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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. WIP stands for Work In Progress, which either means its exactly that, or it wasn't completely finished when it was put out.
  2. I live in Hanover, New Hampshire, the town which just got overran with politicians, and then promptly abandoned.
  3. please please PLEASE change the drum kit! please! i'm actually a fan of this but the drums are easily recognizable as presets. also, this piece could use a bit more dynamic spectrum, there aren't any real high highs or low lows, i.e. none of the instruments stands out at any point. its kind of a wall of sound if you will. I agree with everyone else arrangement is good, but working on the dynamics and drum set would make it sound better. and maybe the bass synth too, that seems a bit tacky to me. its good though, nice work
  4. your point? your joke paints a blank expression on my face.
  5. i love this, though i could note the disconnect between the quality of the drums and the quality of the rest of the instruments. it felt kinda like the other instruments weren't quite as realistic as the percussion, which makes sense given your expertise with such, but it was noticable. I think its sweet anyways, its about time you submitted something! I still think your 600 A.D. marimba improvs would have been shoeins.
  6. qfe. 10char
  7. atma you're our favorite because despite all your trolling you're still endearing. that's the big difference.
  8. From a completely non-professional standpoint, I like it! I'll put in some actual constructive criticism later, but don't be too hard on yourself, you've got a decent track here.
  9. I hope this doesn't mean you're giving up on your other two tracks... that would be such a waste of talent and potential. Anywhoo, this is also nice and above average. I'd have to say there are two things that bug me. One is that that the part after 2:08 or so isn't balanced very well in terms of sound volumes; its not horrible but each instrument drowns out the other a little bit, could use some leveling. Also, the percussion part on its own (ex. 1:16-17, 1:19-20) sounds dinky. It could use a much higher quality drum. It took me out of the moment when I heard that part imparticular so maybe find a better font for that. As far as the song itself is concerned I don't have a lot of criticism. Its solid writing, and whatever problems there may be I can't notice them. Good work indeed.
  10. So who's gonna send this guy a line and tell him about OCR? I'm sure there are tons of people here who would put down game-oriented beats for him if he had other games to rap for, or just use these ones over diff. beats. I'd love to see that.
  11. checked it out, and agreed! though more responses would have been nice...
  12. I'm trying to help a friend of mine put together a lira act of theirs (for anyone who doesn't know, its the acrobatics with the person generally contorting in a ring) and I need help with tracks. One they liked happened to be Flying Heaven from Blood on the Asphalt and I've got a couple others, but I don't have much ethnic/ethereal music with much energy. Ideas?
  13. This... this cannot be. I dismiss your claim.
  14. Paper Mario easily has the least appreciated soundtrack OCRwise. Someone please... do something about this! Seriously! Underrated though, hmm... luigi's mansion i would say. Its actually got some great stuff in it with all the ambience and whatnot.
  15. As an addendum, all caps is also not relevant to how angry you are; you have 9000+ posts, you should know better! For shame.
  16. what happened to your last track? i liked that one... *tear* Haven't listened yet, but I'll be sure to get you some feedback asap. Edit: Will get more constructive later, but I can't really think of comments for this. Its solid, no doubt, not perfect, but I can't really think of what to say. A good start though, I enjoyed listening to it. More later that helps, seriously. Edit 2: Back for some ACTUAL help this time! So for starters, love the tinkly sounding thing throughout the piece. That's great, keep it. I think the buildup at :52 could be more accentuated, its cool but it loses its meaning when it kinda sputters and doesn't do anything. Also, the sounds are similar to your last track, I don't know if that's how you want it, but it might be good to switch that up depending. I don't know the arrangement that well so I can't say about the source similarities, but its solid dnb for sure. Good stuff.
  17. Excuse me for being uninformed, but what are these numbers, and why are they present?
  18. Hey, back for a third time through; still a sweet song (given) but a small amount of comment from me. Most importantly, the swell at 2:20 is great. But there is a problem; right after the orchestra swell ends, it goes back into the chiptune, which is fine, but the way it fades out and goes into it, it sounds just plain dinky. As if the buildup really came out into nothing spectacular. If i'm not mistaken, a buildup like that is usually meant to lead into something more, and even when its not, it shouldn't make the next part of the piece look boring by comparison. If what i'm saying doesn't make sense i'll try and explain better, but i just feel like the aftermath of 2:20 is very underwhelming, and it would do a lot if you could fix it.
  19. -For carefree (I wish it was a llama, but its pretty damn close.)
  20. No it was not, Rambo. Think; there's a picture of fox in the act of reflecting it. Thus, one would conclude EVEN WITHOUT the text that it was possible. However, a double negative (its not like it can't be reflected) is a positive. You phail. At English.
  21. Hey, generally on these forums it works better if you just post one. While it might be more convenient to put out all of them, one will sit better with most people here for some reason. Welcome to ocremix by the way! I'll try and get you some feedback soon.
  22. Joined OCR group! I'll have to start playing a lil more, friend name is thederrit like always.
  23. Hey, back again for the second listen. Let's break it down part by part: Beginning: Pretty much the same, didn't have a problem with this to begin with so its not bad. The little fuzz hit starting at :42 could sound good with a quick reverb and a little more volume, or at least for the very beginning part. Not the rest of the song, though. Middle: I honestly don't really like the wobbly bass. I think what would fit better is a solid, more powerful bassline that's gated. It doesn't have to do anything extra sweet with the notes going up and down, just a solid progression with a substantial prescence will add depth to the piece. I like your lil ping pong thing with the drums at 2:15 btw. I got a smile out of that the first time I heard it. End: Kinda blends from the middle. There isn't really an ending as much as a fadeout, I don't have much comment on that myself but others might. Two more things. One, the vocals you mentioned I didn't even notice the first time through. I had to look for them the next few times, so consider boosting that volume if you want it to be a significant part of the song. Also, I still think the drums have to be more varied. I don't know how you're running your drumloop but try rearranging the cuts and see what sounds you can get out of it. Be creative with it! I still like it a lot, still hope you keep putting in work. It is getting better for sure, keep up the work!
  24. I feel like there's not a whole lot of progression going on in this piece. Its just the strings and a little bit of that voice, and that's all. Its just too sparse to make an entire mix out of just those two things, and it also doesn't really go anywhere; I didn't really recognize the ff7 right off the bat, and there isn't any furthering of the piece... kinda repetitive. It can be made better certainly, but its a ways off.
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