The Derrit
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Everything posted by The Derrit
i can't see them adding any tales character because the tales series is not taken that seriously in America at all (dunno about Europe) and even in Japan it's a fairly niche market rpg plus does it fit with nintendo characters? not even close. does mega man? yeah. did sonic? yeah. snake? yeah. some anime dude with a red coat and a sword? not really.
fixed that for you
this is not a counter-argument to a list of 10 1st party exclusives pretty much all of which are a lock to be very high quality titles, plus new zelda is already confirmed as coming out so two games aren't coming out as fast as you want them to and 3d mario world is not 3d enough for you. whatever floats your boat i'd like a new metroid too but those other 10 will keep me occupied til then i think
it said that was the one feature that was missing that doesn't mean it's going to have it.
i don't see why people would be 'turned back' regardless 100 dollars more expensive, more expensive online, less powerful, less first party development, more focused on trying to control your experience, kinect being really dumb and microsoft pushing it further up people's asses anyways i see 'OMG HALO' and that's about it
i personally feel like that 'get jabbed go a billion feet in the air' thing is good enough context but it'd be kind of neat i guess
i will pre-order the double-secret probation collector's version of this ALSO BIG DOUBLE EDIT Luigi U comes out in like a week. I feel like that's flying pretty far under the radar.
"We have a product for people who can't get online, it's called Xbox 360" - Don Mattrick can someone hurry up and fire this guy, on top of being a huge assclown he is rubbing everyone's faces in the dirt. i wouldn't buy an xbox if my only reason was 'don mattrick is an asshole.'
5 years? SSBM is at EVO this year.
no. the exclusives aren't good enough to sway me, and an extra 100 dollar price tag plus a higher price for xbox live service are not worth a technically less powerful system that is pretty much operating under the onus of 'do what ea/ubisoft/activision (to some degree) wants'. no to mention they can't remove the used games thing because EA/Ubisoft/every major publisher wants it. if they pulled out who knows what developers/publishers they would lose. i can play halo 5 at a friend's sometime. pretty much everything else there is not that exciting.
Pokémon X/Y and OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire (Gen6) (3DS)
The Derrit replied to Mirby's topic in General Discussion
welp i was wrong i guess fairy could be alright i still think it's kind of silly. they could have come up with a better name like 'mystic' or something -
according to ign 'wii fit trainer' is a playable character ...wut
Video Bank: This is going to be awesome. Obviously. Mega Man is also in the game. Note: From that youtube video, SmashbrosCh has 10 VIDEOS! But you can't see them! Damn you nintendoooooo
i'd rather install origin than pay 500 dollars for an origin-box one
if this is exclusive for any system i will buy that system unless it is an xbox the original is one of my favorite games ever
wait this already happened?
you already saw it it's a tv show
i think it's a game that probably isn't going to sell groundbreaking numbers but 200 to 300k is really low, for a game that had a TON of initial hype until the 'no offline' bomb got dropped on everyone. and then the server screwed up. and anyone who hadn't preordered it was like NO THANKS. that would be interesting to see how many people preordered, and how many total sales there were. my first guess would be it's a very high percentage comparative to your average game.
and it's going to be half the price of either other system
what are you even talking about are you on drugs boo hoo if you don't like my post but that's pretty much it. you don't have to like it for me to be on the money with this. seriously.
