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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. I have a creative ;_;. But having been with this for about 3 years, I'm beginning to see why, as far as support goes. I haven't had any issues aside from the developers not updating the drivers to work properly with Windows 7 which has been a thorn in my lung.
  2. I like what SnappleMan said. If I'm saying anything differently, just create what comes to mind, what influences you and what you like; afterall making music, in my opinion, ought to be for your enjoyment and perhaps done for a purpose like sending a message with your music in the background to evoke certain responses in another person for more impact. It's good to be flexible so then you can write for someone who's commissioned you for a certain project and whatnot and as Snapple said, then afterwards you can go back to writing your own stuff... Hope that made some sort of sense, and I hope that helps even if it's a little!
  3. I've gotten too lazy and so now I just watch tas videos of the games which gets me pretty hyped up xD.
  4. OCR can be pretty rough but at least you're expecting the no, that was the mistake I made when I submitted my first entry. For what it's worth though, I enjoyed it. I wish I could give more critiques but I feel like I can ever be too critical anymore since I can never be sure exactly what a person is goin for in all aspects of a piece of work, if that makes sense. But yeah, an enjoyable, relaxing piece. Somethin I can read to which is always a good thing for me =D.
  5. Double post, yayyyy! Anyways I added some more bass as requested. I messed with the other instruments a bit but I didn't really get anything that I liked so for the most part it'll stay as is, sorry if I sound stubborn about it, I don't mean to I'd just rather move on as I'm mostly trying to stay loose for other projects and I feel this turned out pretty good for doing it in 3 days which is very rare I don't want to make this a forever type deal lol xD. Also I've subbed a street fighter remix recently so I don't think I can sub this to OCR right away! Here's a link for the song A bit more basssss
  6. Well eq'ing and leveling of the bass could help. I usually always cut anything below the 200 rage on the snare and with that bass you could get away with cutting anything above 140 or so and dropping the volume and/or layering it with something with a bit more texture like a filtered saw just so you're not getting that buzz, just the texture to know that there's something down there, I'm not even sure that makes sense I haven't actually given constructive feedback in ages lol.
  7. I can read to this! This already sounds really nice, I wish I knew what to say but I like how it sounds already. I'd just say keep working on it. It's recognizable to the source so you're definitely good there and the mixing's good so just finish it I would say!
  8. I like this. It's got that chill sound, I guess what's referred to as liquid dnb. The snare seemed to duck at times, do you have compression? Seems like there's quite a bit if you do. I'd add some variation to the beat as well to keep it interesting and maybe some ambient percussion as well? I like the sounds and the overall tone of this, definitely chill and somethin I could fall asleep too, try to keep that feeling goin as you continue to work on this, kudos!
  9. I think I'll mess with it a tad more. I definitely appreciate the comments guys, I'm definitely glad yall are enjoyin it =D. Chip house? Hmm you may be on to somethin lol. As far as the sounds go, I guess they are rather simple. A lot of synths I blended and layered. The bass, I made myself and that signature deadmau5 stab synth thingy playing the chords I made myself. I'm still learning sound design and just picking up bits and pieces of information as I go.
  10. Hmmm. I can see why that was said, though this was mainly intentional I really didn't want to add too much bass. I'll check it out though for sure and see if I can add a little bit more without taking away from what I originally wanted. I appreciate the feedback man, and glad you enjoyed it for the most part =D.
  11. So we've just been inspiring one another through time...
  12. Happy born day Stevo!
  13. Hey y'all =D. Got an electro house remix of the first bunker level on Goldeneye 64, started it Friday and surprisingly manufactured this out in 3 days so I was pretty stoked about that lol. Anyways, feedback of any sorts is all appreciated Remix Edit: I added more bass, just a bit more though enough to make a difference. It does sound more fuller now I like it
  14. I'll have to snatch this when I get some moolah. I'm definitely diggin this Jordan =D!
  15. Damn, this is pretty dope! I can definitely dig it. Some have suggested it already, but adding another section could break the repetitiveness a little bit, unless you were goin for that. Either way I like it =D. That synth towards the end with all that vibrato was cool.
  16. Tryin to stay loose for the compo, so I can actually produce somethin. I'm workin on a track right now to hopefully keep gears from rusting over, and it's almost done =D.
  17. I've been thinking about how to solve some of these problems for quite some time, but I have no ideas right now, which is unfortunate. Getting posted is awesome, but the focus, in my opinion, really should be about the knowledge and experience you have gained from this journey to getting a mix posted, not the getting posted in itself, to me that's an ego thing and I'm sure a lot of us has dealt with that I know I have. Patience is a virtue, it'll get posted. In the meantime, you could always provide a link to it for our listening pleasure and you don't have to wait for us to enjoy a piece you've worked on, and then seeing it randomly pop up on the front page would just be sprinkles on the cake =D.
  18. Damn, I knew I was missing one, Volt Catfish! Thinkin about switchin now xD.
  19. Always lookin forward to remixing Mega Man music in pressuring conditions! Blast Hornet - MMX3 Gravity Beetle - MMX3 Neon Tiger - MMX3 Chill Penguin - MMX Tunnel Rhino - MMX3
  20. So, I had this problem a while back but now I'm back again, and this time with some pictures to help visualize the situation a bit better. Ok, so I'm having issues with the hardware interface and how only the first and second inputs route into the first track instance in the fl mixer and the rest of the inputs on the hardware interface routes into separate tracks so the signal for let's say the thor device, gets separated into two different tracks for left and right So this, produces this. I've tried many different combinations using the spider audio merger but none has worked. If you need more details in that I can clarify but I figured it's not needed. Am I stuck with this conundrum that Image Line and/or Propellerhead hasn't fixed yet or is there a solution to my problem? And I'm hoping it's not use one cable because you can easily tell that it's mono and there's no getting around that, you can't widen the sound or anything when it's done that way. Subtractor seems to be the only device in which it doesn't matter since the device is a monophonic instrument anyway lol @_@.
  21. I'm really glad that someone else on this website knows about this man! I started to feel claustrophobic lol.
  22. A lot different than what I'm used to doing but there's a first time for everything right =D?! Anyways let me know what you guys think, and hope you enjoy and it has some usefulness as far as relaxing or use for a production or somethin, cheers! Wonder
  23. Impactful! I like the sound of this definitely depressing. It's extraordinary to me the capacity for us to make music that sound like this. Kudos!
  24. I'm workin on a chill song right now, totally inspired by you, I'll send it to you when I'm finished with it =D!

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