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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. I was never really interested in the series until I bought Pikmin 2 three weeks ago, and fell in love with the freakin' thing. So basically, with all dramatic timing... I blew my pants at this update.
  2. No, theyre modifying it to include all 796 pokemans for viewing pleasure in 99 stock matches.
  3. I don't know what has changed either. Thats why I was hoping people would discuss. I heard that they changed physics engines. I also heard that momentum in running physics were modified and dodging as well (and consequently no WD). I don't know about the games speed yet, but it doesn't look much different. And what is with everyones ability to crawl now?
  4. Fight? No no. No fights here. I just thought you didn't know about dojo because you thought zero suit and regular samus were the same. And nothing but contrary things are posted in it. No aggressive fighting attitude was intended. as for topics yet overkilled... uh.. the only thing I can think of is the different game physics and universal movement this time around.
  5. This is why I said you mustn't have know.
  6. man, TDKenyon mustn't have known about Smash Dojo. And if he did then lawl.
  7. Man, this reminds me of so many different tunes. Most prominant is a track by Alice in Chains. Sounds awesome.
  8. lawl <( ' - ' )>
  9. Listen, I know it was and still is completely off topic, but what the hell is this nonsense about crocomire. Crystal flash? Wtf? One battle scene? Wtf? You shoot missiles into his mouth to make him back into the lava. He presumably dies and floats on the current. Then you fight his melty fleshed skeleton. C'est tout. What game are y'all playing?
  10. I've not commented on it, but I showed it to a bunch of my friends and they all thought it was awesome. It is win. As for this lame thread. Yes. I haven't played half the games I've listened to the tracks for. I mostly download all the mixes done by my favorite remixers, having played the game or not. If I've played it I get nostalgic. If not, when I do played those games after, I get goosebumps. Either way it's great to hear abstract tracks pop up in different places.
  11. Saying "I agree" would be an understatement. I'd pretty much burst in my pants if he was in it. And I think it's already been said, but he could have a pretty wicked moveset. As for LOTSS coming to the VC... Even though its among my favorite games, I wouldn't buy it because I still have it for my SNES, and I've already beaten it to near perfection in different ways at least 6 times. I say near perfection because I was never able to get that God forsaken super suit. I've gotten the attack scarf for 30 consecutive jumps... But I hold that it's fucking impossible to do 100. My record stands at 47. A number I will never forget....
  12. Is it because you don't have friends IRL?
  13. Thats freaking fantastic. Keep pumping these out.
  14. ...*BOOOOOOM*
  15. I'm not sure how comfortable I'd feel about fox wearing the skins of his comrades.. And Diddy as Dixie? What the shit? EDIT: Beaten...
  16. First off, those are all freaking awesome. Second, do you have red paint on your left thumb??
  17. EXACTLY what I was about to post. Word for word. Most interesting.
  18. Shhhhh! ..... Oddllama will hear you....
  19. That applies to mustaches too right? Right guys??
  20. Perfect! Thanks for that, I hadn't seen that trailer. I like how evil Wario was made out to be in it. Brawl needs more villains.
  21. Just brilliant. Another favorited Dhsu track.
  22. This video brings my "psyched for this game" level back up to 100%. What guns were Bowser and Wario using? And was Samus shooting a SUPER missile!?
  23. Because this game is more important than God. It says so in the bible.
  24. Agreed. But that's not to say we can go back to getting shit again..... I'd be more content getting a Kirby costume update EVERYday than what we've been getting....
  25. IT'S STILL THE MOST SATISFYING! very nice list btw
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