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Everything posted by dsx100
Thanks man, I tried looking for the article but I didn't get any results before. Must have been recently made. Thanks agian man.
Since my question is on a similar topic, I thought it would be ok to just but it here. I am having performance issues with my BFG Nvidia 7800 256 OC AGP graphics card. For some reason I get horrible performance from it. I got better performance from my old Nvidia MX4000. I am running of 84.21 drivers on Windows XP professional. The games I am trying to run are WarCraft III, Unreal 2004, Doom 3, Nights of the Old Republic, Quake 3, and Age of Mythology. I did call customer service and so far everything they told me to do only improved performance mildly. First it was get a new powersupply, then update bios, then get older drivers and finally they didn't have a solution. Can you guys help me out or is the card defective?
I guess you are just going to have to debate it. That is the only way the game can get taken down, through in-depth debate. At least that is how I understand it.
About the whole "Dreamcast or Importing?" question I asked awhile back, I have finally made my decesion. I am going to do both. Because I have decided to go ahead and import as well is buy a Dreamcast, It is going to take awhile because I am going to have to save a lot of money. My PS2 just broke on me too and that doesn't help anything. Anyway, thanks for your suggestions and inputs guys. I appreciate it.
I know I already nominated Tekken 5 but I think Tekken Tag should also be on that list. The gameplay styles are varied enough in my opinion to warrant a try at both games. I also, even though I personally don't like that much, Think Virtua Fighter 4 should be on the list because of what it contributed to the fighting genre.
I am hoping that will reveal more characters. I am also hoping they won't announce a suddenly soon release date especially if it is before June 25. Nintendo already said Pokemon is going to be the first on-line game for Wii which is coming out on June 25 and if Brawl released before then, that would mean no on-line play which would royaly suck in my opinion.
I completely agree. I picked up the album today and I was very dissappointed. Everything that made them unique is gone. All the songs sound like generic hard or soft rock. I loved the whole cross genre stuff from the first albums. Re-animation is my favorite by-the-way. I also hated that they didn't include a real, ful-length pure instrumental track like session and cure for the itch. This is why I don't like main-stream music. In fact, Linkin Park was the only mainstream I have ever liked. Now that uniqueness that made me like them is gone. About the whole lyrics thing, I have never listened to Linkin Park for their lyrics. In fact, I have never listened to any music for their lyrics. I am an instrumental guy and even though Linkin Park isn't instrumental, I just liked their unique music. But that is gone now in my opinion.
I thought at least 2 people had already nominated it but I guess that wasn't the case. So I too think Metriod Prime Hunters should be on the list. I personally don't think the DS and PSP should be on the list because they are still a current gen systems, but if they must be on the list here are some suggestions. DS: Metriod Prime Hunters WarioWare Touched New Super Mario Bros. Mario Kart DS Jump SuperStars PSP: Tekken Dark Ressurection Daxter
Hello guys, I am doing this project for my desktop publishing class and I need some info on what the game industry and culture was like in 1989. I wouldn't know anything about this as I was born in 1989. All I really know is that the Sega Genisis and Gameboy were introduced at the time. So if anyone has a some more insight on how gaming was in 1989 (am sure some people know), can you please help me out?
I really think there is no point to this thread now. I agree with Coop as sites like IGN and Gamepsot have there own top 25 or top 100 lists which pretty much give exactly what sephire wanted. I also hate the idea of a list of "Must Play" games by any "real" or "serious" gamer. Like I said before, I don't like nor play many so-called top games like Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Halo, and Guitar Hero, but I don't think that makes me any less of a gamer. I am not saying they are bad games but I just don't want people telling me I have to play them just to be considered a true gamer. For example, for those that don't like Metriod Prime 2, how would you like it if I told you that you were not a true gamer not playing nor liking the game. I bet it would piss you off. So just put yourself in others shoes who would feel the same about other games. Oh, and by the way Bahamut, I have beat Metriod Prime 2 twice already. Once on normal difficulty and once on hard difficulty. And people think Metriod Prime 2 is hard. They should really try playing on hard mode.
