The Derrit
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Everything posted by The Derrit
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
use your brain. i was commenting on how the community thought all of those were op when just about none of them are even close, or were at the time. why make a fool out of yourself i don't get it -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
maybe you haven't noticed but this happens for literally every champion. it's happened for every single one since i've been playing except for viktor. notable 'OP' champs include the not-yet-buffed wukong, volibear, leona, riven, shyvanna, fizz, the not-yet-buffed skarner, graves, ahri, talon, and xerath the only legitimate claims of this group are graves and maybe ahri. people don't even play talon anymore. leona? other than free week i've literally never seen one past the week and a half after she got released (despite her being a wonderful champion). wukong and skarner were both terrible before their buffs. volibear was 'OP' for two days until people realized he wasn't all that good, and recently got a buff to compensate for it. in conclusion: people bitching about 'OP-ness' within the first week or two are idiots purely based on the fact of ignorance as to how a character works or how to avoid/counter that particular character's strategy. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
why would he get nerfed fucking hate dumb people also he is fun and good at cutting off escape routes with his bombcarpet/satchel which makes him good at ganking. another thing people were complaining about mids that can't gank -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
seriously. where are these ideas even coming from in this thread -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
i'm about to go to bed but i just can't leave 'let the game sort itself out' as a valid statement. i am arguing details because it only takes one exploit to turn a game on its ear and destroy the viability of 10 characters and make 5 new ones god tier. the fact that off the top of my head i can think of four or five situations in which that extra cc makes a character's utility way too high is a HUGE RED FLAG that it will imbalance the game in unforeseen ways like the ones everyone here is complaining about right now. 'let's see how it goes' is lazy and uninspired design. and its not about 'whether the metagame can handle it' or not the metagame isn't fucked up wholly by design; it's fucked up by unsociable, boorish and blatantly stupid professional players spewing garbage out of their mouths and everyone listening as if their opinion is the only one to go by. if hotshotgg were to tell the world that urgot was god tier solo top we'd have about a billion new solo top urgots by tomorrow morning. there's no way to 'design' yourself out of that mess. i mean seriously. has anyone ever watched chaox's stream? he wins his lane and then spends the rest of the game running around and flaming his team if they don't follow him into a 1v4 of his own making. he can barely make sentences longer than 'what the fuck.' at least in professional sports people have standards of decency this is literally just an antisocial nerd sitting on his computer and acting like a grade A dick. the only difference between him and everyone else is he has 11,000 people watching him and emulating his behavior. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
once again, from the top: seeing as they already nerfed clairvoyance i find it highly unlikely they're going to give you a second one, nor do i see how it is a good idea to potentially have 7 clairvoyances on one team at a time a debuff version of taric's ult sounds like taric's passive activation. which is a good ability. giving it to anyone who wants it maybe not such a hot idea. i still don't get how making people kill faster makes for a more balanced or more enjoyable game. people die fast enough already and as long as you're not fighting singed it's not like people are impossible to take down. and i thought we already established that tanks (other than imo singed) are not the problem, but tanky dps, which is a different ballpark. shen is a wonderful tank character because he can't do it by himself but creates opportunities for his team. gankplank is a bad tank character because he can get impossible to kill and still do far too much damage at the same time. while running faster than everyone else. your disable is my cc, if we're talking about stuns and knockups then nobody has 4, but leona still has 3. and even though everyone hates it apparently blitz has two and a half with his grab/knockup/aoe silence. and even so there are lots of 'debuff' characters that are based on those debuffs. giving zilean a free stun before he halves your movespeed for four seconds is a little much. or janna a free stun so she can run in front to ult you back into her team before whirlwinding your ass, adding up to like 4 seconds of 'oh i can't do shit.' blitz stunning someone, running back to his turret, grabbing to knockup? everyone and their mother would rage over that. point being creating new kit for characters that aren't designed for it just doesn't fit into the framework of LoL without fucking it to kingdom come and giving people more to complain about sure. gunblade active would be fine but why give that to someone who predominantly won't be ganking? give that to your jungler or a mobile mid or something i already said hextech sweeper seems like a pretty good idea and i don't really have a problem with it also i assume your item ideas are bad because they are 'let's take items that other characters use and make them support items.' giving items more defensive stats and less offensive stats doesn't really create a good item. for instance: your 'shredding' item. how does that even work? in order for any shredding item to be effective you have to be hitting someone multiple times. supports in general don't autoattack all over the place. it would have to be an active by level just like any other active item for it to be worthwhile for a support character. or your medallion of courage. who does this have the most utility for? if we want to talk about comparative advantage someone who can afford to become less tanky is more likely to want an item that will lower someone else's armor at their own expense. if you give that to soraka you might as well be saying 'come kill me now, that active animation means that i die faster.' if you took it a step further and made it 'the equalizer' or something where your two respective armor amounts were averaged, now you're talking. something that a squishy support can use that will debuff an enemy without making them a free kill, in fact giving them more survivability in a situation where they need it, giving the ability to buy more time for their team. but both getting less? the advantage still goes to the one with more armor, especially considering the higher the defensive stat the less each point of it does. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
