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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. there's 42 characters in the game christ what more do you want
  2. how do you fools get these games early and i will be online on launch to play with youze all im looking at you arek
  3. i'm pretty sure its on xbl if you wanna play it and it was a sick game i loved that shit
  4. i approve of the naming of this track, i knew what i was in for as soon as i saw that an i liked it.
  5. welp f that i guess just avoid rocket punch at all costs? how viable is it to play good keep away can't wait for this game comes out on my birthdayyyy
  6. i think the big thing here is that bungie's not even making it regardless of how interested the other team is its like taking mario and putting him in a newgrounds flash game its just not gonna have a good feel to it
  7. ...who mentioned disney. also welcome
  8. ok. spherical object you fuckers spheres have no edges. can we be done here christ almighty
  9. circular things dont have edges duh i thought you were supposed to be smart or something jeez
  10. i hope i have enough time to play tonight i'm out of practice
  11. HOLY SHIT that is the coolest i completely did not notice that then her health drains for like a last ditch thingy. best lv 5 ever
  12. good CUZ YOU ARE.
  13. siiick thanks bro

  14. you sound like a baka gaijin
  15. yo beatdrop whats the second song in your 'dies saturni' set

  16. paging arek to the thr.... oh god damn it
  17. the image that's like 'oh here we go' looks like she's getting boned. and is naked

  18. good lord where did you get all of those links so quickly

    also is that an anime girl getting fucked wtf

  19. pico album for valentine's day
  20. you know a thread is over when mods and judges are posting gifs and when i say over i mean getting much better please keep doing it
  21. guys the answer is no he can't can we just get over this thread please i'm sick of seeing in on the front page all the time
  22. which video is it of the group
  23. BOOM /thread
  24. strugglefest
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