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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. I beat Taucer in the closest 3-0 set ever.
  2. I beat Taucer in the closest 3-0 set of everness.
  3. QFE This is my first time with any of your sets but I definitely enjoy this one. Might have to go through the back catalog.. EDIT this is what i'm going to sleep to tonight, keep all the drunkards out of my earlobes.
  4. For anyone who cares I'm using Utorrent, yes it is an excellent client, however its still telling me the client is offline. Color me frustrated. EDIT: I changed to my school's wireless and its now working! Way to have consistent networks, yeah! Bucknell, you
  5. damn, quick responses... i'm trying both of these and neither garner any response. My first thought is my IP blocking torrents, but I torrented Voices of the Lifestream so I have no idea whats going on..
  6. So the other day Arek implored me to go play Earthbound, and I am in the process of doing so. It is excellent. However, this is not the point of my query. I heard there was an excellent remix project that went with it, Bound Together, and when I went to the official site, the torrent wouldn't download. Thinking maybe a broken link, I've tried others, but to no avail. Is there anywhere I can download this project?
  7. Got it. I'm very happy to say I've gotten to the official end of most of my games, though I'm sure once I dig through my older games (n64, gba, gb, nes) this will become less true.
  8. At first I couldn't tell the difference between this and the game. Like they sounded exactly the same. But later on your influences are there, and it sounds very pretty but my major concern is that the start is just the song from the game. I don't have any issues with the sound of it though, the piano sounds very realistic.
  9. What is this I keep hearing about item tournaments? I haven't been on smashboards in awhile so I may have missed something..?
  10. I agree with snappleman that this sounds awkward, especially the velocity of the leads. i would also say that i'd like to see more harmony with the lead. this would double up in that it would sound cooler and hide the poor quality instruments somewhat.
  11. Edited for accuracy.
  12. can i add in? The Derrit - thederrit. pretty simple. Can't wait to play organized games of TF2. unorganized can be so frustrating sometimes.
  13. Wow I completely lost track of this thread but there are a ton of great suggestions here! Hopefully this'll bump it up and get some more, I love what I see right now.
  14. He's not joking. I've already learned a couple sound lessons from getting whipped, just seeing what people can do to you gives you good experience.
  15. Hey jam, I'd really like to play you sometime. I see you on smashboards all the time and i'm pretty sure we've been at some of the same tourneys too, though we never met.
  16. Between spring break practices and smash i haven't posted on here in forever... i'd love to find a partner to smash with, i've been working on making ivysaur useful to some success, but generally my best is metaknight. loving this game so much.
  17. Kinda off topic but over today I'll be registering all my clanOCR games and whatnot. Its a really useful system, can't wait to play you guys, specially when brawl comes out.
  18. how about every ninja turtles game for NES? I loved them as a child, swear to god i rented them at least 25 times cause I wasn't allowed to buy it.
  19. ehh the analog stick wasn't bad, but its not the best either, newer ones are just as good and feel smoother imo. and the rest of the controller setup was silly. control pad and l button were completely unused by 97.32% of the games for the system.
  20. What's complicated about videogame control is the people who refuse to learn new things. Case in point: one of my aquaintances (can't really call him a friend) at college was watching me play wii, and told me "nah, i don't want to, the controller's too different. I'm so used to n64." n64, despite its greatness, has the worst controller ever. and the wii couldn't possibly get simpler. GET LESS RETARDED PEOPLE. Taking the two seconds to reorient yourself is a lot easier and less obnoxious than "omgwtfbbqlulz this cuntroler sux, too difrent i givup!" It bothers me.
  21. Happy birthday pixie! I'm a big fan of your work, it always sits well for me! Have an excellent next year.
  22. Awesome well I'll see what I can do in that regard! I look forward to our matches and in general getting to know you all better through them.
  23. How are we going to decide who is worthy and not? i mean i understand the whole GT or atma testing but any thoughts as to how these'll be arranged? I'm eager to be a (hopefully significant) part of clanocr.
  24. Haha ocr combo vid! Love it, I hope to be a part of this once I learn the game as best I can, I was a melee journeyman and hopefully I can pull up into a legit player this go round.
  25. I will have to try and do that! I'll see if I can get ahold of you. Have and totally. Love the jazz flute breakdown, like the idea on paper's retarded but sounds so silky smooth.
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