i'm not saying FF13 is japanese culture in a nutshell, what i'm trying to say is the majority of complaints people have with FFX and onward (that aren't gameplay related) are things that pretty much make perfect sense in a japanese context. this definitely extends to the voice acting and CG that you referenced in your first point. the major reasons (and other people have pointed at this) that cut-scenes and characters fall flat in modern final fantasy games are a) overly literal translations that don't fit into Western archetypes and having to fit English syntax in Japanese lip sync. prime example of a) is Snow. Snow is a fairly typical 'self-prescribed hero/give all the attention to me' archetype. You see this all the time in the form of school delinquents and chaotic-good characters: for anyone who's watched Gurren Lagann, Snow is supposed to be a Kamina. But that idea of someone coming into the picture and being like 'I'm a hero!' falls completely on its face in English. In order to allow this character to work in a Western setting, it requires a lot more creativity than fairly direct, A-to-B translation. Translations of modern Final Fantasy games are overly transparent: they are written in English, to be sure, but have exactly the same content as the Japanese written version, and are as close to word for word as you can get within the constraints of lip syncing. That's a bad thing. This is ripped off wikipedia (lol) but "A competent translator is not only bilingual but bicultural. A language is not merely a collection of words and of rules of grammar and syntax for generating sentences, but also a vast interconnecting system of connotations and cultural references whose mastery, writes linguist Mario Pei, 'comes close to being a lifetime job.'" The issue I refer to here is that these games are being translated bilingually, but not bi-culturally. Why is this a new problem, you ask? When a game is all text, a la FF 1-9, you can do anything you want with the original text. As long as it makes sense, sounds good, and is kosher with the original writers, it's fine. This gives translators ALL KINDS of flexibility for translators to write in a way that fits their sensibilities, and the sensibilities of their audience. Video and voice acting do not do this. If a CG shot is done, it's done. You have to fit the lines of characters to time, get all of the meaning across, and (hopefully) still have it be impactful. It's a nightmare: trust me, I've done subtitles and that's not half as painful as voiceovers. your only option is to shoot for equivalence, and in cases such as a Snow character, calling Sazh 'old man' even though he's in his like mid thirties, or even Vanille, who I believe is the most beautifully crafted character in FF13, equivalence just doesn't make sense. Snow doesn't work because it's not clear that he's hiding his own insecurities behind his machismo, which is actually outed in an optional cutscene very late in the game, but is very clear to a Japanese audience quite nearly from the get go. Sazh getting called 'old man' works because all young Japanese kids would do that to a middle aged man if he was hanging around with young people. Vanille doesn't make sense because she just seems like a bimbo who is a compulsive liar. In Japanese, it's a little girl who gets caught up in the middle of this terrible situation and attempts to just get along with everyone and be positive, even though her inability to face up to her struggles unintentionally makes everyone's situation worse. In English? Dumb bimbo. In Japanese/Japan? Heartbreaking tragic character. If you're wondering where I'm pulling all this out of, it's not my ass. I played the game in English and Japanese. It made a big difference. Also on a much smaller note, character designs might as well be pulled straight from J-pop stars in some cases. So if you don't like it, now you know who they're catering to. (hint it's not you) And yeah. FF13 did well globally, as did 13-2, as will lightning returns. OMG TERRIBLE is really off base and inaccurate. "Square Enix sent word today that [Final Fantasy XIII] has sold more than a million units in North America, in the five days following its March 9 launch. This makes it set the record for the best first-week sales in Final Fantasy history, which is no small feat considering the pedigree." link "Final Fantasy XIII-2 received highly positive reviews from Japanese critics... During the first week of sales in Japan, the game sold 524,000 units, becoming the fifth-best selling game of 2011 in Japan, and sold 3 million copies worldwide by January 2013." link
this is also japanese culture and something any young person would say to the oldest person in the group legit EVERY non-gameplay related complaint in this thread has been about something a japanese person wouldn't even bat an eyelash at so what i hope everyone is realizing is that you actually don't like japanese culture (even though you think you do)
fixed for you
to my point: it's pretty irrelevant if they're still losing money selling them... especially if people are buying them and not using them for games. then the only feasible source of revenue, licensing costs and royalties, are gone.
what that article doesn't really cover is that the issue is actually creating and selling consoles at loss and inducing consumers into thinking overpowered, unprofitable systems are the norm. everyone except nintendo has been doing this for multiple generations. i mean who ever thought that was a good idea? if you're charging people a third the price of a capable computer, not outperforming it, and not making a profit you might want to readjust your angle on how you make money. also, that graph doesn't even say 'xbox is doing it right' because as it says it's lumped in with pretty much all multimedia work microsoft does. so what they're comparing is actually apples and oranges with a couple apples mixed in. if they're really pointing this at everyone then they really shouldn't have called it an xbox. just like the wii and wii u confusion everyone that isn't that into gaming will say 'i don't want a videogame console' and not buy one.