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Everything posted by dsx100
That is so true. I hated fighting the Metroids in the impact crater. In fact the first time I played the game, I started fighting those metroids thinking they were going to be easy like the Talon Metroids. Long story short, they kicked my ass and I was pretty much dead by the time I reached Metroid Prime. Also I wonder why they chose to remove the power bombs in Corruption. I thought for sure they would be a part of the game but I reach the end and they are no where in sight. Maybe hyper ball was ment to replace it.
This does help. They have a Shadow of Colossus speedrun so I can probably take some screens of the ending. Thanks for all your help.
I can enjoy, understand, and appreciate FPSs as much as you can. I never once generalized the genre. If you insist its true then please show me where I once generalized the genre please. I would love to see it. If your going by the simple "run and gun" generaltion, I never said FPSs where simply "run and gun". Stop acting like your the only that can fully understand and apperciate the FPS genre. Stop treating me like I'm an idoit. I know they are First Person. I was simply giving an example of First person games that don't have the First Person part tagged on to them. For the most part, they are known simply as RPGs.
Man that sucks, because I'm not an IGN Insider. Any other places?
Once agian, you assume to much. It sepcifically wrote they are similar "especially" multiplayer wise. I never said thats the only thing they have in common. I can't speak for Unreal Tournament 3's single player because the game isn't obviously out yet, so I'm going to use Unreal 2004's single player as an example. In both UT and CoD, single player focuses on repilcating the multiplayer experience as that is dominant trait of both. In both, you have to accomplish various tasks and work with your AI teamates inorder to do so. There are a lot of differences but they still both offer something similar. The same can be said about the platformers you mentioned. They are completely different but like other platformers, there is a strong emphasis on collecting things. Agian your the one assuming too much. Basically from the beginning of this 'debate', you were essentially just agruing your point with two people, me and AarowSwift. I have already made it clear that I don't generalize FPSs. I enjoy them, I play them, I play a wide variety of them, and like I said before some happen to be some of my most favorite games of all time. I know what your trying to say that FPSs aren't shallow, they aren't just about multiplayer, they aren't just run and gun. I already know that. If this is the point your trying to argue then this 'debate' should have ended a long time ago. Now I can't speak for AarowSwift, but I believe has been trying to say the same things and make you understand that he also sees that FPSs aren't shallow run and guns. It seems to me that your trying to convince us that Prime is an FPS. And like I said before, that just isn't going to happen. Finally, I suggest we leave all this Genre nonsense alone and possibly come to the agreement that the Prime series is Action Adventure, leave the First person out of it. Just like Oblivion and Fallout 3 are RPGs, notice no first person added on. As for me, I'm done with this debate. I just going to go now and enjoy MP 3 Corruption as much as possibile before other great games come out. Please don't drag me into this if it continues.
Maybe it can be a 3d one, but with a different style from Prime. Basically something 3rd person that plays similar to Mario 64 and Legend of Zelda OoT. No one said it had to be like Prime. Besides, nowhere did it say that they where working on a Metroid game period. I don't think we will see another metroid for a long time and maybe even ever agian (though I hope to God thats not the case).
Maybe you can't seem to grasp the completely different experience that the Prime series offers. Is that so hard to imagine. Is it that impossible to believe that maybe you might not be grasping the full design of Prime. Its ok for us not to fully grasp FPSs but its just damn impossible for you not to do the same with Prime. Also, why do you assume that your the only one that completely enjoy FPSs. Thats not true. They may have different settings, feel, environment, and design but they still offer a very familiar experience, especially in the multiplayer sense. You go around fragging people, and thats mostly it. You might need to accomplish something else along the way like capturing a base or something similar but you still frag people. Then stop arguing already. So what if you think Prime is an FPS, we can all see that already. By continuing arguing this point time after time, you make it seem like you want to change peoples minds on the subject.
I need to know where I can get spoiler screens and or videos. I would specifically like these screens or videos for Shadow of the Colosuss, Okami, and Twilight Princess. I have already beat all those games, so I already know what happens. I really just need these for a project I'm doing for a class in which I need to show the relationship between the player and a character in the game. If anyone knows where I can get screens or videos like this please let me know. It would be most appreciated.
Yeah I guess that is a much better way to put it but despite the shooter elements, Metroid games are essentially action adventure. Like AarowSwift keeps saying, there is a big difference between a game like Contra and a game like Metroid.
