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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. the skateboard makes me thing yun/yang
  2. lol im also bad so you cant really take me as an example <3\ EDIT when is someone going to make a ocr fight club thread so we can get everyone's psn/xbl tags in the same place etc.
  3. The Derril will probably be on very soon so get ready chump /i can still only play abel EDIT i'll be back after my mom goes to bed in like half an hour i feel pretty good seeing as the last time i played was also with you
  4. same here well maybe one day we'll have enough people to have a sizeable ocr game who knows
  5. yeah yeah i might take you up on this though and burn one of my 2 day trials
  6. thats the one thanks bro
  7. audio wise, except in the case of performance-centric groups (blue man group, orchestras, etc.) a studio recording will sound better as far as experience goes at concerts thats more up to personal opinion /thread
  8. cool i'll go see it hey atmuh what was the name of that game that was like zero-gravity in space shooter
  9. so i'm looking to build a computer and i think i've asked you about this before, but i want to put together something that will be up to date for the next few years or so. it doesn't need to be top of the line per se, but i'd like a desktop that can capably run things like new and upcoming games.

    i'm not sure what resolution screen i would be working with as i don't have one, but maybe you could recommend something there as well.

  10. ohayyy sup

    so i have two 2day subscriptions to xbox live free, YESSSS

  11. as far as sentries are concerned engineers shoot at anyone coming anywhere near their setup most times anyways you're not going to sneak up on them
  12. seriously its like the exact opposite. she's supposed to get killed as everyone ignores the atrocity not be popular your friends are fickle
  13. samesies when i get back to school its on
  14. duuuude harsh i played w you guys before. as hegemon2010 you don't even remember me
  15. quit bitching that game was awesome and so was the ending
  16. in three weeks i'll play with you all the times AND i'll have my own account name
  17. when i get back to school i will likely play with you guys
  18. me and vivi seem to be the only two with interest in playing this game consistently
  19. not really to be honest 3d technology is simply put an optical illusion it has nothing to do with holograms and whatever technology is used to produce holograms will be 100% different
  20. it has been said that zangief suplexed a bear i bet kuma's pissed
  21. everyone is looking at this the wrong way its street fighter 4 with twice as large a character selection that's all it is think of it that way
  23. i mean she was an incarnation of a goddess
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