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Everything posted by dsx100
Thanks man. just what i was looking for.
I wasn't sure where I should post this. I thought since it was a question of mine, this would be the best place. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone knows or knows of a place I can get the lyrics for "Reset" by Ayaka Hirahara, AKA the ending cerdits BGM in Okami? Of course I would like them translated because I can't read japanese, so If anyone can help I would really apperciate it.
My username, is just something I thought up a while back, maybe around 4 years ago. DSX stands for DragonSlayer X which derives from my philosophy that anything can be done with the right amount of motivation and hard work. When someone says "I want to", "I am" or "I'm going Slay a Dragon", they usually mean they are going to accomplish a very difficult task. This is something I'm known for doing by my friends, family, and co-workers. I have that never quit and never lay down attitude. Plus I love taking on difficult challenges. So Thats why I call myself a DragonSlayer. I just added the X part for no real reason other than to make it less plain. As for the 100 part. I wanted to add something to DSX just so it wouldn't seem so short. Plus, a lot of the things I registered for had like a 4 character limit. So DSX just wouldn't cut it. Since I like everything to have a meaning, I am currently thinking of a better reason and meaning behind the X and 100 in my name, but I just haven't come up with anything yet.
What I said in the Wii Thread.
If I remeber correctly, Iwata promised an on-line enabled Smash Bros. at launch when they first revealed the Wii (then named Revolution) at E3 2005.
These Smash Bros. delays honestly wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't for promised release dates. First launch, then Dec. 3, then Feb. 9, and finally (at least I hope so) Mar. 9. They should just take the Blizzard appoarch and say "When its Done".
I saw the first episode and I plan on watching the second episode on-line as soon as its avialable. I actually really enjoyed the pilot, it was action packed and presented an interesting twist in the story line. I guess I mostly just wanted more terminator since the last movie was released in 2003. But whether it or not it will continue to hold my interest remains to be seen. Hopefully it will because I'm a pretty big Terminator fan.
You guys known Legend of The Galatic Heroes started off as a series of novels first. I always thought that was pretty interesting. It was never officialy localized in the USA though.
I think I would care more if I was a bigger StarWars fan but I'm not so in or out I could care less. I'm primarily a Soulcalibur fan. Also SC is a game, and just like any other game, I don't think it needs to be taken seriously. Its not like its a simulation game. Seriously, who gives a crap if it doesn't makes since.
I have never been a big fan of anime or manga series, mostly only stand-alone animated movies (think Street Fighter II, Appleseed, Ghost in the Shell). However there are a few that have really enjoyed, though I would say mostly because they have interesting stories rather than anything else. Basically the only anime I actually like include: Ghost in the Shell SAC Gundam Wing Street Fighter II V Vandread DragonBall (not GT) I have tried watching other stuff but I just can't get into it. Most recently Samurai 7, which I guess I mostly disliked only becuase I'm a big fan of the original Seven Samurai film. I do find Death Note a little interesting, and I want to watch Planetes but currently have no way of doing so. Also on the side-note, I really don't think DragonBall is that bad. I think it gets a bad rep sometimes mostly because of how the American market decided to potray the series. If you really read and the watch the original Japanese content, its different and much more mature. I personally think the story is good too.
http://metroidrecon.planets.gamespy.com/comics/metroidemanga.php Thats the whole thing, just in case you are interested. And like mentioned before, it was a animated comic released a while back, I can't remeber how long ago. It takes place before the events of the first Metroid as a means to give some back story for the games. The link I gave you is of the translated still manga. I don't remeber where to find the original japanese animated one. Also, I believe it is officialy canon as it was originally published on the official Japanese Metroid website.
Thats not true. The vast majority of brand new PC games are only $50. The ones that are more are usually collectors editions. Orange Box, Crysis, Unreal Tournament III, Command and Conquer 3, Gears of War, and BioShock where all only $50 on PC as opposed to $60 on consoles. Also don't forget that the prices for PC games go down very quickly compared to consoles.
