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Spike TV's VG Awards very disappointing...
dsx100 replied to BardicKnowledge's topic in General Discussion
The Spike VGAs have always been a complete joke. This years was an improvement though. At least some games that deserved to win actually won. The past ones have mostly been popularity contests. -
I agree that OCRemix could use some more metal sounding arrangements. I think Stemage's stuff would fit perfectly here. I wonder if they now OCR exsists.
Damn this game looks nice. The is the most 2D looking cel-shading I have ever seen. Also Ken, Ryu, Chun-Li, and Dhalism are confirmed for the game. Still no platforms though.
Where did you get that from? I have been wanting a Metroid shirt since forever but I have never been able to find any.
Finally, someone can give EA a run for there money. I juts hope the quality of the games form the 2 companies doesn't lower like they have with EA.
I know this issue is somewhat old, but I have been following the issue and this thread for awhile and I honestly have to agree with Coop. There is absouletely not facts out that indicate that Jeff was fired as a result of the K&L 6.0 review. For all we know, some stupid guy on the net made the whole story up to cause a huge stir and people came across it and labeled it fact. Yes there is a lot of info that point towards this theory, but it just can't be proven. The only people that know for sure are Gamespot and they aren't going to tell anyone. Even Jeff himself might not know becasue the employer in not required to give a reason for termination. Honestly, from my point of view, he could have got let go for the K&L review and because his reviews are somewhat faulty or inconsistent like Coop suggests. It really isn't unthinkable that someone would get fired for a honest review that made their advertisor angry. Money always plays a big role in these kinds of things. Gamespot is a business and businesses want money. If something screws with your business, you eliminate it. However, to me at least, Jeff did seem like a very biased reviewer. He would give low scores to games for the same reasons he gave high scores to others. A good example of this are his reviews for Twilight Princess and Halo 3. He critized TP for using an old system, being to familiar, and just merely polishing the Zelda formula rather than innovating it. However, Halo 3 got a 9.5 and yet it has some of the same faults as TP. The gameplay didn't really change, much, the campaign was barely improved, and it didn't even look much better than Halo 2. However, he thought that the new features made the game feel fresh. TP also had new features, like new items and wolf form but for some reason that didn't make TP feel fresh. Sounds like he is favoring Halo. I'm not arguing whether the scores where rightfully deserved or not but did the same factors make it into the review process for both. Also like Coop qouted form the 1UP article earlier, He does give extra attention to higher porfile games. Lower profile games he reviews do indeed seem less in-depth than that of bigger name games. However, I do completely agree, either way, that Gamespot has done a poor job of handeling the situation. And if this indeed turns out to be a result of pressure from an advertisor, I will be just as enraged as most people are right now.
I got the game quite a while back and I'm actually enjoying a lot. Maybe not as much as I enjoyed UT 2004 but its still fun. I also personally love the level designs. They are so unique varied, and just beautiful, even if I'm not a fan of the art style. Warfare is ridiculous amounts of fun too. The only problems I have with it so far, is that I think the map selection is a little small and the game is litered with bugs, like freezing, graphic distortion , and worst of all, poor compatability with AMD processors which basically means anyone with an AMD CPU is going to get lower performance than usual.
Well you kind of made it sound that way. But if you think its boring, than there is really no argueing with that.
Why does everyone think a fighting game has to be balanced to be good. SF3 might not be the most balanced but its still a good fighter, and its far from being broken like other fighters. I don't think its fair to base whether the game is good off how balanced it is. If that was the case, many fighters would be considered bad. And, most importantly, its just fun.
I've been playing KOF XI too a lot. Its really fun and easily my favorite of the Kof series. For some reason, everything about it justs seems much better than all the other games. The gameplay is tighter, the music is cool, the graphics look much cleaner, and the animation is great. Now all I want is a U.S. version of Garou for PS2. Edit: Also, did anyone see the Street Fighter IV Trailer analysis on Gamtrailers? Its pretty interesting. They caught a lot of things I never did. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/28231.html
I'm not sure that list is completely complete. If I recall correctly, Capcom vs SNK 2 made on the both the Dreamcast and PS2 must-have list, not just the Xbox's. The PS2 list also looks a lot shorter than it did the first time around. I don't know, maybe I'm seeing things or I have a bad short-term memory.
