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Everything posted by dsx100

  1. WWF No Mercy: No This game is awsome and easily one of the best wrestling games ever made in the history of video games. However, if you don't like WWE or wrestling then there isn't much reason for you to play this game. I honestly would recommend giving it shot even if you don't like wrestling but the fact is still that the game was designed for a specific audience, Wrestling fans. If you don't really like wrestling, there isn't much to enjoy in this game. However, this game is still great and I suggest giving it a little spin. Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival: Yes Come on, its Street Fighter II on a handheld. Seriously though, this game is just awsome. Capcom did a great job of bringing the legendary SSFII T to the GBA. The gameplay was great even though it was on handeld. The graphics where excellent. The color was a little desaturated but they made up for it by redoing most of stages, and by adding some cool new special effects. The sound is definately not as good as the arcade's but it is still good for a GBA game. All the new art in this game make it feel more fresh some of the other SF II games. If you have a GBA and want a cool fighting experience for it, just pick up Turbo Revival. You won't be dissappointed. Metal Gear Solid: Yes Man I hate stealth and I honestly don't care very much for Metal Gear Solid. However, there is no denying that this game is good. MGS is probably the game that got the PSone recognized as a big player in the console market. The graphics are good, the sound is good, and the gameplay was rock solid (even I don't like it). The story telling in this game was also pretty unique and advanced for the time. MGS is a really good game that anyone should try, even if you might not care much for stealth games. Unreal Tournament 2003: No Unreal 2003 should have never been released plain and simple. This game did little else but show case the graphical power of the Unreal 2 engine. The gameplay was a big step down from UT Classic and the weapon selection sucked. The maps where small and Assualt was completely missing. There is absolutely no reason to play this game. If you want the a real UT experience, just play UT2004 or UT Classic. Half-Life 2: Yes Half-Life 2 is one of the best FPSs ever made plain and simple. It was similar to the original but at the same time it was something completely different. The setting and atmosphere in this game are just awsome. The graphics are great even compared to many games out now. Half-Life 2 in my opinion still has the best looking Human NPCs in any game released to date. The gameplay is what you have come to expect from a Half-Life game but it is much more solid and more fast paced. The incorporation of physics into the gameplay made it very unique for the time and just added a lot of depth to already great gameplay experience. The AI is still very good even though it often seems like the original's was better. This game is pretty damn epic and it really does a great job of immersing you in the world it created. The method of story-telling used in HL2 still works great even if the story itself wasn't all that great. Half-Life 2 is just an awsome FPS that anybody should play.
  2. I just listend BoTA agian and I can see how some of the remixes wouldn't work well. I wouldn't mind any BGMs but I do see why many wouldn't work. A lot them could work out well with heavy tweaking in my opinion. However, I think "Made in USA" and "Murder Instinct" should be definate keepers as they sound the most like their original BGMs and they both sound great as BGMS themsevles and seem like great fighting music. One question though: Since not all of BoTA is going to part of the soundtrack, does that mean OCR is going to provide the rest of it?
  3. That kind of sucks. I knew a lot of them would have to be tweaked quite a bit but being left out completely kind of sucks. Well its not really all that bad. As long the majority of the project gets used its still a big deal for OCR. Agian, hope everything works out.
  4. Damn, so I wasn't just wildly speculating. Man this is exciting. I hope everything works out.
  5. This is just speculation but I think OCR's own Blood on the Asphalt could be the soundtrack for Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. There are two things that contribute to this possible idea. I'm like 99.9% sure that "Made in USA" is the BGM heard in this video. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/26832.html Music is fan driven. Interesting. I would personally love Blood on the Asphalt as the soundtrack for Street Fighter HD. I can just imagine Murder Instinct playing in the background when you face Akuma. Whether it is or not is still just speculation. What are your thoughts?
  6. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time : YES Great gameplay, story, visuals, sound, art direction, and pretty much everything you can think of. It isn't considered one of the greatest games of all time for nothing. I think I have said enough Warcraft III: Yes This game is plain and simply the definition of a good game. Gameplay, sound, story, and yes graphics. You can't convince me that Warcraft III has bad graphics. What its missing in polygons and textures it makes up for in art direction and special effects. The gameplay is just plain awsome and better than Starcraft's in my opinion. It pretty much took everything good about Starcraft and Warcraft and combined them to create a very deep RTS experience. This game has both great single player and multiplayer which is often very rare. I would recommend Warcraft for single player alone and the multiplayer just adds tons of replay value. The on-line play is also great. Also the Cinematics are unbelievable and easily some of the best cut-scenes I have ever seen in any game. If you have a PC, you should most definately give Warcraft III a try. Its really a great game. Crash Team Racing: No This game is fun and easily the best kart racer on PSone. However, I see nothing must have about it. The only real reason I bought was because I am Crash fan. I'm glad I bought it but if I never did I doubt I would be missing out on anything special. Also if you own any Nintendo system, just get Mario Kart. Its much better than CTR in my opinion. Good, fun game but I don't think it is worthy of "must-have" status.
