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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. nice 2 matches arek we'll have to do that again for longer next time
  2. I'm really bad at checking in... my apologies. There's nothing new for me to say really, still training by my schedule and its going amazingly. Its funny, while I've gained tons of strength, i'm the same weight. and i really don't know how. I wouldn't mind a few extra pounds here and there...
  3. hey atma fun friendlies last night, i know i was kinda a rando but whatever. gotta work on beating snakes, i just can't do it.
  4. I heard a quickie chop up mix from newgrounds of this song, and while it wasn't ocr standard by any stretch of the imagination there's a TON of potential for different styles and ideas to go into that song. Someone try it out!
  5. It doesn't work because with bowser, people can make jumping escapes from his grabs, thus getting away from the ground lag. works sometimes though.
  6. Hey, shecking in. There's not much to show that I haven't already put up, my workouts from this past week were the same as the ones from this week, with more weight in most cases. However, I have started doing sprints training with a group of high school and graduated kids who i've worked with in past summers these past couple weeks, which i think has helped me get back in more athletic shape, if you will.
  7. i think smashboards is much better in terms of quality information, but as far as looking for people to play against i've had much much better times doing this on allisbrawl. seeing as i'm not heavily established in either one its easier for me to get better using allisbrawl and some of the info i can get from smashboards.
  8. i discovered allisbrawl the other day and its been an excellent source with which to gain experience. i reccommend it to everyone, its what smashboards was to melee (and still is to some degree to brawl), and is very well organized.
  9. Ok so here's the motherlode, all this week's workouts. Tues. 6/10 Dumbell Bench: 3X10, w/ 65s, 70s, 70s Abs: 2X40, +120 w/ crunch machine Seated Cable Row: 12, 10, 9, 8 with setting 11,11,11,12 (not sure about the weights, have to ask someone) Military Press: 2 X 8 w/ 50s, 55s Lat Pulldown: 2 X 8 w/ setting 11,12 Upright Row: 3 X 10 w/ 135, 140, 145 (done explosively w/ high acceleration) Triceps Extension 2X8, 75, 80 (french curls) Thurs. 6/12 Power Clean: 4X8, 115, 135, 135, 145 (done explosively) Abs: 3X30, +10 w/ weighted leg lifts Back Squat: 12,10,9,8 w/ 175, 180, 185, 200 Bicep Curl: 1X12 w/ 40s Back extension: 1X12 +55 Leg Curl: 1X12, 259 (the machine wouldn't go any higher.. could be an issue.) Leg Extension: 1X12, 189 (also maxed out) Fri. 6/13 DB Bench: 9,7 w/ 80s, 80s Abs: 2X30, one w/ +45 true crunch, one w/ +10 leg lifts Seated Cable Row: 4X10, setting 8,9,10,11 (done explosively) Military Press: 2X10, 50s Lat Pull Down: 2X10, setting 12 Upright Row: 3X8, 150,175,200 Triceps Extension: 2X10, 80, 85 (french curl) I love this. I already feel a ton stronger than the beginning of the week, and am making gains like crazy. If everything stays at this rate I should meet my goals with ease.
  10. Regimen START! Leg Press: 2 warmup sets, then 4 real ones. 7 reps X 600, 610, 625 and 650 respectively. Abs: Vertical toe touches, with 35lbs extra weight going up. 3 sets X 30 reps. Front Squat: ugh. hate these, i always feel like i'm going to hurt myself when i front squat, even though my technique is not that bad. Three sets of 10 10 and 9 respectively, all at 145 lbs. its a start. Curls: two sets, 8 X 40s. Nothing extraordinary here. Roman Chair: 2 sets, 8 with 55 lbs extra. Back extension if that makes more sense. Leg Curl: 2 sets of 8 (again), 220lbs. Gonna have to find another way to do that, maxed out the machine. Leg Extension: 2 sets of 8, 230 and 255 lbs. respectively. For a first day I was really happy to see how much of my strength I had retained, I still have a ways to go however.
  11. Regimen starts today. Now the progress begins.
  12. KEWL. Seriously though, nice stuff! How did this decision get made to pass it along to you?
  13. are there going to be any more spontaneous bursts of smash-playing? if so i'd love to be party to them.