I just got in today and I am very impressed so far. The gameplay is just rock solid and the levels are very well designed. I'm sure they'll just get better the further you go into the game. Also is just me or does anyone else think its stupid how reviewers like Gamespot and GameInformer are comparing the game's graphics with that of sunshines. I honestly can't see any comparison at all. To me Galaxy looks much better in every way, especially animation wise and I'm even playing the game on 480i. Gamespot also ran this feature comapring the graphics and all they presented where some fuzzy screen shots. Those screens in no way do Galaxy justice.
So true. I would have bought a PSP and PS3 a long time ago if that was my case. But even Dark Resurrection is not enough to make me buy those systems. When more games come out that I like, then I'll invest in them. When I do, I will definately be playing on-line.
I'm actually suprised Gamespot gave it such a high score. I thought for sure the whole weak story and somewhat bad camera thing would have killed it for them. I guess you really can't deny how good this game is. Man I'm really excited now.
Super Smash Bros: Yes This game is probably the most unique fighting game of its time. It ditched the whole life bar thing, made you win by ring out, and it was ridiculously easy to play but yet very deep. A lot of games now copy the Smsh Bros formula, including is sequels, but it was pretty unique for its time and its still a blast to play. Seriously though, who wouldn't like to play as there favorite Nintendo mascot and beat the crap out of other Nintendo mascots. Best fighting game on N64 and probably the best multiplayer game on N64. Orange Box: Why Not Yes it relatively new and 3 of the games in the package still haven't got out of there new game feel but this deal is so damn good its really hard not to recommend. Half-life 2 is just a great game that is alone worth 50 bucks, but you also got 2 expansion packs for it, a great new puzzle action game, and a good multiplayer experince. Like many have said, its probably the best deal in video game history. Crash 2: Yes Just like the other two crash games, Crash 2 is just a great and unique platformer for the PSone. Everything from Crash 1 was brought back and improved upon greatly. The graphics, sound, and gameplay where all much better. There was also a lot more collectibles this time around which offered a lot of replay value to the game. The boss fights where just awsome, definately the best of the Crash series and some of my most favorite of any videogame. A great platformer that any PSone owner should try. Street Fighter Alpha 3 (PS1): Borderline Yes The PSone version of Alpha 3 really isn't the best version. The Dreamcast and PS2(found in Alpha Anthology) version are much better. However, the PSone version is still pretty good and I personally felt the missing frames didn't affect the game that much. All the modes, characters, graphics, and sound are still there making it a good fighting game for the PSone. If you only have a PSone or for some reason don't want to buy SF Alpha Anthology for PS2 the this is what you have to make due with and thats not a bad thing because Alpha 3 for PSone is still a great port. Its a great fighter even if its not the best version. Street Fighter Alpha 3 (GBA): Yes Agian not the best version of the game but for GBA and DS owners this the easily th best fighter avialable to you. Being able to play SFA3 where you wanted was great and the only option you had before MAX was released for PSP and still the only option for those without a PSP. As far as port wise goes, this games has its pros and cons. One big pro is that it doesn't suffer from the missing frames in PSone version so there aren't any timing issues. The cons are the graphics are a lot less detailed(but still great for the GBA), some of the modes found on the console versions where taken out and some stages and music where missing. Despite all this, its still pretty amazing that they where able to port SFA 3 to GBA. The game plays awsome, especially on DS lite and GBM which have great D-pads. The game looks and sounds great for a GBA game. This game also includes 3 new characters not found in previous versions. Awsome 2D fighter for GBA and DS that any Street Fighter or fighting game fan should definately pickup.
