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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. There's not really much by way of personal interpretation. Also, too many presets,not enough ideas. You ran out of material with about two minutes left in the song, either shorten it or use new ideas. sorry that this isn't helpful at all but that's all i've got for now.
  2. wut to all of the above/bolds especially
  3. I thought it was excellent. I liked it at the point of the original submission, and this is much, much better than that. Cheers!
  4. my stickers and shirt came today! i was thinking about turning it into a sleeveless and getting another one, but i'll make that decision another day, cause its too nice outside to think about these kinds of things.
  5. that's that jam. i'm impressed he filmed himself to go along with it.
  6. Well for starters, I don't know what people here are talking about with the drums. Sure they're nothing special samplewise, but for a new remixer, they're put together very intelligently. Kudos. Anyhow, the first :36 is a midi rip. Not ok. The pika sample, whatever. Could be there, could not be, i'm impartial. One problem I see is that you kinda just jump straight into it; if you didn't have the midirip at the beginning, there would be no lead-in or intro. Try starting with just drums, or just drums with bass support, and then work in the lead after a few go throughs. Also, speaking of the lead, think about finding a new one. Its not a great sample, and it would add a lot to have a good main sample. Repitition is a factor here. You do some different things over the song, but the problem is most of them aren't THAT different, and oftentimes you come back to the same patterns multiple times. As an excercise, try starting with the source, then deviating from it slightly. Then keep doing that until it hardly sounds like the source at all. Somewhere inbetween those two extremes, you'll have made something that you can use as your own, but isn't just the piece. Try refining this. This piece interests me, though there are many definite flaws, and I'd love to see you make it into something intelligent and professional.
  7. With all due respect, he's right. It is dull. By :18 things are running over each other, and there's no layering of sounds, they kinda all play at the same level, not unlike a bunch of small children trying to get your attention. Its just about impossible to tell what you're trying to get across because its one big synthy wall of sound. Until about 1:12 that is. Then it clears up into something that sounds (arrangementwise) just fine, it has depth, the bass supports without overwhelming. It still sounds mechanical but that part past then, has some good potential.
  8. In b4 April 11th Voted. I hope it tips the balance!
  9. I am 100% positive the album is D&B. If you need reassurance check itunes store, they've got it there and they have the quick samples so you can see if its what you're looking for. EDIT: also, if you want to look for compilation action without buying stuff, there are lots of good podcasts, Hospital Records podcast, D'n'B Arena are two good ones. Plenty of back episodes, lots of music, all free.
  10. Something to check out might be the Hospital Records' Weapons of Mass Creation series. There's three of em, all of which house pretty good, not too over the top drum and bass. I think it'd help for getting a feel of different things that can be done with the genre. Also, there was a thread that I started asking for specific track suggestions; while I'm sure some of what's there will mirror here, here's the link to it. Hope it helps. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14905
  11. Shirt bought! Paypal to come. EDIT: djp +15$!
  12. O. Well sweet, then I shall do that as well when I get back! Kinda makes me wish I'd brought my wallet to this race. I'll be back in home territory soon though, feel free to pester me until I follow through (not that I will need any).
  13. I don't have paypal, thus it doesn't really work. Otherwise I woulda just done that.
  14. Heyo, back again for more comments. Loved the Kirby one, did that get YES'd or is it still in line for judging? Anyhow, commenting time. I can't comment on the arrangement next to the source because I don't have the program to run the OST supplied, so I'm going to assume you have a good connection to the source. Start from the top. I do enjoy the way you led in the piece with the drums and the echo bringing in the beginning. The problem was once the drums were all the way in, they're really not that exciting. I understand trance isn't supposed to have some sort of rediculous, eclectic drumset, but the snare and the hi hat are both very generic. I know you can do better, Kirby and the Magic Mirror had a great, unobtrusive set, and something in a similar vein would work here I think. Regardless, another drumset could help this as a whole I believe. Also coming from the beginning of the piece, I was very excited with the swirling sounds in the intro. However, once the piece is in full swing, they just dissapear. I think that echo-y idea would carry over very well into the rest of the piece, possibly having that swirl in the background throughout. It does come back from time to time, but when it dissappears the piece is left with a notably empty spot where it once was; in general the soundscape is pretty filled, but just dropping that is noticable. You don't have to use that swirl per se, maybe bring in something else for when you don't want it there, but filling that space would be beneficial to the piece as a whole. Some people have been saying its too repetitive, but I don't believe that to be as large a problem. Its that kind of piece. Some variation could be used, but I don't think I'd be a proper person to comment on where, as I listen to drum and bass, which is far from variant. The only "variation" that is needed I think is at the end. The song doesn't really end, it just fuzzes up the drums and then fades quickly. If I could be so bold, try something different. I feel like this is the area which makes this piece the most incomplete; the drum fuzzing doesn't really work with the rest of the song, and it grated on me personally. Despite these criticisms, I enjoy this song. Of course what help would it be if I just told you that and nothing else? Good work, and I hope to see this brought to the level of Amazing Mirror!
