The Derrit
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Everything posted by The Derrit
anyone wanna play sometime soon? i do add me people i'm The Derrit or thederrit
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
good choice -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
victor looks like he'd make a really good support champion even though that's not really what he's made for -
3DS: Friend Codes on First Page, OMG THE THIRD DIMENSION
The Derrit replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
should i get a 3ds and what games should i get with it -
Go go Rokko Chan! Mega Man fans will love this one.
The Derrit replied to Gario's topic in General Discussion
i hate this because it has to do with mega man and allowing mega man fans to further blather on about how evil capcom is and how mega man is teh bestest evar and why would they ever do this -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
thats the entire point you either have to wait out her stun and miss farm or not wait out her stun and get hit the only time annie can't jump you when you fire a q is at maximum range when you're in siege shiz, any other time and she can just take it and go in on you. so literally any other time you just have to wait for her to get impatient and use a skill which a good annie just won't annie isn't even the worst offender leblanc has a built in blink to stun that she can hit pretty much from standard q range and lux's snare and slow are just as long as yours are. now if its a malzahar or an ahri or someone without much cc you're pretty much fine but anyone with a stun you're in a bad spot you can't just be like 'range lol' because that range comes at a half second casting time in which just about anyone can walk up on you and stun you before you stun them ESPECIALLY EARLY even with tower e has like no range whatsoever until later levels -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
i think what you meant to say was good annie vs. xerath just says "oh well i got hit by arcanopulse let me walk through it while i stun you and throw all of my shit on you while you die." if the annie is super aggressive you have two options, staying way far back and letting her farm while getting a couple minions here and there (not ideal) or playing toe to toe getting stunned which you will and getting bursted down because before you have many items early game annie does plenty more damage than you and doesn't have to aim anything (also not ideal) bad annies on the other hand will be afraid of you and you can indeed shit on them the range thing is only effective if you're dealing dangerous damage which you're not at level 4 or 5, meaning you pretty much have to wait it out or get people to gank for you all the time. or have a jungler who will give you blue -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
after playing enough of him i've found it's really not true, he's great late game/after he gets a deathcap and does massive damage but midlane he's a hard sell against just about anyone with a stun, which is a lot of mid laners. lux and annie crap on him pretty hard as well as leblanc he's great overall but has some really bad matchups edit: also kitty unless you're terrible you shouldn't be getting hit by her taunt unless she ults in on you, at which point she's already wasted her positioning bonus and should immediately get stunned. what people don't seem to realize is once a new character's style of play is figured out people don't do the dumb things that get them killed. for instance in a 5 man gank against ahri don't all come from the side, have someone set up far behind and spread the group out so she can't just run through a hole. like catching an actual fox. another perfect example is people figuring out that arcanopulse has startup lag that is incredibly exploitable so everyone stopped being like "OMG SO MUCH RANGE OP" -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
has anyone else noticed that literally every time a champ comes out the general populous is like "OMG OP" and the only legitimate time it was true was for graves -
we should set up a big game soon i never see people playing when i am
reading over that patchlog, why doesn't tiny have the ability to carry a tree in dota 2?
i mean i was having fun the whole time that's when it gets even better
that's not the part i'm talking about the freeroaming quite honestly isn't all that great. about 10-13ish hours in things start to fall together storywise and it gives you new combos of classes to play with to the point where setting up paradigms really makes a heavy difference in how fights go
i like X too... ...and you...luke...
