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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. it seems you haven't had to lane against an irelia in a while
  2. support champ released after tons and tons of people begging cue complaining now
  3. all comments from you guys on megaclown's account were deleted. just a heads up.
  4. at the risk of minimodding, the guy made his announcement, he's leaving, let him leave. this thread really doesn't need to keep dragging on, and its obnoxious to have this be front page every time i show up to the site so some dude who doesn't want to be here can continue to rub it in everyone's face how 'over it' he is. it's some junior year, high school girl bullshit and whatever goodwill was being attempted in this thread is officially feeding the flames at this point. i like enjoying OCR and this thread is actively keeping me from doing so. make it stop please.
  5. why is this thread
  6. i've been playing this again recently and i love it so so much how could i have forgotten
  7. to show riot that his services are warranted and necessary
  8. it absolutely says something about the quality of the people working on it though if they're satisfied to put out a first initial trailer of that quality. if it looks like crap, feels like crap and smells like crap it's probably going to end up crap not that i don't want you people to have fun but seriously, what is there that makes this an interesting looking retail game? except for poor humor (elevator scene) average to poor animation and a really dumb title
  9. the fact they had to cut it really really short has little to do with whether or not they planned it; its entirely possible they did, but when all of a sudden you're out of money, can you fit 15 episodes of solid plot into three? i personally doubt it. see "The Money and Soul of Possibility Control." That anime started out looking like it was going to be absolutely awesome, then it got cut down to 13 episodes instead of 25 and the last three had to wrap up a plot arc that pretty much had no prior explanation whatsoever. even in the ending OVA there was a small hidden message that said it was supposed to be 25 episodes
  10. because that's exactly what it was: if you're going to release a trailer usually putting something ACTUALLY SUBSTANTIAL is a good idea. there was nothing of substance there and what was in the trailer looked little better than a newgrounds flash game
  11. actually what happened was that the team working on it was incredibly emotionally drained, and i believe they lost the support of whoever was sponsoring them. so they had to find a way to end it. sucks but sometimes that's the way the cookie crumbles i love seeing these posts because they almost always prove bleck's point. criticism doesn't have to be polite to be correct. if you don't like it, ignore it. being like 'omg bleck ur a jerk dood' does literally nothing. take my advice and you will save yourself quite a bit of trouble
  12. i guess i'm not any better for knowing but aren't these porn? i'm cool with people doing their own thing but there are minors on this site after all. while we all know high school dudes jerk it recommending they go look for it without forewarning maybe not the best idea. also started watching sword of the stranger tonight. some beautiful animation. for those who have seen, i loved the short fight with the fisherman underneath the bridge. that was an awesome way to portray it
  13. the art (EDIT: the background art is quite nice actually. the characters were flash animation at its most average and uninteresting.) is bad, the concept is bad, the trailer gave little to no sense of what kind of game it was outside of 'undead rabbit kills stuff,' tween badditude in the name, and on top of that sega thought that putting all of that together and giving people a 'teaser' trailer with nothing interesting to go off of except for 'tude and undead stuff was a smart move. if that's the best they can do then right off the bat there's a big hulking problem.
  14. moreover even if you were right which you're not nintendo would not decide not to sell it for that. that's like saying they shouldn't put sonic on virtual console because it competes with mario
  15. ganking from mid early is a big part of his game, he can practically 1 shot people from about 6-9 and that will help you farm up your boots. after that, hopping back and forth from lanes is a must; you already know this, but you can be really agressive about it; unless someone can instakill you on the other team or stun you out of the return, you can hop in, kill two waves and get out, making them commit people to lanes.
  16. i got torchlight in some bundle and have never played it apparently this needs to change
  17. fiona's kit is quite a bit more fun than i had expected. you can defend yourself pretty well with riposte as long as you don't jump into the middle of an enemy team and you have really good short-term damage output
  18. so as soon as i got out of hell range i have lost one game out of 13. which we lost because our jungler left 5 minutes in. and we still almost won.
  19. so is sona my point being not that you're wrong but just about everyone in the game can be a killer. pink wards and early game denial make her incredibly difficult to be useful with however, this is not true against dumb people so then she rocks
  20. he's been out for like 3 months tops. trundle has been out almost a year edit: it took me like 2 months to get above 1000 elo and now that i am above that, i haven't lost a game yet. its been 8 games elo hell exists i suppose
  21. so i saw it in the store and the screen does look amazing. but that's as much as i can say.
  22. so.. melee ad "true carry" as they call it awesome idea? or destined to fail? i love the effort either way
  23. i just dove on a team trying to take baron as taric got a triple kill and the steal. so happy
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