Well in my opinion, PC gaming is worth it if you have capable hardware because PC gaming usually offers a superior experience to consoles. Whether it be Controls, Graphics, Customization, Mods, Patches, and Online-play. Online-Play is a huge draw for me because PC games have been online for years they are only getting better. I have yet to play a console game that can match the experience of PC online gaming. Its also free for the most part, with each game having is own service and servers. Battel.net is a great example. Mods are also things you can't regularly get on consoles. So in my opinion, it may cost a lot of money to get a great PC experience but often more times than not, its worth it. PC exclusives (Like Warcraft) is definately a big draw for me too though. Edit: By the way, it only took about $880 bucks to build my rig. So its not like every good gaming PC needs to cost 1000+ dollars.
I'm not 100% positive but I believe Warrior was the first ever Head-to-Head fighting game. However, it had a top down perspective rather than a side perspective.
Definately agree with you on that. If her character is to mature, they need to give her a more serious look. Using the school girl outfit as an alternate wouldn't be though. Like being able to use Chun Li's old costume in SF Alpha.
If you like thought provoking animes, Vandread is a definate win. There are tons of philosophical elements in it and other moral stuff. It definately got me thinking about a lot of things.
I'm actually pretty confident this game will be great too. I have faith in Capcom to know how important this series is and to put their best efforts into it.
I'm not sure if this post was directed at me but I 'm assuming it is. Sorry if I'm wrong. Anyway, I have already seen all the Vandread episodes. My friend kindly ripped them for me. I was looking for them on DVD merely as a collector's idea and so I can watch them on my DVD players. Also I agree that the English voice acting was good. Its one of the few animes I prefer to watch in English. Maybe its becuase they weren't subject to censorship like other popular animes.
I'll check it out. However I'm mostly a sci-fi/cyper-punk fan more than anything else so odds are I won't care much for it but i'l still check it out. I'm open to a lot of new ideas.
Sorry. I always thought Stemage was a band, not just one person.
So is the general mindset right now that Soulcalibur Legends sucks? I really want to try it out but at the same time I hear nothing but negative things about it.
Seeing as there are many anime fans here at OCR, I was wondering if anyone here has seen Vandread and quite possibily liked it? I'm not a huge Anime fan at all ( I mostly only watch DBZ and Ghost in the Shell), but I really enjoyed Vandread quite a bit. One of my friends who is a huge Anime/Manga fan also enjoyed it a lot. It also seems like an anime that would appeal to a lot of people but yet it doesn't seem very popular. I can't even find any of the DVDs anymore. From what I hear it was very popular is japan, but went relatively unkown in the states. Or maybe its just because its sort of old and I just got into it now. So I guess, I just wanted to get other peoples thoughts on it. Do you like or not? Was it ok? Do you own any of the DVDs? Would like to see it continued? etc. I really enjoyed it and its pretty hard to find anyone to discuss it with.
Yeah EX wasn't horrible but its wasn't all that great either. It basicallyy doesn't live up to the SF name in my opinion. SF 4 has even more expectations considering Capcom considers it part of the main series. So EX with cel-shaded graphics just won't do.
As far as characters go, I agree that they should bring a lot of new characters and bring back some from 3rd Strike. However, I believe a lot of old characters need to be brought back too, especially story wise. Like Sagat, he never got the rematch with Ryu he has always wanted. Guile too, becuase as much as his hair sucks, he's a damn popular character. Sakura definately needs to come back too seeing as she's Ryu's student, has tons of room to develop character wise, and shes like the only character not in danger of becoming a old washed up fighter at this point. Gameplay wise, I'm happy as long as it sticks to basic SF gameplay, 6 button layout, Specials, and Super Specials. Parrying being gone isn't a huge deal but it would still be nice if they kept it. This Ultra-combo thing sounds interesting but I just hope is doesn't become something that is overly abused. As long as its balanced, fun, and SF at heart, I'll be happy. Basically no EX with flashy(or crappy depending on your view) graphics that give it a classic 2D look.
What do you guys thing about these rumors so far? You know like the Ultra Combo thing, no parrying, and it takes place before 3 but after 2. There just rumors right now but it would really suck if they took out parrying.