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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. can someone change this thread title to jackkeiser vs ocremix
  2. who let jackkeiser back on the internet
  3. i agree those games were great. don't misunderstand i love the olds with the news but its folly to say that the older games were better in every way and the old ones 'just don't have it' and yeah don't take the aggro personally unless you're dumb or your name has a ever-resurrecting firebird in it, neither or which i trust are the case for you
  4. then its pretty simple to note none of us will be listening to you anymore because your opinions are shit 'when you see it you know it' isn't going to convince anyone moving on
  5. likeable characters: the only thing that made the older characters more likeable was their lack of personality. it allowed people to fill in what was missing (aka everything but the text they spoke) to make an idealized version of whatever character it was that was talking amazing stories: they're good. no one's really arguing with that all that much. but they're not drop dead spectacular either deep backgrounds: what does this even mean. if it means that there's substance behind the ingame worlds they're completely blown away by the modern ones. hell 13 practically had an in game encyclopedia, it was huge difficult challenges: no one who hates the new ones hates them for lack of challenge i've never heard anyone here say that ever so pretty much what it comes down to is every new character isn't cecil or cloud and every ff villain isn't kefka edit: ALSO ALL OF THE EARLY FINAL FANTASY GAMES DID SPECTACULAR WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. go lurk moar
  6. i still hold to the statement that if the old final fantasy games came out now for the first time, none of you people who are like 'leik omg squaresux now lolol' would like them AT ALL and like zircon said XIII was a critical and financial success this =/= terrible and failed like some of you seem to think
  7. i would love to go to the next magfest since i won't be in college/a fulltime athlete anymore i'm so down i want to meet all you people basically arek
  8. i swear to god this forum has the most uppity snob opinions on jrpgs i've ever seen
  9. what in the world what is wrong with any of the advance tactics games then if it doesn't have to have the same world or characters they play the same way
  10. do you ever see global-trance anymore

    he kinda dropped off the map

  11. yes i understand the idea of anonymity causing this type of behavior but putting yourself above your opponent is a great source of confidence if you can do it and it makes the game more fun for you if you're winning
  12. my job is done here
  13. grr why would we make anything more new and better this is a terrible choice especially if square is doing it because square is now cool which makes me hate it
  14. I'm going to talk in proper internet speech because this is an interesting topic that I've put some thought into. The thing about competitive fighters online is that they allow people to use *every* advantage available to them, and one of those advantages is poor sportsmanship. In person and at tournaments and things like that, being a dick has consequences. It makes the person you're playing with like you less, and in turn all of the people around you. HOWEVER, it cannot be denied that getting under someone's skin and making them angry throws off their game. Everyone that plays games can recall at least one time where they got pissed and started making mistakes and poor decisions they normally wouldn't. Online, getting under someone's skin is a huge part of the game. Taunting, using frowned upon tactics, and playing like a jerk has no consequence, because your opponent will likely never meet you, or possibly ever play with you again. But it still causes people to play poorly, which makes it a tool. I know that I try and win games by playing smart, but there have definitely been times where I've been a jerk, because it makes it easier to win. The simple act of taunting in SSF4 throws off so many people who play that taunting after a command throw is worth it; you'll get more openings that way, and they'll come attack you in ways that they shouldn't or wouldn't otherwise. In short, because there is no social consequence for being a jerk online, it's a tool that cannot be overlooked. Does this make it acceptable? Not really. But it is unavoidable that most people will end up that way over time. The interesting exception to this rule is playing against people that you know or have planned to play against. In this setting people are usually polite, and when they're not it doesn't have the same effect it would in an anonymous setting.
  15. the name ben briggs means nothing to me NOTHING but i did like you and halc's band thingy on facebook it is your one chance to reveal my true identity and face me in mortal combat
  16. how is it not clear once you get past a certain amount of points it grades you up that's all there is to it
  17. im not kidding all of your work is chronirithhtihththtihtic in my library AND ALWAYS WILL BE
  18. you two are so good together
  19. i know you have castle crashers

    you know what this mean

  20. i approve of this i want to do some tourney style stuff
  21. Parov Stelar - Booty Swing
  22. BOOM goes the dynamite
  23. especially in the beginning the guitar sounds pretty mechanical, and the xylo when it fades in starts up as a hiss pretty much. its a good idea but id rather be able to hear the xylophone part first as opposed to 'oh what's that hiss, oh i see now its a xylophone' maybe get someone to play the guitar part? i like the overall structure though
  24. so basic stuff you need percussion that exists, i.e. isn't just a hiss and a tink everything is very echoey and it doesn't add to the song that it's like that and several of the instruments need fixing before this song will get looked at, notably, the harpsichord and piano-sounding ones but i do like that its paper mario
  25. 12 wasn't great, 13 is fun and the battle system is entertaining and 14 is probably pretty bad its an mmo for crying out loud but im still pretty sure that you people just need 2d sprites with no character so you can give them your own because your imaginations do much better than the best production values assloads of money can buy there is nothing glaringly wrong with XIII and the production values are excellent, though the script has its bad moments where the translators just gave up and decided to just give us the direct translation. maybe i'll hate the ending but as of chapter 11 everything's been fun and entertaining and making new parties/seeing what works together has been a lot of fun, its not broken or imbalanced and there's plenty of variety in how you can choose to go about battling, unlike several other games of this nature recently. and i mean shit, wasn't it FF3 that had the completely broken job combo of ninja/sage/ninja/sage? and all you people seem to think that game shit rainbows and unicorns the sheer number of people here that are just like "lol final fantasy" is either a) a testament to how punk-rock cool it is to be part of a counterculture, or in this case a countercounterculture cuz final fantasy isn't mainstream cool to begin with a testament to how many gaming snobs there are who aren't concerned with anything more than the next braid to come out of the 'truly creative' minds of the indie scene or c) proof of how few people in here played the games, ESPECIALLY XIII like, you don't have to think its spectacular by any stretch of the imagination but to call any of the recent FFs (online bs aside) garbage or terrible is ridiculous. edit: also damned how do you call an ENTIRE COMPANY vain and arrogant they make games they don't fucking come to your house and shit on your mom while she sleeps. being recognized for making games that millions of people enjoy does not make you arrogant or vain, it makes you good at what you do something everyone here seems to be missing on
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