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Everything posted by dsx100
I already read the Metroid Prime 3 review on IGN. For the most part, I completely agree with it. Also the written review is pretty much as spoiler-free as you can possibly get, anyone worried about spoilers shouldn't worry about anything being spoiled if you read the review. Remember, the keyword is read. Also, I know its too late now but for those that preorder their games on-line and have to wait a while to get the game, next time you may want to try Gamestop's street date preorder shipping. You can pre-order online and for a little extra cash, get the game on it's shipping date. Basically if you did this for MP 3, you would be recieving it today rather than wait for tomorrow like the people that pre-order at the store. Man I can't wait till tomorrow.
Although it isn't really fanboy fighting, its still a little annoying and I wish it would stop. I come to the Wii forum to post about the Wii, not PS3, 360, PC, or even DS for that matter. I go to those respective threads to post about their respective consoles or systems. I also don't like it because I tend to get caught up in it all time. I try to stay away form the agruement, but I always wind up getting envolved in some way. I also dislike that people's opinions tend not to get respected in these type of discussions, even if they are friendly. From this point on, I'm going to try my best to avoid the "which console is better" (or anything similar) agruement but like always, I'll probably and up saying something eventually.
Well only to a certain extent. Of course their are some times when your opinion is dead wrong like the example I used in my post. Their is also times where it could be wrong like in the way I offend people, affects my job, and other real life situations like that. But when its something simple like, I feel this investment isn't good for me, or I don't like this game because, and etc. then how can that be wrong. Thats what you believe. It like saying being a certain religion is wrong. I should probably edit that so it doesn't come off the wrong way. Sorry about that. Ok, already edited it.
Who are you to tell me my opinion is wrong. Did you read the bold letters In My Opinion. I think its a horrible investment because it doesn't offer anything better than what I can get from my PC already. All the good, unique, or somethimes exclusive games (Ex. Gears of War, Halo, Bioshock, and Knights of the Old Republic) eventually get ported to PC and are often times much better on PC. I'm not talking about games like DMC which is also coming out on PS3. I can play all those 3rd Party games on my PS3 (when I get one). Also don't give me this Madden 08 shit because I'm not a sports game fan, so once agian, it doesn't justify me getting a 360. Agian this is all my opinion. My opinion should not be mistaken for fact. Now if I said "in my opinion Hilter didn't kill the jews" then I why see why that is wrong. I'm just simply saying why I don't think the 360 is worth my money. If you guys think it is, thats completely fine. Go ahead and buy it. Now that thats out of the way, I also got to demo Metroid Prime 3 at EB Games. From what I saw, it was the full game. I had to start a new game and 2 games where already saved when I started playing. I must say I wasn't disappointed. It really does control well. I think I'm more excited now then I ever was before. The first Boss fight is very cool by the way.
I think that will probably change soon. Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, and Smash Bros. Brawl all look amazing from what I have seen. One thing is for sure, they all animate better than anything I have seen on any console so far, except maybe Call of Duty 4.
With this upadte, I think its more likely Ridley will appear in the game as a Boss rather than a playable character. To me, that just makes more sense than him being playable. I think Petey is actually a fitting first boss. Not all that feirce but also not that dull.
I actually want a PS3 really bad. A lot of the games coming out for it have me really interested, especially some long time franchises that have stayed PS or 360 exclusive. However the price is way too damn much. I trying to save up for college at this point and the last thing I need is to spend $500-$1000+ on a video game system. Personally, in my opinion, the 360 is a horrible investment. That console just isn't worth the money. First off, you have to pay for services you could easily get for free on other platforms. Call me spoiled, but I'm used to playing online games for free on PC for years now. Second, all their good and unique games eventually come out on PC with better graphics, better controls, and lower price tags. Finally and most importantly, that system is made like a piece of shit. I can't even count how many times I have heard of the system breaking down in some form or another from friends and outside sources. I have even heard stories of people going through 10 -13 360s. That 3 year warranty doesn't fix the faultiness of the system. So far, "to me" the Wii is the only system that seems worth buying this generation. There are a ton of games coming out that I am very interested in, it is within my price range (software and hardware), it has superior backwards compatibilty, and it actually offers a different way of playing games. So I'm honestly very happy with my Wii. I think I made the right choice and hope it stays that way.
