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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Ouch dude hope you get that all situated.
  2. Haha xD that's crazy. How do they judge consistency? Well either way you still provide damn good feedback for all the nubs or the vets even, so keep at it, maybe I'll get up there eventually xD.

  3. Doooo it! I went to your website and heard some of your stuff. I'm kinda curious how you would tackle that theme, good luck mane!
  4. Oh you've tried before? Didn't know that, well good good luck dude. I felt like bother you so I did lol =P.

  5. This is pretty freakin crazy but I like it lol xD.
  6. I just thought, when are you gonna be a judge dude lol?

  7. Is there a way to change the speed? Maybe it's just me or I'm not using it correctly but it seems kinda slow =/.
  8. Lol you guys aren't gettin it. He was wanting to get as close to the originals as possible, they're good I guess. I don't know why one would do that when I can just go listen to the originals somewhere else I would like to see you actually remix a OoT song, put as much effort and love as you did with these originals, lets see what you got!! Maybe we should lock this to prevent this from gettin worse? I'm pretty sure everything that needs to be said, or should be said, has been said already @_@.
  9. Hmmm not a bad idea. I might have to pick that up with my next check. I might even go into guitar center and go barns and nobel style and just read a book while I'm in there xD. Thanks for showin me that Yoozer. Although I do think I have an idea of what I want to do, there's nothin like reading a book to help you with what you want to do with pinpoint accuracy.
  10. It's got a little bit of old and a little bit of new, I'm actually not familiar with the source though I'll have to go and listen to it sometime. That drum loop wasn't outplayed like I thought it was gonna be but you mixed it up and dropped it out of the mix enough where it didn't come back to bite you in the butt. With breakbeat music being my favorite type of music, this is definitely a like for me. Good stuff.
  11. Didn't really know ye, but from this thread you were obviously a cool dude. The armed forces is a tough choice to make so things must be tought for you, you have my respect, best of luck to you dude.
  12. No feedback? Comments, critiques, anything O_O?
  13. As a whole this song is tight. I like how diotrans' vocals sit in this one, it's a perfect fit, great song you too.
  14. Hmm if you use a 3rd party sidechain compressor, how do you route it through the kick? With the native plugins it's easy because all you do is set the input number on the UI
  15. Sounds good to me. Maybe you should explain some things about your workflow as well. Some people might need that to help not get so overwhelmed or cluttered when working on a song. What I'm gonna grab from this though, is your effect processing chain and mixing techniques I'm excited!
  16. Eh, FL Studio works wonders and sidechaining has never been easier. I heard ableton was a good daw for dj'ing and stuff so when I finally decide to get into that area, I'll look into it.
  17. ^ I agree with the first paragraph. Somethin I would like to see explained is your chain of effects. How to put the right touches on compressors and reverbs and eq'ing and what type of order you should put all those things in. I know stuff like that varies from song and instrument, but I'm sure there are still general guidelines and principals that would help for everyone.
  18. Well whether Gecko was joking or not, Sonic, I was bein specific like this: or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clRLp3RaGqM Or for the best representation of what I'm talkin about: http://prototyperaptor.bandcamp.com/album/penultimate So for the most part I've been doin what everyone has mostly said in this thread, experimenting, and I'm working on a song now for a contest thats 'electro' in nature, and I've been patiently waiting for some video tips from PrototypeRaptor for some more help xD.
  19. Omg I'm like in love with this. Too good man, too freakin good.
  20. Qft get on the grind mofos! Don't sign up for a contest/challenge you can't finish!!
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