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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. The funny thing is this is actually that the glitch I described is from the original metroid prime, not metroid prime 3. nice "research." That has bee fixed in the Trilogy collection. Another similar progress-blocking issue in 3 has also been fixed. because it was done by removing secret rooms and glitches. one might even call it.... a.. patch?!?!?!?! seriously, pick one side or the other. criticizing the fact that nintendo never patches and then criticizing a patch in the same breath is really stupid Also, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT I WILL BUY IT FROM YOU FOR LIKE A MILLION DOLLARS
  2. not at all what he said. none of the things you mentioned unavoidably break the game, screw up gameplay, or (get this) affect the games they're in unless you *choose to use them for your own purposes.* The only truly game-breaking glitch that I can remember from a Nintendo game was in Metroid Prime 3 where if you save in a certain room after a certain event a door wouldn't let you out of where you were supposed to be. And Nintendo immediately was like 'hey don't save here' and it was never a problem again. The examples you mentioned are nothing compared to the oft-broken AI and physics of Skyrim or pretty much anything made by Bethesda, the bugtastic Dead Island, Gears of War, Sonic Adventure 1 AND 2 (which people still consider good games somehow). All of these games are full of naturally occurring, don't-have-to-go-really-far-out-of-your-way-to-find, experience-breaking, if not game-breaking, bugs. Does Nintendo make perfect games? No. Is Nintendo as a company leaps and bounds ahead of the entire industry in terms of not releasing a game until all the kinks are worked out? Yes. There have been approximately 3 games over the course of Nintendo's entire tenure that have needed a patch put out. Try and find another company with that kind of track record
  3. just gonna go ahead and say from my experience in translation, he didn't 'blame it on youtube;' that's just the easiest way to frame it in English. if people are just going to watch things like that, i.e. cutscenes, on youtube, why not take that cg and put it into videos that are meant for out-of-game, general consumption? like the character intros that have been done so far? would that not be the best of both worlds? that's pretty much what he said. it's just aggressive wording, chosen by a translator and not him.
  4. I just finished Bowser's Inside Story to prep for this game. the Mario and Luigi/Paper Mario series are some of my favorite games of all time, and while I wasn't initially sold on the art style this time around, watching it in motion really got me excited for it. So, I guess we can talk about our love for this game, misc. Fawful quotes, opinions on the Mario and Luigi series? Go!
  5. how much do your hands weigh like fifty pounds each? it took me 4 years to go through one controller
  6. so this has been going well. Lots of potential, they said. Who wants to develop for a system that a) nobody has and nobody even buys games on? Oh right. nobody. Looks like business logic won this round.
  7. that awkward moment when your intended sarcasm is actually the truth
  8. because people make bad shooters on nintendo systems it's really not that hard to understand
  9. i like nintendo but you really can't be like 'it's a good thing there's only a limited variety of games on nintendo consoles' it's not. is the nintendo brand niche? yeah kind of. is it *more importantly* meant for mass consumption? yes, definitely. would more of the general public consume it if there were a higher variety of games and aaa third party support? yes. so that kind of sums it up. putting out M-rated games on a nintendo console does not keep people from buying the games they want. 'alienating' is a huge misnomer and a really dumb thing to say. i have an xbox 360 and of my 18 game collection like 5 of them are "m-rated shooters." xbox has not 'alienated' me by having tons of shooters on it because i can still buy other games. i have free will. imagine that.
  10. well recieved? it got 7s and 8s and several 5s and 6s. it's a below average game both in terms of survival horror and shooting. if zombiu was put out on another system and just changed the cool double screen stuff to pause menus, it would tank. horribly. there are tons of games who have done what they tried to do much better. zombieu is one of the few games i've sold back to a retailer. it wasn't very entertaining.
  11. So far: Bastion Civ 5 Gold Edition CS: GO NBA 2K13 Remember Me
  12. it's hard to tell sometimes lol but okay. and i'm with dave the pokemon rumble game was fun, though i wouldn't have paid 15 dollars for
  13. if you're trying to imply that those are poor numbers then you don't really know much about the japanese market
  14. yeah that's how most games get released in japan i got like 4 of the 6 games i bought there with bonus stuff also this game isn't even really all that popular in japan it was less than half price about 3 months after launch. i'd be interested to hear what your criteria for 'interesting' is
  15. i don't know but it looks really interesting to me as well. if anyone gets it lay down a quick impressions
  16. Bastion is on sale for less than 3 bucks in the 8 hour flash sale. that and dark souls. Also for the next one, everyone vote for KOTOR 2! never played it but i want to.
  17. zombiU didn't really have much compelling to it. like unless you really like the whole zombie craze, there's nothing there to keep you to it. the combat is meh, the story is also meh, there's no significant multiplayer to get good at the game for, and there is no emotional attachment to your character seeing as they can just die and you start as someone else. there are cool elements, sure. but creating a meh shooter on a historically not-that-shooter-friendly console isn't going to sell millions of copies. can a shooter work on nintendo systems? sure! goldeneye was great on n64. timesplitters 2 was great on gamecube. literally every friend i had who owned a gamecube had it. red steel 2 was a very good wii game. there have been winners historically, but when most companies are like 'here's a downgraded port of a multiplatform' or just makes a pretty good-to-middling shooter on a nintendo system, which isn't known for shooters, people are not going to go out of their way to buy it. companies don't spend money developing games for nintendo systems because nintendo games sell better. the irony is nintendo games sell better because they're better AND nobody spends any money making games for nintendo systems, which means they make average games. rayman legends was going to be a system selling game, and the shining beacon for 3rd party developers on nintendo systems. instead it gets delayed an extra 4 months 2 weeks before release and made multiplatform FOR LITERALLY NO REASON AT ALL, causing mass outrage and (likely) hurting the wii u sales of the game significantly. shooting yourself in the foot has never occurred on such a massive scale. that's not on anyone but ubisoft.
  18. so animecrazy just shut down where do people stream? or get their shows in general
  19. it's pretty hard to go 8 times over budget for a point and click adventure game. it's not like they're making a proprietary physics engine from scratch, tim schafer is coming up with a story, artists draw stuff, and voice actors act. that's it. an oversimplification, clearly, but an text-based adventure game does not require a whole lot of stuff.
  20. after getting dragged from silver two all the way down to the hellish bowels of 5 i have graduated up to 4. may my rise be swift again
  21. i want that to be in an anime not be a pokemon but it's awesome
  22. i say this with all due respect but from reading the info on the site, this is essentially a 'hey thanks for the donations that will go straight into my pocket and i will give you nothing in return for' type deal. giving your money away for nothing seems like a fool's errand to me
  23. the pikmin nintendo direct was today in japan. looks realllllll good.
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