Like many, I too am sick and tried of all the Nintendo haters, naysayers, and etc. For those that feel Nintendo is ignoring the hardcore, your dead wrong. This holiday's lineup is more than enough proof. Also this bull crap that they may be offering hardcore titles but only advertise to the casual and will eventually stop marketing to the hardcore is just plain stupid. Nintendo is smart. The reason why they are focusing most of their advertising and marketing towards the casual is because the casual is still a relatively new demographic. Their are still millions of people that are part of the casual market and still may not know about the Wii or DS. However, I'm sure many would agree the defition of a "hardcore" gamer is a person whos primary interest is video games. If your primary interest is video games, than don't you think you would already know what your intrested in, already know what type of games you like, and possibily know when they will be avialable. Nintendo doesn't market much to the hardcore because they don't really need too. Most will still go out and buy their stuff just because their loyal fans. That demographic is already there in place. Remeber, they are trying to expand the audience. Also this crap about no new hardcore games being shown by nintendo is also stupid. Since when has Nintendo been free and open about what they got indevelopment. They like to keep their projects secret and quiet. Just because you haven't seen any evidence that they exsist doesn't mean they don't. Bottom-line, Nintendo knows what their doing. I believe Nintendo is truely trying to take the real next step in the gaming industry by expanding the audience and by changing the way we play play and view videogames. Graphics and the hardcore will only take you so far these days. Nintendo is thinking ahead, looking beyond graphics and the current demographic. Besides, this agruement can get stupid at times. Their is really just one solution despite what everyone says or argues. If you don't like Nintendo's strategy, you don't like simple games, you don't like last-gen graphics and etc. just simply don't buy a Wii. If you love what Nintendo is doing, you love the games and etc. then buy a Wii. Just be happy with your choice. I know I'm really glad to be a Wii owner right now. But if Wii is not for you, thats fine. Thats why we have choices. Sorry about the huge rant but it seemed like the current topic, with the news of Wii surpassing 360.
IGN, 1up, and Gamespot all have previews of Metroid Prime 3 up now and, no I am not going to post links, stop being lazy and type in the URLs. I must say I was very disappointed with 1up's preview. That preview shows exactly how biased and mainstream 1up is. Gamespot's was ok, but it seemed like they didn't spend a lot of time with the game or they just weren't all that excited. I really liked IGN's because it was very detailed and you could definately tell they gave their full attention to the game. These previews (at least gamespot's and IGN's) make me really excited about this game, even more so than before. I just can't wait till 8/28 now.
Very interesting. I wonder if many Nintendo villians will be involved like Petey. I'm hoping for space pirates and metroids.
Two words "SUPER METROID". I want to get back to playing this game so I'm going to make this quick, Did anyone see today's MP 3 video updates. 2 words, Auroa and METROIDS!
Man I hate that guy. How can't people see that he is a total idoit. None of his claims ever have merit. Also, I'm pretty sure many people would argue that WWE programming isn't really kid friendly.
I actually like Metroid Prime 3's cover. I don't see whats so bad about it, but guess having 3 Samus's on one cover is such a big no-no for video game box art.
I'll be first to come out and say I'm very picky about my games, so whether they are good, great, superb, or decent doesn't really matter unless the game interests me. As of right know, Bioshock doesn't interest me at all. However, seeing as it is getting great reviews, I am going try out the PC demo as soon as its avialable. Maybe I might and up seeing something I like in it.