Mario Kart 64: Borderline Yes This game was insanely fun to play and actually still is. However I never thought it was as good as the other Mario Kart games, specifically DS and the original. This game in my opinion could have been made better and it also has some qualities not worthy of "must-have status". However, you just can't deny its fun and still a great game for the N64. To me sometimes thats the only thing that matters. If you own a N64, pick it up and I'm sure you will enjoy it. Duke Nukem 3D: Yes This game is in many ways just another Doom clone but in my opinion, it is the best Doom clone ever made. The gameplay was a very similar to Doom's but it had enough original stuff to keep it fresh. The levels where very well designed and full of secert areas. Duke 3D in my opinion also has one of if not the best weapon selection found in any FPS to date. The weapons are just so unique, with very few of them being replicated in later FPSs. The graphics and sound where execellent for the time. The game is pretty damn funny too. If you have a PC, just give a shot and see what you think. Quake 3 Arena: Yes Quake 3 is easily to ultimate deathmatch experience. If you are looking for an insanely fun multiplayer FPS that specializes in deathmatch and capture the flag, look not futher than Quake 3. Yes this game is simple shallow, and lacks any real good single-player but it is just a blast to play multiplayer in everyway. It is hard not to to have a ton of fun playing this game. Also Quake 3 is probably the most skill involving FPS ever made. It takes a lot to get insanely good at this game. If your a very competative FPS player, Quake 3 is your game. The graphics and sound where amazing for the time and are still pretty good today. Quake 3 is just a fast-paced, action packed, extreme multiplayer FPS that I'm sure anyone can enjoy to some extent. Metroid Zero Mission: Yes Another execellent 2D handheld Metroid. Yes it may not be as good as other 2D metroids but that doesn't mean its not execellent itself or unworthy of must-have status. The gameplay is just top notch form top to bottom and really provides a great experience. For those who haven't played the original Metroid or just didn't like the original or thought it was to hard, Zero Mission is a great alternative. For those who have played the original and liked it, Zero Mission is still worth a shot because it is just a great re-imagining of the original and it has tons of extra content. Zero Mission is easily the best looking 2D Metroid to date and one of the best looking games on the GBA. The music is just awsome as well. If you have a GBA, this is no reason why you shouldn't at least try the game out. It really is a great game.
This game looks pretty epic from everything I have seen of it so far. The graphics look awsome as well. My brother will be getting it on day one, so I'll be playing a lot myself. I'm not as into 3D Mario games but this one looks very promising. I wonder why Nintendo didn't choose to release a preview channel for Galaxy like they did with Corruption.
Unreal Tournament 2004: Yes To me UT 2004 is the best multiplayer FPS experience avialable and it should most definately be considered one of the best. Everything great about UT Classic is back along with a ton of new stuff. More weapons, maps, game modes, and mods. The single player is much improved over Classics but it still isn't anything special. The multiplayer is fast, furious, and most of all fun. On-line play is just a blast to play even if your getting your ass kicked badly. The graphics and sound are actually holding up pretty well and I even prefer art style in UT 2004 to Unreal Tournament III's. The fact that you can buy this game for $29.99 along with UT Classic, Unreal and Unreal II as part of the Unreal Anthology and the fact it runs pretty well on almost any current PC makes this a no-brainer. At least try out the demo, I'm there you will find something to like about this game.
For those vista users that may still be having performance problems, running the game in DX9 mode actually helps out quite a bit. I was able to bring the resolution back up to 1024x768 and it still runs good with a steady framerate. It also didn't look any different to me. I don't know if this be will same for the full game.