in order: no, making an item that has a mini-clairvoyance is just making clairvoyance useless, what's the point. might as well get rid of clairvoyance completely. or take that whole idea from starcraft where the terran base had that radar ability it could use. which is the exact same thing edit: down below hextech sweeper is talked about and its a good idea to kind of fit here so, make a malady with tiamat properties and regen? sounds like that'd be balanced and wouldn't be more suited for oh, i dunno, tanky dps characters i guess, if you want an item that makes support (read: squishy) characters more squishy. yet again this caters to someone who already has survivability and can give up some of theirs to take out a less survivable opponent. tanky dps what the idea of lightbringer is a good one but yet again, unless they just take its unique property and put it on an item that has regen/defense stats instead of attackspeed/damage the only people who are going to buy it are carries and damage dealers, because they do most of the attacking anyways. why would it be more useful on a support who in general, you know, supports more than they attack. edit: forgot to mention hextech sweeper. that'd be a pretty good support item as is for the supports that actually attack and use their abilities on opponents consistently. the active pretty much being dust of illumination or whatever its called i don't remember is good having powder for invisibles would be cool. i'd be pretty ok with that see: randuin's omen the majority of support characters already have a major disable or two or three, or four if you're janna. exhaust is also a disable which is easy to choose. while not really viable ignite is a regen/healing disable. support characters are designed around their utility, the point being they shouldn't need more. there is no point in making an item that just gives you a two second stun unless you want some carry character who is made not to have disables, like sivir let's say, to get a free stun and essentially not have to rely on anyone else to help her get kills. almost every single one of your suggestions would be more useful to a damage dealer or tanky dps character than they would be to a support character. as much as i think dota is the technically superior game dota items don't work here, giving people free stuns and aoe invisibility items destroys the game. while you all seem to be calling this the 'marvel' of dota games i would say it has the strictest rules in regards to what they can and cannot have characters do without affecting the game in a major way. in dota you can just be like 'yeah give that guy a 5 second stun, just as long as he can't do any other shit' and it's fine, it works. in this game a 5 second stun is a guaranteed kill. making items with powerful actives doesn't balance for utility characters, it gives gangplank yet another way to rape face while he eats oranges and triple crits you with his pistol. whenever you think of trying to make an item with significant hard cc think of a fed ad carry getting that significant hard cc and you'll realize how terrible of an idea you had. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
this has to be a joke literally last page people were talking about how there needed to be more support-based team-beneficial aura items AND THEN THEY MAKE ONE AND REVAMP TWO OTHERS TO BE MORE USEFUL AND EVERYONE BITCHES AS IF THERE IS NO OTHER CONCEIVABLE WAY TO BUILD ATTACK SPEED AND LIFESTEAL AT THE SAME TIME THAN TO BUILD STARKS, AN ITEM THAT IS ALREADY SITUATIONAL AT BEST. NOT TO MENTION NOW INSTEAD OF HAVING TO BUILD IT YOURSELF YOUR SUPPORT DOES IT AND YOU GET 20% ATTACK SPEED AND 12% LIFESTEAL FOR FREE i don't even seriously clearly the locket thing is an early game item and is balanced as such the active is a nice early/midgame kick, the aura is the important part here. plus how many fights have you been in where someone lives by 200 health or less. i had to edit this about 20 times because the more i thought about it the more upset it made me how dumb you all are -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
people don't seem to remember this but heimerdinger pushes really hard in a solo lane. i had to mid against a heimer who brought promote and in lane i had no answer, he could be on my tower while i was still there, and be safe behind all of his minions. also sivir, or master yi -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
if you remove lasthitting you pretty much turn laning phase into 'wait for minions to die for 15 minutes.' like seriously, a team that pushes hard and harasses will get the exact same amount of gold as the team who doesn't attack a single time and just stands within the correct area, and does absolutely nothing but not die it takes away any motivation to play aggressively in one fell swoop or really do anything at all until you have however much gold you want -
Modern Games with Modern Soundtracks
The Derrit replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
you mean this? -
GOOD megaman's fanbase sucks so i hope they keep at it until it is gone like seriously, even after inafune left they were still making tons of products related to megaman other than games, clearly attempting to keep the legacy alive. and then all of the idiots were like IF ITS NOT THE EXACT GAME WE WANT ITS MOCKERY and proceeded to rage some more this is why you can't have nice things. i mean really? mega man 10 came out like a year ago there's a new metroid game every five years or so and you don't see nintendo fans burning the barn over that
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
while i usually don't either your opinion is unfortunately incorrect usually getting 2 is the smartest thing you can do if you get gold quickly or don't get gold quickly. it makes you more immune to harass and gives you worthwhile damage/defense/ap to boot. you lose 200 gold ish when you sell it (aka like one and a half minion waves worth) which is very little in the grand scheme of things. -
its the same story you get in the news all the time, generally speaking people who are muslims are labeled as terrorists even though the vast majority of people who are muslims aren't terrorists. why? because someone blowing up a town over 52 virgins is a much better story than 'muslims peacefully exist' and its the same for gamers
what is this iconic stuff i've been watching anime since six years ago so i missed some of it. that's not dragonball z
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
The Derrit replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
veigar is officially my new little minion of evil I AM EVIL STOP LAUGHING -
what list might that be also i'm chugging through FMA brotherhood for the second time and man it is good. the animation is some of the best i've seen in the fighting. its also cool to see people watching deadman its a sweet show. the first half was better than the second half but definitely above average overall
i haven't played in forever but played a game this morning with sniper. i was all like 'this is awesome i can deny and lasthitting has depth again' and then i was all like 'oh cool after i picked first everyone else on my team picked a melee carry oh cool look they all died oh look cool ragequit at 8 minutes in' and then i remembered why i hadn't played in two weeks
we're all glad you're so closed minded go lurk more
"Zero-G" album by halc (now available for free download!)
The Derrit replied to halc's topic in General Discussion
nice album art emunator -
i was going to magfest but MAGFEST
3DS: Friend Codes on First Page, OMG THE THIRD DIMENSION
The Derrit replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
i have a 3ds with mario land will figure out my friend code when i stop being like 'ooo 3d' all the time -
can we move this to offtopic so it can become the savior thread there