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Dr. Rod

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Everything posted by Dr. Rod

  1. Oh yeah, did u use actual quotes from the Book of the Dead in that chanting section....it sounds kinda like u did, and if so, that just makes the song all the sweeter : )
  2. I think its about time we had a solo mix on here that wasnt piano.....Im really feelin this mix man......
  3. I think the chanting is great, it really does capture a dark, ritualistic feel, making the title "Book of the Dead" all the more fitting.......excellent all around : )
  4. oh yeah, can u link to the source material?
  5. Definitely interesting........not my favorite style, but it shows creativity on your part and I think the song holds interest (doesnt get stale), mainly due to the great amount of variation. No one can say this song gets boring
  6. I actually think you need some type of kick/bass drum, or at least some it helps to fill out the soundscape quite a bit. Just make sure you quantize it. Its very rare that a kick should be humanized. In another direction, you could turn this into a nice dark ambient piece......but depending on your musical experience, you may or may not wanna go in that direction.
  7. The song is very piercing......and not in "shakes you to your soul" way, but a "nails on the chalkboard" way. I think it would help to add more drums to balance out the soundscape, and please, please change up some of those synths/guitar samples. I think you can make this into somethin good, btu you'll need to totally rework it... And I agree with BGC, this defintiely a unique take on IceCap.
  8. Its hard to judge a rap without the lyrics....off the jump though, the beat is definitely interesting and varied, but the sample quality's kinda poor for me. What program did u use to make this?
  9. Not bad at all, this definitely has a groove to it. My ciritcisms are that I think it takes a little too long to start up...also some of the samples sound kinda MIDIish. The beat is nice, but it gets a little repetitive, so you might wanna throw some variation in there..not bad though.
  10. Anyone know where to find a really varied sample of bird sounds....Ive found a couple Im not extremely satisfied with, I want to capture the feel of a tranquil, gentle forest setting.
  11. I actually tend to do the beggining and end first.....fill in the middle last. I guess this is just because off the jump I have an idea of how i want a song to start, and how to end, but usually Im stuck on the middle for a while.....
  12. This remix is exceptionally serene.......I could almost drift of to sleep listening to it......good job : )
  13. I actually liked the long intro....though I think it would work better if you lengthened out the ending some more. I completely agree about the mechanical sequencing though, for a song of this nature, you should really humanize it more by adding some variation in note intensity, velocity, and even volume to a slight extent. Also what might help is to turn the grid-snap off when sequencing your piano, this will almost ensure you get some slight variation in there. You said this is your first real remix.....Im just lettin u know that when using composition software, especially reason (which is not the easiest to learn, at least for me), orchestral/ballad/light ambient can be VERY difficult, mainly because its hard not to make it sound mechanical (after all, u are using a machine). The more mechanized genres (techno, electronica, hip-hop to an extent) tend to be easier. Youve got a nice base though, I would love to see how this turns out : )
  14. Right now u definitely need better samples.....these sound extremely MIDIish, which doesnt fly on this site. I will say I like ur arrangement early on, though it seems to get repetitive as it goes on.....you have alot going on which helps to thicken the soundscape, but I think u need more variation towards the end. Ive never heard the original song, so i cant comment on how much you deviate or stick to the original, but this has some potential..... What program did u use to make this?
  15. The biggest issues right now are the samples and the overall sequencing....some of the samples are a little rough (especially the bass IMO), and I think the sequencing is a bit too mechanized......some mroe effects like reverb, delay, and even a few more sounds here and there can make the piece more interesting. On the plus side, I enjoyed the song overall (especially with the scratches), and I think the arrangement is nice thus far. You can build one hell of a remix outta this. Just flesh it out and develop it some more, this is much better than what I first posted in my first WIP : P
  16. Sounds pretty good so far, of course you should lengthen it and develop it further, but I like the sound ur going for. My biggest criticism is 2/3 of the way through, you bring in some low-frequency sound that really makes the soundscape convoluted in my opinion......overall though this has nice potential man : ) Oh yeah, could you post a link to the original song?
  17. Interesting.....have u ever heard this song Pink Fuzzy Bunnies (its on a dance game, ITG). This reminds me a lot of that. Good start, definitely build this up some more. Its been a while since Ive heard some true speedcore on here......
  18. hmm.......ok. I thought u could make "Minor fixes that do not alter the arrangement itself (e.g. eliminating clipping, new encoding, fading out a track with an abrupt cutoff)" but I am new to this. I'll leave it alone then : ) Still, feedback is always good, in case I need to rework it later.....
  19. I think Reason definitely has better quality, especially as far as the synthesizers go. FL is easier for most beginners though; I had to "graduate" from using FL to start really understanding Reason. Ive never used Cakewalk, so I cant comment on that, but IMO Reason has a lot more to offer than FL in most aspects. I will say that your arrangement is creative, which is pretty good for a first remix.....I can picture it having a very epic sound with some good orchestral samples.....Id love to see where this song goes : ) Also Im LightningRT on AIM....if u have any questions about Reason or remixing in general, feel free to hit me up : )
  20. I know this will sound like a horribly noobish question (mainly because it is, lol), but how do u limit the frequencies of a device's sound in reason (im not sure if theres a standalone filter device you can attach to a synthesizer, or if its a function built into certain synthesizers?
  21. I dont think there will be any issue, there just wont be any real panning to the file (though there wasnt when it was mono, so thats no real difference). The quality shouldn't suffer too much though, unless the file was of low quality to begin with.
  22. Thanx, this finally made panel : ) Im happy with my arrangement at this point, I'll just be doing some minor audio tweaking/mastering during the waiting period. Any ideas on what tweaks would help the overall sound of the mix?
  23. Your arrangement ideas seem like with some good samples and better dynamics, they could become a really fluid arrangement, but its hard to judge based on the quality of your samples right now. I would suggest that you repost this when you have some high quality sounds, that way Im sure you'll get a much more helpful critique. Is this your first remix?
  24. Do u have the Orkester Sound Bank with Reason? They have a pretty decent taiko drum.
  25. I think the link is down.....
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