Crash 3 Warped: Yes Crash 3 is easily the best in the series and it also improves on what the first 2 did. Just like the others, Crash Warped is a very unique platformer. It is also pretty easy to pick up and play but difficult to master. Warped also adds a ton of cool new levels a stear away form the traditional platforming formula, like the underwater levels and airplane flying levels. Warped also has a ton of replay value with tons of extra levels and hidden collectibles. The graphics and sound for this game are also really good for a PSone game. Any PSone owner should try this game. Super Mario 64: Yes Come on now. To me Mario 64 is an easy no brainer just like Ocarina of Time. This game was very revolutionary for its time, had great graphics, great sound, great music, and most of all great gameplay. Mario 64 is like the definative platforming experience. Just a great game that any N64 owner should play. Doom 3: Yes I already know what people say about this game: its to simple, nothing revoultionary, or graphics aren't everything. Well Doom 3 does deliver a whole lot more than just graphics. Doom 3 may be simple but that doesn't mean its bad or even unworthy of being a great game. Just think of games like Pacman, Halo, and Guitar Hero, there simple but yet they are great in many peoples eyes. Doom 3 wasn't designed to be the next big revoultionary FPS. Doom 3 was made to do one thing and one thing only, and that is entertain you and Doom 3 does an execellent job. Doom 3 is easily one of the most immersive games you will ever play in your life. The atmosphere this game creates is just unbelievable and if you play the game right and give it a chance, it really sucks you in. It accomplishes this through great lighting effects, audio logs, well designed environments, excellent cut-scenes, and yes even the simple gameplay. The fact that the gameplay is simple allows you to focus more on the evironment the game creates. Doom 3 is also one of the scariest games you will ever play and for me it is the scariest game I have ever played. None of Resident Evils even came close to being as scary as Doom 3 for me. The graphics for this game, even compared to games now, are just amazing. The lighting is awsome, the animation is great, and the models are soo detailed. The sound is also really great even if the game does lack any music. But agian, the lack of music is another element designed to immerse you into the game. Basically if you have pretty powerful PC you really need to give Doom 3 a shot. Just lock yourself in your room, turn off the lights, put on some good quality headphones, and just let yourself get immersed into the game, you won't be disappointed. Also keep in mind that everything I said applies strictly to the PC version. The Xbox port doesn't do Doom 3 any justice at all. If you want the a real Doom 3 experience, play it on a good PC. Also if you played the Xbox version only, I would strongly encourage you not to vote until you try it on a good PC first.
What is this supposed to do exactly. I know what the result is but how does doing this achive it? Are there any negative effects? Also Crysis kind of reminds me of Doom 3 as well. When the Doom 3 came out there wasn't a graphics card avialable that could run that thing on max. Thats why I couldn't get the game till 3 years after its release because I finally had something that could run it. Maybe the same will happen with Crysis.
Well I expected the game not to run so great based on the minimum specs but I doubt my CPU is the problem. My CPU is an AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ 2.6GHz Dual Core. My CPU is much better than what the minimum specs are asking for. Either way though, this game is definately demanding power wise. I heard people could barely get it at acceptable performance(average 30 FPS) at anything higher than 1024x768 with no AA on med settings using 8800GTXs and Intel Quad Core Processors.
Yeah the Crysis SP demo has been out for awhile and I haven't seen an official thread on it yet so I thought I'd start one up. I just downloaded it yesterday and I must say the game looks really good, even at lower settings. However I had a lot of performance problems with it, which I expected but the odd thing was that I ran optimal settings options and it kept most of the settings on high and medium with the resoultion of 1024x768. Also I have been hearing a lot about the demo performing bad even on rigs with very powerful hardware like Nvidia 8800GTX, 4-5GBs of Ram, and Intel Extreme Core Duo CPUs. http://forums.ea.com/mboards/thread.jspa?threadID=301069&tstart=0 Apparently people thing the demo is either glitched, broken, or too demanding. So to anyone else who downloaded it, what are your thoughts. Is the performing bad, are your PCs powerful enough? Is the game too demanding in hardware? Here are my specs just in case anyone wanted to know: Nvidia 8600GTS 256MB 2GB Ram AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 2.6GHz It ran pretty good at 800x600 with no AA and everything on medium, but the framerate did get pretty bad in certain areas. The amount of action going on screen didn't seem to affect it. This makes me think it might be glitched but I can't say for sure seeing as system is all that powerful.
Man I'm going to have a lot of fun with this stage editor. This definately does add a ton of replay value to this game. I just hope they have a lot of diverse options but it even if it is very simple(which it doesn't look like it is) it will still be very fun to use. Damn, I really can't wait now.
IS Blood on the Asphalt the soundtrack for SF2HD?
dsx100 replied to dsx100's topic in General Discussion
I can't help but feel that kind of screwed things up by making this thread. It seems like all this speculating and asking questions is getting the way or at least making the process more difficult. Maybe it would be best to close this thread, that way you don't have worry about saying anything before the time is right. I'm sorry if I caused OCR a lot of problems with this.