Call of Duty DS does look interesting and I plan on trying out. I never really cared much for the Call of Duty series since they where military based shooters but for some reason Call of Duty 4 caught my attention. The DS verion is based off 4, so I do plan on giving it a try as soon as it is avialable. Also, I know this is wishful thinking but, I hoping after the release of Prime3 or included in the release of Prime3 that Nintendo gives out some info on a new Metroid, maybe Metroid Dread. Kind of like what they did with MP and Fusion and MP2 and Hunters. They included this littel booklet of info on the games in the packaging. I know wishful thinking, but from what I remeber Dread was never completely confirmed as being cancelled. Who knows, maybe its still out there somewhere.
Thanks man. The Auroa video was very interesting. By the way, I am completely agianst Metroid becoming more of a First Person Shooter than a First Person Adventure. I really like all the exploring and back tracking parts of the mertoid games. I guess thats why I love the series so much. To me, these elements are what make Metroid. However, I'm not worried about prime straying away from this at all. Like others have said already, if they wanted this to be a Halo-Killer they would have added on-line play or at least split-screen multiplayer. You just can't have a FPS these days without multiplayer. Also the fact that retro is focusing on single player just screams at me, "Classic Metroid!". That spiderball video also looks to me like they won't be lacking in the platforming and puzzle department. Just to clarify, I don't hate MP hunters. It was a great game. I happen to like FPSs but because MPH played more like a FPS, it didn't feel like a Metroid Game to me. I would be very dissapointed if Prime 3 did turn out to be more of a FPS but I wouldn't not play the game. I won't enjoy it as much but I won't absouletely hate it either.
Man, I completely forgot about the save state. No more worries here. Unfortunately I can't watch those new metroid videos because my wifi connection is down. From the sounds of it, they seem very interesting. Damn, I hate being with out wifi.
Now that I think about it, I kind of wish Nintendo would have released a localized version of the japanese version of Metroid on VC. I just think it would be a lot easier to use a save system(Japan) rather than a code system(US). Either way I'm buying the game. I feel like kicking Motherbrain's ass.
Pretty neat update. I wonder how the final smash will work for him, or the individual pokemon. If I was a pokemon fan, this would interest me a lot more. My cousin is probablly going crazy right now. He likes anything relating to pokemon.
Hell yes, boost guardian is really tough on hard mode. It took me about 15 or 17 trys before I beat it. Guadraxis is also pretty tough. As of now, those where the only two bosses I had trouble with in hard mode. The rest (including spider guardian) where easy. By the way, Metroid comes out on VC today. Can't wait to get it.
I'm actually doing the same thing. I'm on Metroid Prime 2 right know except at the point where I am about to get the light suit. I'm also doing it on hard. Sheesh, people complain about it being to hard on normal, hard mode is really something. I am going to try and finish Metroid and Super Metroid before MP 3 comes out. I also totaly agree with what you said about MP 2. You really have to do alot of work in that game that may be why people don't like it (or give it a chance), aside from the Difficultly which I actually don't find very hard at all. I'm actually known for having a lot of patientence, so I quess thats why MP 2's gameplay didn't bother me much.
Well the story seems very interesting. Also I remeber reading an interview in Nintendo Power where one of guys at retro said that fact that she starts to enjoy the so-called coruption ands up playing a big part in the story later. I really like the stories for all the metroid games and this one is definately no exception. Also can't wait for metroid and super metroid to hit VC.
Just connected and got the Metroid Prime 3 channel. All I have to say is, "That is the best video game trailer have seen in a long time!". Can't wait till 8/13 and definately can't wait till 8/27.
Damn, that is what happened to me as well. Right after that update. I found out later that the update limits anything that technically modifies the wii. For me, it isn't too bad. The only game I have ever used it for was F-Zero GX.
Thanks for the help guys. That article was actually a good read. Very Informative. For now, I'll try to invest in an Nvidia 8600. If I absolutely can't manage to get one, I'll go with 8500 GT. I really want Direct X10 support, otherwise I would consider a 7900. Thanks agian for the help guys.