FPSs aren't bad for that kind of stuff, they just doesn't focus on it like the Prime games. And I think it does matter that these elements are used to differentiate because just because the game contains those elements, it doesn't mean they are big part of the gameplay. Hell, these elements could have been put in by accident. There are two problems with this statement. One, just like I said above, sequence breaking is part of the games even if it wasn't supposed to be in there, not designed to be in there, etc. but it is still a part of the game just like backtracking, exploration and etc. are part of FPSs, in design or not. Two, you make it seem like the only types of games that can be non-linear are open-ended, free-roaming games which is wrong. Those types of games are the most non-linear but they aren't the only types of games that are non-linear. Linear games are games like Super Mario Bros., Pacman, On-rail shooters. I'm not going to even bother explaining why they are linear, you should know why. Your just making misconceptions about me. If you read my post more clearly, you would know I had said I'm very familiar with FPSs. I play and really like a lot of FPSs. I have played the Half-life series, Doom series, Unreal series, Quake series, Farcry, Halo series, Red Steel, and oh so many others I can't think of right know. Half-life 2, Unreal 2004 and Doom 3 are three of my most favorite games. However, none of those mentioned offered an experience comparable to the Prime games plain and simple. Yet each one of those felt a little similar in some form or fashion. Because Metroid is not a shooter. I know the whole agurement is that games shouldn't have genres, but thats just unrealistic. Genres aren't just simple labels given to things, they are descriptions that inform people of what type of game they might be playing. When people see the FPS tag slapped on Metroid Prime, they are going to try it out because they think it may offer something similar to other FPSs they have played. That is when they get dissapointed and claim its a bad game. Thats why it needs something to differeniate, like the genre FPA. Just for your information, Portal is being called a "First Person Action Puzzle Game". This is also what Valve themselves is calling it. Finally, regardless if you still think the Prime games are FPSs, just know that other people don't see them that way and that should be ok. You don't need to change their mind. Let them view it as a FPA if they want, its not going to change anything. If people think the Prime games are FPSs thats fine, but they better be prepared for the completely different experience they offer.
The Metroid Prime games aren't linear. Backtracking isn't the only thing that seperates the Prime series from FPSs. Their is also exploration, puzzle solving, and sequence breaking. I don't now why people say you can't sequence break in the prime games because you most definately can. I do it all the time including in Corruption. The main objective of FPSs, even if they do contain other elements, usually revolves around killing things, getting from point a to point b and or escaping from a certain place. Also, you can backtrack in almost every FPS but, the games don't give you any reason to do so. FPSs are also very action oriented. There are very long periods of time, including in Corruption, where you don't shoot a single thing. Trust me, if you play a lot of FPSs like I do, you should know that the Prime series plays totally different from any FPS out there. If you don't, in my opinion, you aren't playing the Prime series to its fullest, or aren't giving it the special time and attention it needs. Agian wasn't aimed at anyone in paticular. If there is anyone this post was directed at it is spoiled modern gamers that have very shallow tastes and want developers to give them everything they want. I also agree with a lot of what you say. Its just many people don't back up the their claims the way you do, especially in an itelligent way. Also, about the whole developer thing, these guys really try hard to please their audience. I don't think they need the treatment given to them by many gamers today. Yes, they make mistakes like every body else. I just hate when people whine about how I didn't get what I want.
Damn truth. That really is basically what I said in one sentence.
Its funny how spoiled gamers are these days. It really is. Note: Now just so you guys know, I'm not critizing your reviews or opinions. I don't have anything agianst them, I'm just going to give a little of my input on some of negative things I have been hearing about the game from varisous places. Why is it that the things that people complain about in Corruption, are the things that where changed in the game because of the complaints in Echoes. First off difficulty. Corruption is too easy, Echoes is too hard. So many people complained that Echoes was too hard, so much so, that Retro made sure that was one of the things they addressed in Corruption. Now its too easy. I don't like the hint system.Second, exploration. Corruption is more fast paced, has overall smaller worlds, and traveling is made easier with your ship. In Echoes traveling takes way to long, too much back tracking, and the worlds are too big to walk in. It just doesn't make sense. Here is a great game developer that tries to listen to what their fans want and when they actually listen, the fans turn right around and complain about the things they wanted changed. What does it take to please people. This is just like what was going on with Twilight Princess. Great game but plays to damn similar to past Zelda games to the point people insist its a decent or bad game. Yet what did all the Zelda fanboys want from Nintendo: Ocarina of Time in modern graphics. That is what they got and it still wasn't good enough. Note: Agian this isn't aimed at anyone. I have just been hearing a lot of nagavtive things from all over the place about Corruption and it turns out these negative things are the things that were changed from Echoes in an attempt to make the game more enjoyable. Sorry if this post offends some of you.
In my opinion, at least from what I have seen, suit-less or helmet-less Samus has always looked less detailed in all the 3D games. For some reason, it seems like they go half-assed on rendering her.
Whats wrong with the Wii version of Accent Core, it supports the Class Controller after all. Anyway King of Fighters XI will definately be the one to keep an eye on this month. Edit: That EVO 2007 moment was amazing. I guess never giving up pays off sometimes.
