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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. i have no affiliation with any of this but if you're judging something it's not about personal opinion on whether or not you just don't happen to like that style of music. if someone plays a beautiful piano piece and you're like 'well it's perfect and the improv was mindblowing but i don't like piano solos, 3 out of 5' then you're kind of defeating the purpose of doing any sort of worthwhile criticism at all
  2. Hey, so for those of you who don't already know (probably most of you) I live in Japan right now, teaching small children their abc's. I've been thinking about this for awhile and wanted to make a thread about it, so here goes. Games in Japan have a lot of quirks that they don't in the States. One of the big things is that games are not released with universal pricing. An example: Mario Tennis Open for 3ds, that just came out recently, is priced at 4080 yen (yes gaming is expensive here) and Kingdom Hearts is somewhere around 5000, depending where you look. Games appear to be priced based on their perceived quality or range of audience, so a game like let's say, Rayman Origins, that tons of people would buy for 40-50 dollars but not the full 60, may be appreciated under the Japanese system of pricing. Also, since I've been here I've seen a few games that seem to have purely fallen through the cracks in America. One big one that stands out is Final Fantasy Type-0. Apparently that game has been out here for a while now, and if my memory serves me it got mentioned and then never heard of again in the states. There are also some big, triple a budget games here that literally have never been talked about in the states that really surprise me. and of course, there are tons of gundam games, some of which are quite good. so i guess, discuss? what do you think of the variable pricing model for retail? if you guys have any questions about certain games or anything that i've seen/not seen i can look into that for you too. does anyone else have experience with these differences?
  3. this is pretty much what i heard about this game http://9gag.com/gag/4255986
  4. so the story of my last two weeks in this game about 2 weeks ago now i had gone like 8-1 at around 1200 elo, was steadily rising. and then the game was like oh HELL NO and sent me on a 2-24 losing streak. during this losing streak i went negative 5 times. significant records include 23/4 as xerath, 10/3 as hecarim, and 9/5 as volibear, all occurring during crushing losses. i dropped all the way to 775 elo. nearly EVERY GAME someone would either go afk, go 0/3-6 before 8 minutes, or blatantly feed. there were three close games that could have gone either way. then this weekend i had a lot of spare time and the game decided it liked me again so i went on a 11-1 winning streak. this has happened too many times for it to be coincidental. i never go one for one, or even two for one, it's always, always long streaks of wins and losses. even in winning it's kind of silly when you know you won because the other team had an ashe who would run under your towers and dance in other news, malzahar is awesome and pretty impossible to lose lane with
  5. somehow i doubt it sadly
  6. darkesword where can i get marvel/dc comics cartoons with japanese subtitles for my small asian children that i'm teaching
  7. any word on ivysaur by the way
  8. its my opinion that if a mix wouldn't be up to standards (at least in production quality) that it wouldn't be good enough to submit to a large scale production like this. but that doesn't really answer your question
  9. i wanna listen i wanna i wanna
  10. i did?!?!? when? (though i'll totally give you feedback if i can hear it)
  11. yeah so this game is real good the whole 'dream drop' thing is MECHANICS SPOILER (no story is ruined here)instead of having you play through the game separately 3 times like in the PSP one, there's a 'drop' button at the bottom of the touch screen that you can hit whenever you want that switches between the two. it's an alternate dimension thing. haven't got much more than that on why though.
  12. i usually had a blast when people played as a team but i agree that did happen i don't rage i just get sad when people trashtalk after making critical errors
  13. i think this game just makes everyone so mad that no one wants to talk about it though somehow not mad enough to stop playing it.
  14. same with gohan goes to high school some of my favorite episodes of the entire series
  15. am i the only one getting a distinct jazz jackrabbit vibe from this game? also despite their first trailer being dumb as shit the game looks pretty nice
  16. boom. someone got learned right here
  17. how long is the original series before this and is it worth watching the whole thing to watch this
  18. amon tobin is great in general but that's a great album
  19. "I don't like a specific subset of anime made for young teenage girls thus all anime is now bad" "Also since I don't watch anime anymore who are all these people dressing up as I don't get it why aren't they still dressing up as Cowboy Bebop characters" feel free to have your opinions and all but this just sounds like the old man calling rock and roll the devil's music
  20. not at all, if we're gonna do this we might as well do it how you want it right? note: thread topic changed to Project M: Awesome game, OCR Project?!?!
  21. so i caved like a bitch and bought a japanese 3DS so i could play this. i'm going to be living here for at least a year and it's not like i'll buy zero games in that time so i can afford to do it. 1st thing: movement is awesome. you don't have to put up with that whole 'oh hey i do a three hit combo' stuff for the entire game until you get airdashes and such; it gives you that and a bag of new tricks right off the bat. spells and stuff you still have to find and earn though which i'm glad about.
  22. hey buddy

    just as a heads up i'm sure people will let you use their mixes but everyone is also pretty interested in making a full project for the game, which would be sweet. i'd take it up with the head guys and see what they think

  23. unless you bought your wii this year it doesn't really matter anyways
  24. so this is the funniest thing i've seen in awhile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsVdUPfXRb4&feature=g-vrec
  25. it actually went back on sale during the beta so i got it last night and played through about lv 10 it's a lot of fun. the issues ("issues") i have with it are that a) the instanced missions don't require you meet up with people like they did in the last game. i really liked that you had to set up essentially co-op pve, in this game it's kinda just single player. not the worst thing ever but could be better. also there are like no skill customization options like there were in the original. that was one of my favorite parts, you could play crazy styles of characters as long as you had the right skills for it. now it looks like there's 40 skills per character, and then the 5 mandatory for weapon loadouts. that's kind of dull honestly. the game feels great and i loved playing it though. it really does have a free flow kind of feel to it, instead of talking to people so you can go kill those 5 bears you just happen to be thrown into a nearby event, and when you kill 5 bears you get the reward. which is a lot smoother and really does create spontanteous co-op.
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