  7. It sure does sound like "Made in USA". I always thought Blood on the Asphalt would make a perfect remixed sound track for SSF II HD. Maybe Capcom thinks so too?
  8. Gran Turismo: No Gran Turismo is good game but I personally didn't find it fun at all. It tried to much to replicate real-life racing, which resulted in some weird mechanics and physics. The sense of speed was also completely absent. You never felt you where going fast. Yes this game can be real fun for people really into simulations but thats it. If you don't like simulations, you aren't going to find much to enjoy. Basically I'm noing the game because I believe it applies to a very specific audience. You either love it or hate it. Age of Empires II : Yes Many people thing AOE II is the pinnacle of the series and for good reason. This game took everything from the first that was good and made it tons better. The graphics, sound, gameplay, and single player campaign where all very solid. This game was a very well made RTS and very fun to play multiplayer. I really liked their match set-up system, where they matched you up according to your skill level. This was a first for on-line RTSs and it really helped me out, seeing as I'm not the best RTS player out there. Great game that I'm sure any RTS fan can enjoy. F-Zero X: Yes Yes F-Zero GX is much better, but F-Zero X is a very good game in its own right and one of the best racers avialable for the N64. This game was also just a blast to play multiplayer. The sense of speed was definately there. You always felt like you where about lose control of the vehicle. The graphics and sound where also really good for the time. Single player wasn't all that great but it was still pretty fun. F-Zero X is just plain and simpley a fun game that I think anybody should give a shot. Rise of Nations: Yes Rise of Nations is one of the more underrated games avialable in my opinion. A lot of people don't give it a chance because they either think its to similar to AOE or because the graphics are still for the most part 2D. However the truth is that this game is one of the most unique RTSs ever created, one of the most balanced, and one of the most fun to play. This game is very unique because it introduced a lot of Turn-based strategies into the RTS formula and it did it well. The games main focus is on capturing territory which is not seen much in RTSs. The game is also very militaristic but also very strategic as well. Rise of Nations is also a huge game in sheer scope. There are 18 different civilizations that you can play through 8 different ages of history. It is literally like playing the History Channel. You get to see how different each period of time is and how each civilization evolves. The maps are also quite big and the battles can get very very big. The campaign, while not story driven, is very fun and will last a good while seeing as your object is to conquer the world. Basically if you like RTSs there is no reason why should not give the game a shot. I also encourage people who don't really like RTSs to play it becuase there is just a lot of fun to had with this game. Zelda The Minish Cap: Yes I personally prefered Minish Cap over the GBA version of LttP. The story was good, the graphics are some of the best seen on GBA, the sound is great and better than LttP in my opinion, and the gameplay is great. It plays amost exactly like LttP but with a few extra cool mechanics like being able to split into four. There are also quite a few unique items in the game makes the feel very fresh. If you enjoy handheld Zelda titles and own a GBA, you should really pick up Minish Cap.
  9. Because SNK and Capcom are 2 different companies and because SNK fighters like King of Fighters play completely different from Street Fighter. Also there are already 3 games like that, their called Capcom vs SNK, Capcom vs SNK 2, and SNK vs Capcom Chaos. Besides, I'm sure capcom will introduce a lot of new characters. Since when have they not. Just look at the differences between II,Alpha, and III.
  10. This is great news but I really doubt I'll buy it seeing as I already have it for PS2, unless they include some extra content exclusive to Wii. Also, you are all wrong, Metroid Prime 3 is easily the best looking Wii game out know. Art wise and technical wise.
  11. Yeah thats really true, in fact I believe that every new street entry has changed quite a bit. SF II and Alpha and III are completely different. Thats probably why each iteration is still played quite often. I know thats why I still play SSF II Turbo, SFA 3, and SF3 TS quite often. They just play completely different for the most part. This probably gets over shadowed by the fact the each iteration has seen numerous tweaked re-releases. I don't need to explain, I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about.
  12. Damn that trailer was cool. I wonder if gameplay will look anything close to that. On the topic of characters, I'm happy as long as Akuma is in the game which I'm like 99.5% sure he will be. If the game has Alex and Cammy then I would be all set. Man this is still pretty unbelieveable. I was really beginning to lose hope of capcom ever making a "new" Street Fighter.
