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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. This is kind of why I have a vendetta against this game everyone's like 'it's so huge and epic' but then people are like running around backwards and flying through the air when they shouldn't be in HUGE OBVIOUS GLITCHES and everyone's like 'lol SWEET BRUH' either it's a huge immersive adventure or it's a sandbox game where everything is silly you can't just have it be both and act like it works both ways
  2. i don't get why things like this aren't policed by i dunno the *real* police i'm not saying i want someone to arrest me for typing 'make me a sandwich' but real legitimate stuff should be reportable to a higher authority than the one who bans you for three months while you make another account to do it again
  3. where in japan are you filming this?
  4. is anyone having the huge issues that the facebook page seems to be talking about
  5. well i'll be playing it when it comes out/next prebuy opportunity beta weekend
  6. good work i will be following this
  7. i mean i get it but still it would have been nice if they had just said that up front and were like 'oh hey this is going to be a limited run so if you want it do it now'
  8. So... just thought about prebuying this game, went to buy the digital edition.. IT'S SOLD OUT. how the FUCK do you sell out of a digital game.
  9. just so everyone knows 'the world ends with you' and crono trigger are both under 20 dollars on amazon you're welcome
  10. everything about it was an improvement minus the fact that it made every game you already had in your library obsolete because you COULDN'T PLAY THEM buying a new system to play your stored games is great if you can actually store the games you already own on it.
  11. if this happens i claim credit for bringing the two together MY NAME GOES ON SOMETHING
  12. wish i'd known that two days ago i mean seriously who starts region locking things NOW as opposed to before that's some retardy shit
  13. someone tell me there's some sort of regionlock hack that i can use and where it is
  14. but seriously. i didn't even make it much through the first world because it was just completely impossible to make marks actually show up with the brush in the right way. after about half an hour of trying to draw a straight 'cut' line and succeeding about 5 times total i was like 'look i know this game is good but fuck it's completely unplayable like this' someone make it for a system i can still play it on please. i have no ps2 and the wii version kills it the only time when this really becomes a huge issue is when you haven't used your body for anything physical or coordination-related in the past 15 years wait this is a video game forum what am i saying of course it's a problem
  15. i swear to god if they take away that tether up b i'm going to be so mad i also love ivysaur. honestly i feel like his moveset with l-cancels would make for a perfectly good character. fair pops up for combos, up-air is a good finisher, downair is a good edgeguard option, nair (and nair toespike) are awesome, neutral b is like rest antithesis (never kills but does massive damage when you hit it) side b is a good projectile, and upair has some awesome on and off stage applications. as long as they balanced up the backair to do similar knockback as it does now; if they put that in melee physics it would do literally nothing. oh yeah and all of his tilts are pretty beastmode. uptilt's hitbox kinda sucks but then it also dodges stuff on the ground so that's cool b-down as an aoe poison move would be kind of awesome. and cement him as a spacing character
  16. I didn't know you were a tourney smasher too Good stuff
  17. hey so i went back and read the rest of the transgender thread in offtopic and past my post, you represented yourself very well. i withdraw what i said about you, good work and welcome to ocr :D

    if not on a somewhat intense note. the rest of it is fun i swear

  18. thanks feel free to ask mechanics questions too, i wouldn't want to ruin the story for anyone either.
  19. so i just went out and bought this and i'm kind of really excited for it i won't have a ton of time to play it during the week but if anyone has questions i'll answer them as i find the answers
  20. i'm jealous i just moved to japan and didn't bring my wii with me so i can't play it yet. SOON
  21. There's a big article on IGN about this mod that got put up recently. The 2nd demo has 29, but they're doing the entire cast; right now, that's what they have done. Over time everyone will be represented and I'm also pretty confident that question mark is mewtwo who they're bringing back. http://projectm.dantarion.com/index.php this is their main website. This is the IGN article, which is actually written pretty well.
  22. Project M: Official Website Hey everyone, so I know a bunch of people here play/have played super smash brothers pretty consistently, and being a former melee player myself this is something I've been keeping tabs on for awhile now. Project M (for Melee) is essentially Brawl retooled without infinite airdodges, tripping, superfloatiness, and everything bad about the Brawl engine. It has been replaced with melee mechanics, and some of the characters have even been rebalanced and given new moves. It's pretty awesome. At this point in time, the 2.6b is out, and it features the majority of the characters in brawl. Certain characters have had moves altered or even completely changed! Metaknight is one of those characters. Many of his annoying traits, (such as unbeatable b moves and infinite recovery) have been nerfed, while still leaving him with fast, fairly powerful moves. He feels like he came from melee all along! To see what they've done with your favorite character, check out the Character Section. Several of the stages have also been revamped to create a fairer fighting environment, some stages have been brought back from previous games (think Zelda 64) and there are even some completely new stages! Check it out. Video Section and got completely remade for this game! It's that good!I know being that guy who's like "hey ocr you should get involved in this" is a noob move especially since I don't do music (well) but seeing as this is a complete retool it might be something to look into! Many of the stages have replaced music, and it'd be awesome to see something like that teamed up with OCR here. On top of this, a lot of the music in trailers is already from OCR, so clearly they like your guys' music. Just be like "hey use it in game" and they'd be like SWEET and you'd be like DUDE and it would continue forever
  23. where do you watch them
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