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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. she can solotop against another equivalent character like shyvanna, udyr, mundo, garen, etc. she can also jungle but people seem to not quite get that yet
  2. doublepost blahblahblah BETA SIGNUPS OPEN FOR A LIMITED TIME https://beta.guildwars2.com/
  3. while poppy isn't exactly an ad carry i think she sticks out as a melee non-tanky fighter that has good utility. she can just fly out of the jungle and smash someone into a wall, having a good way to close the gap, and then do a big chunk of damage. that plus her ult, which can be used defensively (put it on sona and you're fine for seven seconds) and she can also stick to people pretty well. that plus her damage mitigation and speed boost and i really don't see why she gets so little love.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBAay9nPtOU this is an actual song by an actual band sooo yeah. you really don't have to worry about it.
  5. a team with no hard cc (read: stun/snare) will get rocked by him but if you can hit him with one he will pretty much die. and if people on your team don't get that then you're screwed but he should always be the first to go pretty much
  6. shouldn't be, just as long as the music itself isn't derivative of the original soundtrack. you can talk about whatever you want
  7. yeah the guildwars 2 facebook group has done a really good job of posting reactions from everyone and everyone has been really excited about it. i still enjoy playing the original from time to time so if it's any expansion on that then I will be very happy edit: does anyone want to play some guild wars 1 with me? i'm kind of itching to get some more elite skills and round out my character
  8. stop using presets
  9. i think you missed the point its not that the bass is 'distorted' its the actual notes themselves, it doesn't really sound like music because all of the notes are very flat or very sharp. and all of the different instruments clump together
  10. i beat that by 32 seconds earlier with shen
  11. hey everyone who has tried to play with me lately sorry i haven't responded i just haven't been home. i do want to play with you all
  12. i think a lot of us are excited but there just hasn't been tons of groundbreaking news to share recently
  14. i played drunk with rumble and went 13-5-20, 6-1-3, and 4-2-3, the last two being early surrenders i guess being drunk is a good thing
  15. that seems like a pretty unintelligent idea seeing as you'll sell it for like 40 dollars and if you ever want another one it'll still be over 100
  16. i wouldn't say that, i see 5 good games out right now between mario, mario kart, zelda, starfox, and RE, not to mention street fighter being out and fun, dead and alive, and a few other smaller projects that are worth looking at. plus kid icarus coming next month. i can't imagine anyone playing those games and running out of things to do before the aaaa titles start coming out
  17. i've had a 3ds for a month or so now and there's still no paper mario why
  18. by the way viktor is good now. still not the best (what is the point of a .5 second silence anyways) but his stun is really effective defense, and now using the gravity update is worthwhile; i've been doing it and you can catch people from spots they might not expect.
  19. i'd happily take up a position if you need one taken up particularly sniper
  20. i still <3 you bleck edit: also kitty the reason we all snapped at you (or at least i did) was not because we're all huge dicks or even because we don't like you. its because you yourself were like 'check your facts bro' as if you were appalled at my ignorance. when in fact you actually just weren't paying attention so don't get too bent out of shape about it just think for a few extra seconds next time and you'll be fine
  21. if you have a team of people who know how to work with an eve she'll still get you free kills, though it is just about required you bring exhaust. the thing being you will never find four other people who will cooperate with you. over the summer when i bought her i would run train on games (admittedly normal) by staying in lane until i had enough for boots and a sheen, and then go get ganks with a mejaj. as long as you save yourself from dying which is very possible you can get pretty built.
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