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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Bumping because of an update. Plus I need more feedback plz lol.
  2. Haha thanks guys. And jabond, do not be afraid to say what you believe is true. I actually believe the snare is fine myself but I do agree the rest of what you guys said I could work on which I will when I get a chance. I really appreciate the feedback, keep it comin =).
  3. OMG thank you lol xD.
  4. Daaamn man too good, it's not fair lol. When I take my piano classes this fall all Imma think about is how fuckin good you are and how I won't ever get that good xD.
  5. I think i've finished the arrangement. There are some parts I'm not sure about like the last two bars on the first flute part if someone has some ideas let me know. And I could use some production help as well. Other than that this song is done and ready to be subbed. Remix Oh by the way, if someone can help me think of a name I'm not sure if I'll stick with the one I have lol. Edit:Updated 08/15/2009
  6. Toooo fuckin good. That's all I gots to say.
  7. Hah, this is a great piece man. The title definitely threw me into confusion I was expecting somethin fast but I can live with that. Great atmosphere, it's very relaxing to listen to it'll definitely be nice for long trips or somethin different to just listen to randomly lol. Anyways, good stuff man great sophmore remix =).
  8. Wow that was hella tight. Somethin about the strings though, can't put my finger on it... At any rate this should be downloadable lol xP.
  9. Great stuff Brian. I remembered when you showed me the WIP of this a while back and now it's finished and it's very good. That's all I gots to say about it, not like I can pick out stuff that's wrong with it since there's pretty much nothin wrong that I can hear lol. Another great piece by the man, Tweek.
  10. Haha WOW! Why was the splash page so sick?! Well designed web page of course I know nothin about makin a good web page so that's as far as I'll go lol. I'm definitely gonna bookmark to stay updated, good shit sir.
  11. Not really familiar with the hitman soundtrack I've only played the second one but hearing this I can definitely hear this being in a hitman game. Productions great, strings were sweet and the piano solo was very cool. Overall nice piece =).
  12. Congrats to the both of ya now make sure the both of yous continue to make amazing music!
  13. Haha xD. Well for one that isn't an ethnic instrument it's a regular strum guitar patch that I used I guess it does sound ethnic though. And the drums I kinda was goin for simple yet not simple at the same time I guess meaning I didn't attempt to make them complex. The lead... Well guess I could have but I don't know I felt like I couldn't add anymore without cluttering the mix but that could be a young mind speaking lol. Thank you man I really appreciate that you took the time to listen to this. It's freakin hard to get feedback or whatever in the originals sub thread but I got one so I'm happy but more would be GREAT xD!!
  14. I sure hope things do work out. It definitely won't be the same but that doesn't mean I won't stop watchin the show.
  15. Thought of this song 3 days ago while I was working. This is probably my most melodic song don't know about smoothness though(I think the distorted drums doesn't help lol) But yeah let me know what you guys think. Click Sounds dreamy doesn't it lol?
  16. Happy birthday djp! Get drunk all that fun stuff and thanks for givin us OCR .
  17. I had this blastin on one of the stereos set up at walmart when I was on break lol. I'm like in love with this track right now. Production is spot on and the groove of this song is maddening to the point of sickening. Anyways amazing stuff bLiNd I can never get tired of this lol.
  18. This track is sweet as hell, I'm so lovin this right now. Those synths that come in in some of the parts makes it sound very vibrant. Love the mood and atmosphere great job man!
  19. OMG it's about darn time!! I've been waitin for this for a while but I'll give my feedback, which is already gonna be positive, after I listen to the whole album lol. Thanks Andrew you da man!!
  20. Whoa, so 'YES' songs still aren't guaranteed posted? What the hell do yall do to it afterwards? I thought you guys didn't even mess with the song after it's been 'YES'd. Does djp review it again once all the votes have been casted? O_o
  21. I'm not sure how to analyze the whole time thing but it doesn't sound that liberal to me I think it would pass as far as source usage goes. I'm definitely diggin this though, it's got a nice chill mood with a nice groove. I'd love to see that it's finished and subbed once you put all the final touches on it.
  22. Don't know if it's been asked already but why don't the 'YES' decisions don't get posted until the song gets posted on the front page? Why isn't it available once the decision has been made during the judging process like the 'NO' threads?
  23. This isn't my kind of music nor have I ever heard the source song. But this remix was done very well. I have a friend who loves this kind of stuff and I've heard plenty of it to know what sounds good so props =).
  24. Haha this is sweet, keep up the 8-bit goodness lol.
  25. The only thing I can say about this is how much I enjoyed this remix. Great stuff Doug!!
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