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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. i mean that's how its always been smash bros. melee has a pretty defined tier list and a guy playing peach (high ish tier) and young link (mid low tier) just won the largest international tournament of the year, new metagames always emerge in games with good competitive depth but i like your analogy
  2. the way that it works in general is the most effective a character can be at any given matchup as an absolute, not finding the absolute setup for each character and then basing them against each other. so if one character would have one build path against one hero but another that works better against another those two builds would be applied in the 'best situation matchup' that a tier list would provide.
  3. you're all about the wrestling bro avatar, sig, ff6.. gotta calm down
  4. Sounds just like One Must Fall. anyone else have songs that remind them of games they've played?
  5. who is this moppyflophead bastard

  6. hey sweet avatar bro also FUCK THE McRIB.
  7. for anyone who doesn't already realize this getting square to make a 16 bit game doesn't mean they'll make another ff III or anything even remotely close to it this entire thing seems silly to me the people who work at square are a group of people who never worked on a 16 bit game and wouldn't know where to start. like seriously putting everything back in the bronze age graphically doesn't change the way a company makes games. im sure some people will point to the new mega man games but in an rpg there is not restriction to how things are done they could 16 bit just about any of the final fantasy games, minus the mmos and XII and they would largely be the same games. minus you know, good production values because people nowadays clearly hate those seriously. you might as well petition to have someone flip the original final fantasy on its horizontal axis and call it a new game. or petition to get off your ass and get a rom of one of the old ff's and enjoy it again/for the first time
  8. um braid was fun and also note everyone in this thread has played it (unless they are just dumb critics, entirely possible) so regardless of your thoughts it was undoubtedly a successful game. now if you don't enjoy puzzles then you're not gonna like the game duh sorry you didn't read anything about the game before buying it
  9. every time i've headed to the server lately its been empty
  10. stevo is mah fwend

  11. fuck it i'm getting the upgrade i swear to christ we better play like tonight or something
  12. sorry for the double post but this is actually hilarious
  13. nope last year it was a sick figurine of mario and pals handpainted its pretty awesome
  14. in the uftg7 stream there's a black dude with a black ocremix shirt on WAS THAT ANY OF YOU. or jam stunna
  15. hate to break it to you but it really didn't ever need to get confirmed if you thought nintendo was going to make a new system that could only use one of its new controllers, ITS MAJOR SELLING POINT, then you would be pretty dumb this has already been done on the gamecube for crying out loud how is it even conceivable that the wii u wouldn't be capable of it
  16. i suppose it is good news too bad thats already pretty well known
  17. the fact that the chip can stream sd video streams does not imply that the tablet is SD you are retarded but on top of that obviously its not gonna be 1920X1280 or something like that for the tablet that would also be retarded so double dumb for a) poor inferences and implied complaints for something that isn't anywhere close to a problem
  18. red vs blue is actually awesome i completely forgot about it good call
  19. there are two things that could happen here either people figure out who these guys are and they get arrested or people figure out who these guys are and they get a really fucking nice job probably the latter sadly
  20. im only getting this if people are gonna be playing regularly
  21. well that'll be unfortunate when they stop making games for the wii oh i don't know last year sometime
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