I had heard something about KOF 99 dreammatch actually being an upgraded 98 but I wasn't to sure. If thats the case, I would certainly like to play it. Anyway, about this getting Dreamcast games for free thing, how does it work and were can I get them. That might help me in deciding wether to get a Dreamcast or not. I don't particularly like pirating software, buying, or owning pirated software for that matter but the Dreamcast has been dead for awhile, so I doubt anyone cares anymore.
Here are some I forgot to list the first time around. PS2: Jak and Daxter Series (all 3) Burnout 3 GC: Paper Mario Thousand Year Door Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2 For older systems that be added later: PS1: Tekken 3 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Carsh Bandicoot series (especially 2) N64: Super Smash Bros. F-Zero X SNES: Kirby Superstar Super Street Fighter II Killer Instinct F-Zero GBA: Metroid Zero Mission and Fusion Zelda Minish Cap Super Advanced Series Agian I am just nominating games I think won't be mentioned much or even at all. I also feel this thread is becoming a favorites thread easily. You have people complaining about Metriod Prime 1 and 2, Wind Waker, and others being on the list. There are also people putting up games that have gotten bad or mixed reviews in general. I also just finished stating my opinion, further proving my point. Basically, I think it is impossible to create a thread like this with out it becoming a favorites thread. Everyone has their own tastes in what games they play. I personally don't play or really like games like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, or Halo, which most people seem to love. I, however, don't think they are bad games. I just don't care much for them and think it is stupid to say I am not a 'serious' or 'real' gamer if I don't like or own those games. I am sure others feel the same way. EDIT: Why the hell was Metroid Prime 2 removed from the list. That game was great no matter what people say. The only people that don't like the game are the ones that found it to hard to play. That game improved on every apect of the first making it a much better game. It had better graphics, puzzles, gameplay, and story than the first. It also felt it felt more like a metriod game than the first with the inclusion of the screw attack, wall-jump, and colored themed doors. Agian this my personal opinion, which you can see is hard to aviod in a thread like this.
Well right know I am leaning a little more towards importing, but I am still going to have to think about it some more. It sort of hard to decide.
There are some obvious choices that everyone has been posting, So I am going to post some that haven't been mentioned as much or not mentioned at all. PS2: Tekken 5 Soul Calibur 2 Okami Jak 3 GC: Metriod Prime 2: Echoes Soul Calibur 2 F-Zero GX Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
I have a little situation here and I kind of wanted some input from you guys. Ok here it is: I want to get and play a lot of old and fairly new SNK fighters that I have missed out on, mostly Garou: Mark of the Wolves, King of Fighters 98 and XI, and Neo Geo Battle Collesiem. I also want Namco X Capcom. I am torn between getting a dreamcast to play some of the games or just buying a Swap Magic disc and fliptop to play the imports on my PS2. They would both cost me about the same so I can't decide. For the Dreamcast, I would get the system and buy games like MoW, Kof 98, SF:TS, SFA3, MvC2, CvS2, and Soul Calibur. The pros are I would have a Dreamcast with some pretty good fighting games that are not outside the US Region. Basically I won't have to import them plus I have heard nothing but good things about the Dreamcast as Fighter console. The Cons, I am buying a whole system for games I can get or already have on the PS2 with the exception of Soul Calibur. Plus if ever get a launch window PS3, I can still play most my old PS2 games, which I can't do with the Dreamcast. For Importing, I can get all the dreamcast games I don't already have plus Neo Geo BC, KOF XI, and Namco X Capcom for PS2 which I already have.These are all imports however, which means they are pretty expensive games. I am also going to have to modify my PS2 no matter what. There is also the language barrier. Plus, this will add a lot of games to my already pretty big PS2 library. I just don't really want so many games for the PS2. To much of anything can be bad. So what to you guys think, Dreamcast or Importing?
