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Dr. Rod

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Everything posted by Dr. Rod

  1. I like the epic sounding intro. The drums have a lot of power to them, but the other instruments playing alongside them seem weak or subdued in comparison, particularly the brass and flute (which i can barely hear). Balance the volume there. The shift out of the intro is kinda sudden; if you want to do a really explosive transition, do more of a build up before hand. Also, while youve done a good job filling things up with the pads, I think more melodic interpretation and non-sustained harmonic elements would add depth to this song. Its somewhat muddy at points as well, but I dont think it detracts very much from the piece....just something to work on as you progress with this.
  2. This is definitely creative, and its an interesting take on the Tetris theme. I love remixes where the theme/atmosphere is radically different from the original, and I must say its cool to hear the kind of panicky vibe of the original converted into something more chill. I do agree with IkutsukaNekkyonoOtoko though that this seems like it was a really raw version of something that could have become much better with refinement. It does seem hollow at points, and even in the parts where the drums pick up the dynamics don't seem to rise all that much to me beyond the intensity of the beginning. Even though its a groove piece, I felt some climactic direction could've done wonders for the overall enjoyability of this song. Its not really a bad mix, but it lacks the resolution and energy I really enjoy and aspire to in my own mixes that Ive seen in chthonic's other remixes (my favorite being Fleeting Ecstasy).
  3. Recently I just started working on remixing again, and Ive been playing around with a MegaMan theme. Right now this is really a skeleton for what I want to make this into (still have to humanize and fill in some areas, most notably in the beginning), but it still has enough arrangement to convey the feel I'm going for; kind of a cold and ethereal feel, somewhat opposite the original. This is the remix: http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/FrostedFlame0.0.mp3 This is the source: http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/OvenNet.WAV
  4. A challenge indeed......One of the reasons why none of the OoT dungeon/temples have been done is because the songs themselves dont have much remixable material. They tend to be more atmospheric/ambient than melodic. Not saying that they couldnt be done, but itd be quite difficult even for the most talented remixer, and most of them would prefer a more melodic source. Villianelle came real close with her Spirit Temple remix though, which is still at the top of my playlist : )
  5. I second Swanky's Saloon : )
  6. Hi, I was wondering what are the best production techniques for making a pad or instrument seem fuller? I know about reverb and delay, but are there any other effects / methods of sequencing / panning methods that are commonly used?
  7. This was pretty good...I think the arrangement couldve been a bit more dynamic in places, but the atmosphere was pretty chill. And Im glad to see a Schala arrangement that goes a little more outside the box. I just wish it had a bit more dynamic variance to it.....good job though : )
  8. This doesnt sound bad at all, but it doesnt sound quite industrial to me yet. I think if you want a true industrial sound, you'll need to thicken your soundscape with much more (or much more powerful) sounds. Hi-hats and cymbals that really sizzle hard, and some heavy, in-your-face bass. Your synthwork (pads and underlying synths) is really good, but you'll need much more industrial percussion to put this in that genre. Most of the song sounds like what would be a break in your average industrial song. I would suggest listening to some industrial remixes on here. Industrial Fear and Strip Mine are two of my favorites, Strip Mine having particularly explosive sounds. I think all you really need to do is step outside the box and really go all out to give this piece the hard hitting texture it needs.
  9. Hey, raw honesty is the only way you get better : ) Believe me, in retrospect, I wish I had some people tell me how bad some of my first remixing attempts sucked, lol. I vaguely remember the source, it sounds like you could do a lot more melodic variation. The sudden breaks towards the end are real nice, but I think doing them four times makes them less...sudden. Maybe keep the drums in where the last two breaks are. Also on every other break you have what I'm sure is an intentional timing delay, but it sounds sloppy to me. I would change it, maybe to some more original interpretation of that phrase. Also, generally fill the soundscape out. Especially when the reversed snare came in, I though you were gonna whip out an array of chorded pads, harmonic synths, and other underwriting...but it didnt happen. Though I think their balance is a bit funny, I like your drums. Theyve really got some meat, you just need to add more variation to them as the song goes along. The song overall reminds me a lot of my last WIP up here as far as strengths/weaknesses. Just work on adding your touch and filling things out...chords, pads, counter-melodies are all your friends : ) Good luck!
  10. I'm sure you knew I would love this, and its definitely exceeded my expectations. Its clear this shares a lot of elements (particularly the percussion) with REAKTOR.1, but I think those elements fit better here and really have some oomph to em. Its dark, chaotic, and sinister. In my opinion whether the source was simplified or complexed is secondary to the dynamic atmosphere you've made here....excellent work man!
  11. I swear Im movin to Canada one day...... One another note, does anyone know how the contest scoring for the visual section works? Do the accessories/themes actually have significant effect, or is it solely on the pokemon's contest stats? Ive seen a lot of conflicting information about this on gamefaqs and other sites.
  12. Nice....I am about 50/50 on math and music, so Im likin this : )
  13. Just put the banner in the folder for that category itself, not in any sub-folders below it. Make sure its cut to 256x80 (same as regular song banners).
