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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. I may or may not be able to continue on with this. Though it may be helpful if I did to try to get the ideas flowing.
  2. I appreciate the bday wishes guys. Now - if David could post my street fighter remix...
  3. Oh snaps. Stevie Wonder - excellent choice, I love it. Thanks Jordan, I appreciate the sentiments man =D.

  4. I like the way you think man. Your music is awesome as well!

  5. When I get some money, I will be purchasing this.
  6. I want to try and do this. I'm working on a remix now using CSD, but as the rules said, no remixes. Buuut, if I get enough of this done. I will use this as a practice run for the contest.
  7. This is dope dude. I don't really feel the same as others towards the dryness of the drums. It seems like a deliberate aesthetic choice, and I think it works really well. I wish I had some constructive feedback, I really like this though man =D!
  8. I must be one of the only people out there not feelin' this album.
  9. Sounds like something I've heard from Ragnarok, except way more pristine. I can dig this, awesome man!
  10. For a song with lyrics, I found this to be nice. Don't know if it'll help, but it's worth a shot: From OCR AkumajoBelmont - "For you" Tuned Logic has some pretty calm pieces that may help - Album - 24 Shades Album - Seven Places
  11. Yes it's trap, I caved! I had fun making this though. Cheggit! Teardrops
  12. Nate - I have those same stands, hah. nOkbient - Awesome dude. I wish I had the equipment to do stuff like that, looks pretty nice. Always fun and exciting to see the setups that people work with to create sonic pieces of art.
  13. I've asked before but I can't remember what the heck to do so I'll ask again: If I wanted a picture for my artist page, what or where do I go to do that?
  14. First piece with an improv section, heh. Not to bad I suppose though I'd like to get some feedback from without. Enjoy Burden
  15. I'll just try and stick with what I came here for. The video did help dan and I deeply appreciate you taking the time to make that video. It did help a lot, especially the thing about the mouth. I've never heard that before, so that's a new tool to use to help me understand sound a bit more. Regarding exploration, I do understand where you're coming from. I appreciate all of the responses I got in this thread. This'll help out a ton, thanks guys =).
  16. Hey there C&C. Interesting track you have here, interesting style, can't put my finger on why exactly I like it yet, but I do. Anyways, I'll talk about some mixing stuff. Arrangement seems pretty solid to me, I like the movement: Drums are pretty cool, a good amount of variation and the quality of the samples themselves are good. They seem to lose some energy and presence around the 30 second mark when that lead instrument comes in. If you've already done some eq'ing to those instruments to not clash as much, you could also try moving them around the spacial field just a tad. That bassy thing around the 1 minute mark is pretty sweet. If I was fiddling around with this, I would mess around with the width of that sound and see what kind of feel I'd get from widening that sound out a bit more. Maybe use sidechaining with the kick drum and have some of those other sounds duck just a tiny bit, with fast attack and a somewhat fast release so it isn't too noticeable. Maybe add some layers to your instruments as well like a little click sound to the kick to try and bring it out a little more. It seems like it has enough bottom, just not enough on the higher end to give it that presence. That's about all I can give you at this time. You may even be done with this. My apologies for just now getting to this Jim. Hope I gave somewhat of some insight, and good luck!
  17. If my teammates are cool with it. I'll go this round and do Batman Forever's title theme for the SNES.
  18. It basically starts at the 2:22 ish mark when that Reese comes in. How is that modulation done? I'm pretty sure I'm overthinking it, but if someone can guide me in the right direction I'd greatly appreciate it, thanks.
  19. Happy born day!!
  20. Just found it, just posted. I'll probably go back through at some point, and take notes on some of the things. I definitely like the way this guy delievers information, although I wish there were slightly more examples of things he talks about. Someone mentioned it in a thread, when he was talking about timbres, an example would have been better of a cello, flute, the human voice, etc. rather than him explaining it.
  21. Soooo, how about that digital sound design class. Pretty cool stuff eh? Anyone use the discussion boards yet? I'm still not finished watching all of the videos, when I get home though, I'll be watching the rest. The ear stuff was really cool. Also the first human condition(the last video I ended on) was interesting especially the part about babies and white noise. I never thought about that connection Mr. Everette made. I'll probably post more as time goes on, but I think that's all I'll write about for now. Would anyone else like to share their thoughts?
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