Thats what I think Metroid Prime 3 did very well. They don't make it very obvisous, instead they make you pay attention and figure it out for yourself. Also on an added note, the reason why Samus doesn't seem to have much personality and show much emotion is because she is not supposed to. Samus is the classic, used often, silent video game protaganist. Game Designers make these characters this way for a reason. They avoid giving these players large personalities and voices so that you can feel more like your the hero, your playing the game, your in control. Its a way of making the game more immersive. Other hero's like Samus include: Link, Mario (Sometimes), Gordon Freeman, The Doom Guy, Jak (in the first game), and many others I can't think of right now. And just for the record, Fusion abandoned this character type (which kind of sucks). What this means for future Metroid Games, I don't know.
I have always thought of the Metroid series as having a lot of back story but little real story. This doesn't bother me because I usually like back story a lot. Metroid Prime 3 has good amount of both in my opinion. As for what happens to the hunters, Spoiler: I coul care less because Samus is a lone Bounty Hunter. She doesn't need to develop a relationship with them in my opinion. Besides, it helps develop Dark Samus's character by showing how sinister she is. :End Spoiler. So far, I like the back story a lot in Corruption, especially the Bryyo logs.
Well like they said in the article, Retro could just be teasing us all. However, I really hope thats not the case. A sequel to fusion sounds excellent right now.
http://ds.ign.com/articles/815/815899p1.html Is this good enough evidence?
I have to do an informative speech for my public speaking class and the topic I'm doing my speech on is Video Games as Art. Basically want to inform my audience on the subject of whether Video Games should be viewed as art or not. I need more resources as I can't seem to find many concerning this topic. Any help is much apperciated. You may give your opinions on the suject if you wish as well. So far, the only thing I have been able to come up with was what is the definition of art. Depending on the definition of art, Video Games can be viewed either way. For example, Art can be considered something that stimulates the mind and creates emotion or makes you think critically. It is argued that games can't be considered art in this regard because it is merely a form of entertainment, like sports. Art can also be an expression of creativity. The way something is designed may not affect you emotionally but it is still creativity expression. In this case, video games can be very much considered art. Agian, this is all I have so far, and what I have may even be leading me in the wrong direction. So any help would be much appreciated. Thanks to anyone that helps me out.
Hell yeah. This is exactly what I always tell people. I just can't stand it when people compare the two. So once agian, STOP COMPARING IT TO HALO. They have nothing in common. Great post man.
This game is awsome. I have been playing since I got home and I just can't get enough. Man it sucks that I have to work and take classes tomorrow. Don't expect a lot of posts from me for awhile. I going to play this game whenever I have the free time.
This is so damn old already. The 27th was the ship date. Almost everysingle videogame arrives the day after the ship date. Also when companies announce when the game is coming it out, it always usually the ship date that they give. This is nothing new. I have been reserving games for years now, and every single game (except for the Wii and DS launch titles) came in the day after their ship date. Besides, I think we'll see the end to this question now that the majority of us are recieving it today. I'm going to have to wait awhile because I have a full 8 hour day at work today.
8.5 is a crappy score in my opinion. Gamespot tends to be very hypocritical with its scores sometimes. They claim to always want something new and fresh and yet they give out 9s to so many lack luster and unrevoultionary FPSs. They also claimed Zelda TP was just a port and not a true ground up Wii game, yet Prime 3 is and it gets a lower score and not mention RE 4 got a higher score, which is also another port. Gamepot's reviews have always seemed very biased in my opinion. Its very clear the editors there prefer certain types of games over others. 8.5 may not be bad, but I think MP 3 is much more deserving.
Why does every topic concerning metroid, especially the prime trilogy, always and up in the flaming of Echoes. Echoes was not a bad game, it just wasn't ment for certain people. Everything about Prime 1 was there intact plus a lot more. Now just because you hate back tracking, traveling between dark worlds, ammo based weapons, doesn't mean the game sucked. It was just not what you people where expecting. Lets leave the Echoes flaming out of this and discuss Corruption. First off, today is the ship date. Nobody should getting their hands on it today unless they did the whole street date online preorder or unless the certain retailer put it on the shelves earlier than they were supposed to. Tomorrow is the big day. Also, this game is nothing like Halo, everybody who has reviewed so far has said this game has stayed true to its Metroid roots. It may have gotten a little faster paced but its still very much a Metroid Game and a First Person Adventure. It also lacks multiplayer, so agian no comparison to Halo. Halo is a multiplayer focused game, except maybe for Halo 1. Who here has actually had a chance to play the game? I played through the whole first area at my local gamestop. I was very impressed and I serisously can't wait much longer to play this game. Finally, Darke Sword, I'm glad to hear your already planning another Prime remix. I loved the first two and I'm sure your 3rd one will be just as good. From what I here, the music in Prime 3 is really something.