yupp it was funny i asked about the release date at a store and the guy was like 'january (whateveritwas) it's the only one i know off the top of my head'
he's pretty much spot on actually i like the ff games in general including 12 but the battle system was literally 'preset what your team will do and then kind of control the other one character' at least in 13 you have some direct control over what the other two people in your team will do without going into a menu for twenty minutes to decide how their logic should work just because bleck talks like a jerk doesn't mean he doesn't have valid points because he usually does. or is blowing up someone with a dumb opinion which also happens from time to time
this is hypocritical on so many levels
i will say while i liked the ff7 battle system it was pretty much a dumbed down version of tactics where everyone does everything and no character needed to have any specialization whatsoever it doesn't make it un-fun but it's not exactly layered either
my biggest hit on most of you all is that half of you gave up on the game before the parts that really made it good now here's the thing, this was far from my game of the year but i had a really nice time playing through it. it had its moments where i was like 'ok this is cool let's move on to the next important thing' but in older games you literally grind in one area because you have to, until you can move through the next one. so while you're grinding at least there's an endpoint instead of 'UNTIL YOU'RE POWERFUL ENOUGH TO BEAT THE THING WITH THE SPELLS.' i think its telling that some people consider the area where you literally do nothing BUT grind as the redeeming part of the game. like, are we really hardwired to that degree? at the beginning of the game, i was like 'some of these characters are pretty meh.' sazh was awesome the whole time, lightning was ok, snow was 'shut up about your hero shit' and hope was mildly annoying. vanille was vanille. whatever that means. but by the end of the game pretty much everyone but snow had redeemed themselves into likeable people, and snow was passable. the interaction between sazh and vanille was as genuine, to me at least, as it gets in games. people can complain all they want about the battle system but i just don't see how its so markedly different and terrible from what's been done in the past. auto battle is what you would have done 90% of the time anyways, and its really not hard to pick your own spells if you have better ideas. i used my own configurations all the time it really wasn't hard. the linear complaints i'm fine with if that bugs you then it does and that's all there is to it. for me, there were times where it would have been nice to branch out but i mean hell, books don't give you opportunities to branch out (except for 'choose your own adventure books'). now a pulitzer prize winner this ain't but it's a game made to tell a story that's a big part of what final fantasy games are. if they made a zelda game like this i might be upset, but that's a situation that in no way calls for it. here, it feasibly can be. it's not that i think this was the best game of the year, or even close, i just think its crazy that literally all of you are deadpanning a game that was well-made. 13-2 will almost undoubtedly be better and i'm happy about that but fuck. edit: also i seem to remember when 13 was coming out that 'my hands' song was supposed to be the theme song and i don't remember hearing it in the game, once. so keep that in mind while thinking about this chocobo song. also think about how many times you will likely hear this chocobo song in game if it does get used.
they also give out a bunch of exclusive skins and 'extra' levels with preorders that you can easily unlock later soo yeah their idea of exclusive is a little bit off
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
someone on my team (anivia) called gg 4 minutes into a game today because the vayne across from her in mid lane got a blue buff i officially agree with bleck dominion is better in lol -
nope wasn't
the only thing that 'made it great' compared to now was 2d sprites, text boxes, and the fact that you were younger and dumber than you are now
sigh a) you do realize how many of your 'favorite all time games' are 'shockingly linear' right. i don't understand how you could possibly enjoy mega man, classic mario or sonic, platformers period, and every shooter that's not skyrim. (GLITCHES COOL GOTY!!!!!!11!) if you want to complain about a lack of sidequests before pulse go right ahead. lack of longevity, go right ahead. but linearity as a concept is not a bad thing and everyone has to get it out of their goddamn heads that you need a sandbox for a game to be good. that's just dumb. as a side note i fucking hate when people are all 'hey look in this fable game you can get married SO MUCH FREEDOM' or 'THERE ARE SO MANY OPTIONS IN MORROWIND' because while that's true none of those options do anything. they're just there so you can say so it has no effect on gameplay whatsoever. sidequesting for something that makes a difference in the game, such as a new technique or character or plot twist, is good. sidequesting for an item that's a little bit stronger than the item you have now or for some superficial thing such as the aforementioned is reeeeeetarded just because there wasn't an autobattle function in earlier FF titles doesn't mean that it wasn't what you were doing most of the time anyways. once you find a weakness you exploit it, it just cuts out the having to look up a spell in a huge list while your enemy hits you c) i get why people don't like the story but something to consider is that making a huge game like FF and then translating it into English is pretty much an impossible task. as a japanese speaker i can see where some of the crappy 'wtf is this' moments came from and its not really an excuse but unless you want FF games to come out 2 years after they do in japan and have a USA version there's no other alternative really. other than just subbing instead of dubbing but everyone in the world is super offended if everything is not in english i maintain my theory that if someone released FF13 in 1993 with no changes outside of 8bit graphics and text-box conversations that it would have been heralded as an amazing game just the same way everyone loves 3 and 4 edit: AS ANOTHER NOTE one of the bullet points near the top of the list of storytelling is having a believable cast. one of the things about having a believable cast is there being characters that aren't likable. everyone in the cast has at least one major/notable personality flaw, and are all kinda jerks/wimpy/ditzy from the beginning of the game. the entire point is as you move through it you get people's motivations and their behavior becomes more admissable. by the end i liked everyone, probably vanille most of all (which was a big switch from the start of the game)
i've never used invoker and even after reading about him have no idea how that works