I completely agree. I have always thought fighters, especially 2D, have alienated the more casual gamers. That is why I personally think Fighting isn't as popular of a genre as it use to be. I can hardly get any of friends to play me seriously in a fighting game. They just don't understand them enough to want to play them. However I do think fighters can easily solve this problem buy making the games a little more user friendly. Like you said Virtua Fighter 4 is a good example by offering a tutorial mode. Soul Calibur and Smash Bros. also does the same by offering a tutorial mode as well, but those games take it a step forward by offering easy to get into and use gameplay. Soul Calibur has always been known as button masher friendly game and that is why more casual gamers like it. It doesn't take alot of effort to play the game. I personally don't have a problem with this because the game offers balance in which a good player can easily beat a button masher. I am barely decent at the game and I never lose to a button masher. The game is easy to play but difficult to master and learn fully. The same is true for Smash Bros. except the for the button mashing part. Instead the game has very simple controls that anyone can easily learn. However, it is really hard to get very good at that game and some many other techniques come into play at high-level competition than what is shown in the tutorial. If every fighting game could do this, I think the fighting genre could become more popular and enjoyable. But if things stayed same, It honestly wouldn't care much as I love fighters so much already.
I absolutely can not believe it! For so many years I tought I was horrible at 2D fighters. SSF 2T, SFA3, MvC2,CvSNK2, KOF 2003, SF3:TS, are all games I cannot beat without continueing unless it is on easy or very easy difficulty. I was always told the computer sucks and that if I couldn't beat it I sucked. But it seems like a lot of people here have trouble too. I just couldn't imagine anyone beating those games on high difficulties and I guess I was some-what right. I actually don't know what to think now. So what is the verdict, do I suck horribley or just a little?
I have alwasy prefered the controller over a stick, I can't really explain why. It just feels better than a stick to me. However I am very picky about the controllers. As I said earlier, I dislike the xbox's controller for fighting games and the gamecube's isn't really that great either. So far the best D-pad for fighters to me in the Gameboy micro's D-pad. I know it sounds stupid but that d-pad is probably the most responsive d-pad I have ever used. Next would be the Wii's Classic controller (which is similar to the Mirco's D-pad) and then the good-old DualShock 2. I haven't tried the Six-axis so I can't say anything about it. The PSP's d-pad just plain sucked in my opinion.
Apparently Nintendo still plans on releasing SSBB this year, at least in Japan. IGN has 2 articles up that support this. http://wii.ign.com/articles/784/784665p1.html http://wii.ign.com/articles/784/784065p1.html So far, I have high hopes that it will ship sometime this year. More and more evidence keeps poping up at various gamesites that support this. I guess we will have to wait a little longer (probably until E3) for more info.
I play mostly only play casually as well. I'm decent, I know the fighting systems really well but I just don't invest a lot of time into fighters. I have the potentional but not will or time to become seriously good. One time I beat the 2nd ranked guy in Tekken 5 at my arcade in one round. He won the rest of the match, but apparently I did something few people could do. I also rarely use top-tier characters which is also another reason why am not that good. I like having fun playing my games and I don't have fun when I play as someone I don't like.
So even though I have a slim ps2 with a fliptop, I still need to buy another flip top to keep it from resetting. Just trying to clear things up.
How exactly does a fliptop work. I never understood it.
I completely agree. I would love to see some of his Wario Land moves like the tackle. Maybe he can utilize a bucket somehow too.
Has anyone else heard this rumor that Famitsu has the scoope on Guilty Gear Accent Core for Wii. If this is true then the Wii will be getting it first real worth while fighting game (at least in my opinion). I wonder if it will support Wi-Fi play. Anyway you can find some stories about it over at IGN, http://wii.ign.com/articles/783/783358p1.html 1up has a story up too. Concerning this SF:TS characters talk. I personally prefer using Akuma. I know he's cheap but I don't really use him in that manner. I never teleport nor use the air fireball. I just use him because I love his personality and I just think he's badass. I am that kind of guy that plays a character just because I like their style rather than if they are any good or not. From a stragetic point (other than hes cheap) he is a good character to use because has the best of both worlds (Ken and Ryu). He is faster than Ryu but stronger than Ken. Not to mention he has 3 super-arts avialable form the start. However, he lacks EX moves and takes a crap load of damage.
I found the CvSNK2 announcer a little annoying at times but I still think he probably has the most personality out of any fighting game annoucner. I didn't mind SFA3's announcer much. I think very similar in some ways. By the way, who's getting SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters DS? It looks cool but I have heard very little about it as of late.