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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. Dungeonmaster's Guide is too good. I personally like the Human Resource even better though, I'm a rower at college and its gotten me through just about every 6k and 2k i've pulled so far. Just keeps you going.
  2. Never have I ever heard of this guy... looked him up on youtube, its really solid so far, a lot more relaxed than the rest. Its good stuff! Since I'm getting all the suggestions here, I'll give one back. 1990s by L.A.O.S. is a rediculous track, kinda reminds me of Danny Byrd's Medical History album. Also, Song for Lovers by Bachelors of Science is great too, lots of strings, great groove to it. Got 'em both off of trackitdown, even though its rediculously expensive those two were worth it.
  3. QFE, I couldn't agree more. One of my favorite tracks from that album was Plasticworld, which doesn't get much attention. Love it though, Granite was a doorbuster no doubt. I have heard of this, and I've got mixed opinions really. There are a couple tracks that are absolute gold but generally its still a little too meh for me. I like chaos in my music but most dubstep seems a little TOO grimy really. I like my Grime and DnB seperate. EDIT: You guys are great, I've got a file filling up with these suggestions. JustChris, I checked out offkeymp3.com and its excellent thus far. Keep em coming!
  4. Where can I find tudor rose? found a youtube sample of it, and i like it so far, but being at college I have to do things pseudo-legit.
  5. Hey there, nothing much more from me, just if you wanna think about upping the gated synths a weeee wee bit, maybe test it out and see how it sounds? Aside from that great job on this, I'm pulling for you. Haha for as much good as that does. NICE WORK
  6. I'm all over the older Hospital albums, most of which I've enjoyed a ton. Go back too far, like Ultrasound and the like, and it starts getting boring though. Also, anyone got anything along the lines of Black Sun Empire? I loved their CD cruel and unusual so anything like that would be sweet too.
  7. Haha that is true, the two sounds are really different, but I do enjoy both. It's what I've been exposed to most really. I'll have to take a look at this Offkey stuff though! Keep em coming people, I appreciate all of the help thus far!
  8. When the game comes out in the US I'd love to take you up on that one
  9. Thanks mods for cleaning this up/fixing my noobish title! I'm a lil tired, won't happen again. On another note, the top 15 at trackitdown.net are all gold. Gawd I forgot how much I love this stuff.
  10. I just re-entered the world of drum and bass the other day by chance, and have since realized that I am severely out of date. Does anyone have any suggestions of some good drum and bass tracks to download? My old favorites were Hospital Records fare and the Dieselboy mixes.
  11. I think they were doing maitenence on the site, they're working fine now. False alarm.
  12. Hey there! Didn't pick up the 1st wip, but i'm going through the second one now, see what I can find. First off, overall I really dig the feel of it. Sounds professional, as a trance song I think it's great. Some personal opinion for refinement though. For starters, most of the long buildups could use shortening. From :29 to :58 could easily be half as long and keep the same purpose. Its too long and can easily be cut down to keep the piece moving faster. Another thing that is too long is the drum roll starting at 1:59. Sure its a fine effect, but it doesn't really need to start that early, and would make for a more exciting crescendo if it started at 2:12ish. I mean it lasts almost a full 30 seconds; no drum roll buildup need last that long. Two more things. When you add in the gated synth in the second half of the piece, I feel like it would be a much greater impact if it were more full and prominent. It doesn't have quite the presence it potentially could, it could do a lot if eq'd right. Last thing is not SUCH a big deal, but personally I think you could take a little bit more creative liberty with the bassline. I know its supposed to be constant quarters, that's all well and good, but it can do more than "unts unts unts" its way to the end. Sticking in a little more variation here and there can go a long way in adding dynamics to a piece. Anyhow, despite the long post it is a very good song, I'm just wordy. I hope you fix it up so I see it frontpaged one day! EDIT: Tried to go back and listen to it today, both links are broken! Boo
  13. The organization XIII theme from kingdom hearts 2 would make an excellent, slow heavy rock piece. I have it very well visualized. Cause that totally helps.
  14. eeeeexcellent. can't wait!
  15. I know i'm just some random dude and this isn't the thread for it, but PLEASE PLEASE finish your devil's lab remix? hearing dirt devil on the front page reminded me of your mix, not even the original from the game, and i'd love to see that be a permanent part of the site. hopefully some encouragement for what was an excellent mix to get finished.
  16. I haven't posted at all in awhile but I think this post is worth it. Bump for "this is still excellent, possible progress update if you can!" And of course, much congratulations on the Uematsu remix competition.
  17. Its more that the only comment you posted was about how the thread sucked and was inept, and said NOTHING about the game itself. You didn't even have a comment on the game, you didn't then and you don't now, so why even come to the thread at all? Its like going to a resturaunt and complaining about how much it sucks, only to leave without ordering anything at all. Just don't open your mouth if you want to talk shit about nothing. All you have is a bad attitude.
  18. Alrighty, will do. Just put up some SSE cutscenes, go check em out!
  19. That's fine with me, we can get the mods to lock this and you can restart it. Feel free to use any of the stuff I have in the first post, its organized into a couple small things and if its useful its all yours.
  20. Ah... sorry about that, I feel like this would be more suited to be your thread. Whatever you want to put up I can also put into the first post if you want, just so we have all of the info in the same place. Let me know what you want to do. Edit: Also, this goes for anyone. If you have any videos or good information you think people would want to see, post it and I'll do my best to organize it all into the front page unless arek wants to do it.
  21. There are a couple of videos up on gametrailers with matches that have yet unheard tracks on them... they're SO GOOD. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/167891.html Link vs. Metaknight at Halberd, playing a speed metal remix of the song playing in the Kirby 64 stage. *creams* http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/167920.html Pit vs. Samus vs. Zelda vs. Metaknight at Delfino plaza, playing a sweet mix of Super Mario World theme. Also too good.
  22. Double point in quote! But yeah, there's like at least four or five songs per stage on average, some of which are completely awesome, some of which are just completely unexpected (and also awesome) like the Mario and Luigi song. To imagine that there's just gonna be like three times that many possibly.
  23. Hey all, I know the last Brawl thread got locked, so if this is inappropriate please lock this as well, but I figure now that its coming out in Japan it would be nice to have a place to put all the info people might want to know, like characters, stages and whatnot. Especially since smashboards is like broken, and brawlcentral is suspended. So any information that people have can be left in this thread, I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love to hear it! Confirmed Characters, notably the new ones not on the dojo *spoilered below* Lucario, Luigi, G&W, R.O.B., Falco, Marth, C. Falcon, Wind Waker Link, Ganondorf, Ness. Japanese Opening Cinematic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRBsajRrnY8 Leaked picture slideshows: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/167901.html http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/167934.html These movies have a bunch of pictures from the SSE, some showing new or previously unconfirmed characters as well. Music (from the Dojo) http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/music/music22_list.html http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/167891.html (has a metal remix of kirby 64 in the background, not exactly sure of the song name) http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/167920.html (Super Mario World Title/Ending theme in the background) SSE Cutscenes: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/167886.html (Marth Ike and Metaknight together) http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/167895.html (Marth and Metaknight duel) http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/168061.html (Various cutscenes, from cinema mode) Hilarious Coincedence: (The 300 trailer music matches this TOO WELL)Also, I know this might be hard and I don't really have much/any sway here, but please try not to flame characters and stuff, because then this thread will get locked again for sure. Try and keep this professional if at all possible.
  24. Well we were doing a pretty good job til you showed up. srsly. Congrats on the de-evolution of this thread.
  25. ...i think sounding like presets is kinda not good.. anyhow. more than that they sound kinda standard, and could use sprucing up imo.
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