  15. Heyo. I'm at a race tonight and tomorrow, so I don't have access to my monies/credo card, but I will be buying some items from the OCStore tomorrow night or sunday. I'll be sure to let you know what is purchased. There wouldn't be any way that I can just tag on 10 extra bucks to go along with my order as a dontaion that way? EDIT: I hadn't read through the whole post when I first posted, but after looking over, what Arek said has struck a large chord with me as well. I spent a good amount of time lurking here before joining, and even reading everyone's interaction style was kind of, warming, shall we say. Now even more so that I've started frequenting #clanOCR, even though I haven't been around particularly long its a good place to be; in general everyone there is more mature than the people around me, so it helps take the edge off of a day. In closing, everyone has at least one definitive "thank you OCR" post, and think of this as mine. I have a very soft spot for this site, and the people in it, and I hope to be a part of it for a long long time. And I'm sure as I get to know more of you I'll get to enjoy it, and you all, even more.
  16. Hardcore. All the comments on the website are positive for the kid. Its good to see everyone supports his action. I doubt he wanted to, but he did what he had to do.
  17. Happy birthday from your latest EB protege.
  18. I don't know what private skittles is doing up there, but it sounds HOT!
  19. it just looked like, 1993 quality. I mean yeah its fake but eventually they are making a movie of it, I believe. And I can't help but think its gonna be much better. Visual quality would be obviously, but it wouldn't be a great movie i bet.
  20. I feel like someone should write a letter, kindly asking them to not make this movie. Like its not fair to say "oh games are for children, thus this movie can be childish and no one will care." I mean I hope i'm not the only one who thinks that looks like the most awful movie you can imagine.
  21. Eeeeyo. I like how everyone does Pendulum style stuff. While that may sound sarcastic, srsly. It's sweet. Keep doing it people. Anyhow, onto criticism. For starters, the intro is kinda nonexistant. I think that the first beat drops too early, if you lets it play out and then bring in the drums, it might have more of an impact. Maybe toy around with that some? Also, the complementary percussion is a bit weak. Not weak as in bad per se, but its quiet, to the point that all you can really hear is the snare (which sounds a bit standard as far as snares go), and the kick if you listen for it. The kick could use some major boost, and also I know there's other stuff in there, like a hat and whatnot, but its just about possible to hear it. So go a little crazy with the beat, try adding in little additions here and there to see what kind of accompaniment (spellcheckplz) comes out of it. Instrument concern: I feel like the lead is kinda airy. I like the style of the sound, it comes off great, but it doesn't have a whole lot of oomph or velocity to it. Instrument not-concern: Love the bells. Instrument suggestion: This song wants heavy guitars. Badly. After the first beat left and the second came in, the very first thing I thought of at the end of the first stanza was "I hope there's heavy metal guitars." Last of all, this is completely speculation and might not work at all, but I like the arpeggio. Something you could try doing later in the piece is put that in the forefront, and double the arpeggiator speed, to make a sweet meedlie meedlie. Anyhow, I like this song, so despite the crits I think it's going somewhere, and want it on the front page. Keep working at it!
  22. QFE QFE QFE QFE. Someone, make a guildwars topic NAO.
  23. Lost to Lord Roderick, 3-0. Really really really close the lot of them....................
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