answers but I didn't really get anywhere. So for any electro artists out there(and based on the title you should know what time of electro I'm talkin about), can you give me some insight about where, and how to start making electro house music?
  22. I just got finished with mine!! I'll probably sleep on it one more time and check for any last minute tweaks I may want to make then I'll send it in. I hope to see everyone else with their mix to show when that time comes!
  23. Haha well as a counter argument; That's the fun in battles. You have the opportunity to combine or make counterpoints of the opposing melodies in some way shape or form, so ultimately the mixes can be different everytime. I definitely understand what you're sayin though, but that shouldn't be an excuse why there wasn't that much flashman in there in my opinion =P. Either way the mix is kickass hopefully all of the same guys will be around to compete in the Maverick which I've been so anxiously waiting to start lol xD.
  24. I was very moved by this piece I think I might have felt a tear go down my face. Great work Jimmy and happy bday again!!
  25. Damn dude, you got some tight ass work! I don't need an album artist now but if I do I'll definitely hit you up. And welcome to OCR hope you enjoy your stay .
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