  14. Damn, this is hot man......I always love a good rap remix on here, and the synthy/industrial intro and underwriting make this especially unique. I also loved the lyrics; though simple in elocution, I like how they followed common hiphop motifs while hinting at the theme of the source itself. Great stuff all around : D
  15. I like this a lot.....definitely quirky and lighthearted, very halloweeny (if thats a word). Im pretty familiar with the pokemon sources, and I wouldnt have expected silph to go in this direction, but it definitely works. I can tell from some of your previous WIPs that you have a good grasp of creating a quirky, kind of cartoony sound, and its well executed here. Some of the transitions seem a bit rough to me (particularly with the drums; I think you could balance between quirkiness and smoothness a little better. And like Tensei-San said, the ending could be a little more climactic.
  16. I promise you, a lot of the probabilities listed for some of the game mechanics aren't always true to experience. I know I saw about 20 male Combees before I finally got a female one......I know Everstones can help you get a nature you want through breeding (provided the holder has that nature), but I dont know if any such thing exists for gender.
  17. Hi everyone, I havent been on here in a while.......good to see some new faces on here : ) Anyway, I was wondering how many people on here are skilled at making stepmania stepfiles? Or, more accurately, how many people have made a good-quality stepfile before or are confident that they could make one?
  18. Thats true, but only if the team lacks diversity, and if the moveset is predictable. Back in the days of R/B, I saw too many teams with the 3 legendary birds....and theyd get ripped apart by an Alakazam with Thunderbolt and Ice Beam. If I had my Parasect, you might bring out a Charizard to counter it (Parasect being doubly weak to both fire and flying). Guess what? I'll send out a Golem. You wanna go to a grass type, I'll go to my Charizard. The point being, a good team shouldnt be completely counterable to begin with. If you counter one of mine, i should be able to counter you right back. But if a guy's packin a team of straight steel types (which ive seen more than once), then he's not putting much creativity in his team. But thanks for tellin me about the Offline Battle tower.....I'll definitely check that out.
  19. I didnt think it was really that much of a secret....I certainly didnt think it would illicit such a passive-hostile reaction. Its not like you can even advantage yourself over a good, diverse team based on the pokemon in it alone (maybe if u knew all the movesets, but not with knowledge only of the pokemon). I was more interested to see if my experiences battling in my area are indicative of battlers all over the country/world.
  20. First off I applaud you for not resorting to the legendaries... find it takes much more skill and creativity that way. I just started battling competitively on D/P, and my most satisfying moment was when I cut down a L100 Mewtwo with my L100 Kricketune using Swagger, Screech, and X-Scissor (with Tailwind, a party speed booster, in effect). Magneton is a good choice being that its steel, though it can evolve now, so you wouldnt really be using it to its full potential. Still, its very useful with a high special attack stat. I would STRONGLY suggest you teach it Magnet Rise (Magneton has a crippling double weakness to ground, and from my experience, Earthquake is more popular now than ever). Lapras is one of the most overlooked Pokemon to me. Loads of HP with decent defenses, and the all powerful Perish Song. Ive actually held onto my Lapras from Gold/Silver, and it knows Perish Song, Whirlpool, Protect, and Ice Beam (Whirpool being a trapper move). Also, Lapras can learn Dragon Pulse via TM. Jynx is a damn good ice type, with a nice special attack stat. Psychic and Ice Beam were my main moves back in the day,and that still holds true now. It also learns Lovely Kiss (100% chance of sleep), which you should take full advantage of. Scyther is my personal favorite pokemon, with high attack and speed. I actually prefer it over Scizor, due to the higher speed (most people dont know Scyther and Scizor both have the same base stat totals). U-Turn will do good damage and switch out instantly (try switching out to a Golem or Magneton after using it, lol). Golem, for the reason I listed above. Earthquake and Stone Edge are fantastic, and on the same pokemon, mean you have something for just about any type that comes your way. If you have the misfortune of facing a water type, switch to your Lapras with the Water Absorb ability : ) Facing a grass type? Go to Scyther (double resistance to grass). Machamp, simply cause its a strong ass fighting type. Since G/S (where steel and dark were added as types), fighting attacks have been a staple of a good team. If your Machamp has No Guard, then you can wreck enemies with Dynamic Punch (No Guard makes all attacks from all pokemon on the field have 100% accuracy). Also it can learn Poison Jab, Rock Slide, and Thunder/Ice/Fire Punch. Particularly with the elemental punches, you could really suprise a foe with that. This is just one way you could go. These thoughts are kind of on-the-spot, so Imm sure with some deeper though I could construct a more advanced line-up, but whats here is quite good. The types are diverse and the moves listed cater to each pokemon's individual strengths and unique abilities. By the way, are there any pokemon you had in mind initially for a party? Im sure you could incorporate a line up around them.
  21. HI, I have kind of a poll question for everone on here who battles competitively: What pokemon do you use in your line-up for competitive battle (or, what pokemon would you prefer in your ideal line-up)?
  22. Glad to hear you'll be recovering so soon zirc; I just got back from a prolonged hospital stay a couples weeks back myself, so I know its not the most entertaining place (aside from the sweet, sweet Percocet). Get well soon, Im sure you'll be up and remixin in no time : )
  23. Ok, I realize this is incredibly late, but does anyone know the # of someone I can contact about whats going on Saturday or today after the concert if possible? Ive tried the # for q-pa listed here but I havent gotten through.
  24. This is definitely one my favorite pieces on here, dark and sorrowful, but dynamic. Great instrumentation all around........the ending with Zelda's Lullaby is a great touch too, kind of giving the sorrowful, minor key song a happy, bright conclusion. Excellent stuff : )
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