  13. Its still a new Street Fighter and not another remake or collection.
  14. Man I just posted this in the 2D Fighter Thread like less then 8 mins ago. Great news. STREET FIGHTER LIVES!!!
  15. OMG!!! Capcom is actually developing STREET FIGHTER IV. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3163721 Man this huge, so huge that it probably deserves its own thread. Street Fighter lives!!! Edit: Another Link http://udoncrew.deviantart.com/journal/15098900/#journal Edit: The official Thread http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=12548
  16. The only real games I'm having issues with in Unreal Tournament 3 and Call of Duty 4. UT 3 can't keep a steady framerate and I can't get CoD 4 to run smoothly at any resolution above 800x600. I guess it really isn't necessary but I would like those games to run a little better seeing as thats the whole reason I decided to upgrade my PC. But CoD 4 runs great and looks good at 800x600 and UT 3 only slows down in certain areas of certain maps on any setting, High or Low, making me think theres a problem with the demo. So I guess it isn't necessary seeing as the games run pretty good overall but I still wanted to see if I could squeeze out a little extra power without having to spend even more money. Also I'm very concerned about running Crysis. I'll try out those drivers and see what they do.
  17. My CPU is the most powerful part of my PC. The only thing lacking is my GPU. If my games are CPU depedent then they would be running really fast, so I doubt thats the case. I don't intend to overclock my CPU. I just want to overclock my GPU, and if that doesn't help then I guess I'm just going to have to deal with the performance level I got now.
  18. Is overclocking always supposed to improve performance or does it just not do anything sometimes? I ask because I was attempting to overclock my 8600GTS using RivaTuner but I couldn't get better performance. It just remained the same. I tested it out after increasing the Core and Memory clocks every 5-8 increments until my PC got stuck. Never did I once see any improvement in performance. My GPU is currently at factory settings where seems to be the most stable.
  19. Doom II: Yes Yes this game looks similar, plays similar, and sounds similar to Doom but it is still a great game and a must play in my opinion. Doom II is just Doom but much better in almost every way. More enemies, more puzzles, bigger levels, cooler soundtrack, better multiplayer, and it even looks a little cleaner too. Basically everything great about Doom I is in Doom II but its bigger and more refined. If you enjoyed Doom or basically any other FPS, there is no reason why you shouldn't give Doom II a shot.
  20. Warcraft II : Yes Starcraft and Warcraft III easily out-beat this game but there is no denying how great this game is. It also holds up very well and is still fun to play on-line, if you can find matches that is. The RTS formula for this is still great and the game is pretty well balanced. Warcraft II was also one of the first RTSs to offer online-play. The campaign was pretty good and pretty story-driven which for me is a good thing. Great and very fun RTS that I would suggest anyone try even if you own or have played Starcraft and Warcraft III. Unreal Tournament: Yes In my opinion Unreal Tournament (along with Quake 3) is easily one of the best if not the best multiplayer FPS ever created. If you want to see what real multiplayer FPS is all about you better play UT Classic or Quake 3. Forget Halo, forget Golden Eye, forget Timesplitters because all those are nothing compared to the level of large scale multiplayer Unreal has to offer. The online multiplayer is just off the wall and just so much damn fun. There are so many different and creative weapons. The stages are very varied and are a blast to play at. The gameplay modes especially Assault are just great. However don't expect Unreal Tournament to be the ultimate FPS experience. The single player is pretty much just multiplayer but agianst bots, which by the way have some excellent AI at higher difficulty settings. This is a little dissapointing considering not everyone would want to play on-line or even LAN. The graphics while good at the time aren't all the great even compared to other games of the time like its rival Quake 3. I also personally hated the UI. Unreal Tournament is a great game that I just have to recommend to gamers, especially those interested in Multiplayer FPS action.
  21. Starcraft: Yes Easily one of the best RTSs ever made. Its also most definately the most balanced one. This considered a pretty big feat for Starcraft considering how completely different each race is. The multiplayer is just a blast to play, especially on-line. The single-player campaign is very deep, very story driven, and very fun to play. This game had a huge tech-tree as well for the time. If you have a PC, there is really no reason why you shouldn't try Starcraft. Starcraft = one of the best PC games ever made period.
  22. Playing Dead is a crap load of fun. I've gotten out a bunch of sticky situations by playing dead. My brother was even able to destory a walker by playing dead until the thing walked right above him. He then nailed it with rocket. Playing dead doesn't work agianst the AI though. They rarely ever fall for it.
  23. I'm really enjoying the demo so far. Its a lot more intense and hectic than 2004 and Classic. The weapons are awsome. Using the hover board is pretty fun too. I'm not a fan of the art style though. The lighting is a bit overdone for my tastes. The special effects and particals are awsome though.
  24. Texture detail is already pretty low for both Unreal 3 and CoD 4. Any lower and the games would look like utter crap.
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