  14. Late night lift session! This was actually really fun, i had to race the clock and crunched my sets of each down from three to two, cause i didn't have time but i enjoyed it a lot. Hell I didn't even get to do leg press, abs or incline bench. I started at 9:20, and the gym closed at 10 >'< Starting to ramp up for my official training next week. Curls, 8 X 40s, 40s Roman Chair w/ added weight, 8 X 60, 70 French Curls (triceps) 8 X 70, 75 Leg Curls, 8 X 200, 210 Leg Extension, 8 X 200, 220 Going off to do some abs now.
  15. hey now that i'm home my lag isn't so craptastic, i'll try my luck against you guys again. me and arek should face up.
  16. I'm sorry this is so short but I have absolutely no time right now, so here's the short. I've been keeping in shape with lifting and good cardio (rowing with my hs team) and next week, my scheduled lifting starts. I might just post the lifts if anyone wants to tag along, its a straight brute strength regimen, which will gain you a good amount of muscle mass if done correctly and consistently. If anyone's interested let me know! I could use a partner, even if its only in spirit.
  17. Weekly checkin: I had practice all this week as i had, and between yesterday and today, my novice crew and i raced our way to a 2nd place finish in the ACRA national championship. Should've won but that's neither here nor there. This coming week is the beginning of my scheduled training so i'll be letting you guys know all about that in more detail then.
  18. Did you ever decide to go row with a club or not? not to push you either way but i was curious if you followed through.
  19. Hey, I'm back for my checkin. I can't be as specific with my workouts as most of you, because at the time I'm not planning them myself, but I can say I've been having two two hour practices per day up until today this week. I learned much to my surprise they burn rediculous amounts of calories, to the point where I'm considering eating even more than I do now (which is significant). It's going great though, I'm going to post a picture soon of where I am now, and its a bit fudging on before and after, but its something at least . I've also been doing static L holds every day. They're slowly improving, I'm doing sets of 3 for about 15 seconds each at the time. When I get home I'm getting those rings too, can't wait to start on that.
  20. Overall very nice! Well done. Thoughts. Some of the swirly synths aren't mixed into the piece as well as the rest of it. 1:10 has an example of this, where the thing kinda just decays. Some people may like it, I personally don't think it helps too much. That one's an opinion call. The same goes for the rising and falling whiny saw, that starts at :07 and goes throughout the piece. Its very cool at first, but it doesn't really seem to go much of anywhere. If its just filler then that's cool but I think with a little bit of creativity it could mesh better than it does now. For instance, at 1:17 when the breakdown comes, it could sound really cool with a little gating effect. In general, the piece is nicely put together in that it's decidedly subdued, with nothing really taking over. Its got a good sense of purpose if you will. All in all, keep up the good work! I wish I had more for you but its not particularly long, so long comments are hard to come by.
  21. I wish I could have popped in for longer; I don't get enough chance to sit down for extended sessions anymore. I got some good stuff in though, I'll be around when I can!
  22. Exxceellent. Downloading now, can't wait to hear it.
  23. Is there any way to find a pair of less expensive rings? I'd love to own some of my own but $80 is a lot for me. On a side note, my team all moved into a house for the last part of the season, and there's a sweet bar setup on the staircase that I've been using for L static holds to complement planchework.
  24. 1) How long have you been playing smash? Since the n64 version came out. I was a scrub at that (might have had something to do with being 12) but i always enjoyed it a lot. With melee, I began playing competitively three years ago. 2) I went to a couple of the ESTICLE tourneys, along with more small time stuff. I almost went to one of the tourneys you were advertising on smashboards once, but wasn't able to attend. 3) Not gonna lie, i loved it at first just due to the idea of nintendo characters in a fighting game. With melee however, I found the game really had so much depth. Each move a fighter has can be used for multiple things: for instance, gannys upair: it's a fast aerial for sweeping above of course, but it could also be used backwards, hitting with the end of the toe on the cooldown to semispike captain falcons everywhere to their graves. 4) In general, the single player takes not that much effort or skill, so it becomes old. 5) I like the new characters, as well as some of the new properties of the game, such as lucario's dair and ivy's uair. some of the stages are creative as well: I love delfino for instance, it moves but as far as i can tell, not in an unfair or unbalanced way. 6) Tripping, and the inability to play fast and l-cancel. It's too slow to be able to outsmart people anymore, everything's seen coming. 7) Originally my friends, and then watching videos online made me say "i wish i could do that." Also the community of high level players is awesome, they all do it for the right reasons (m2k aside) aka 8 ) To gain a certain level of respect and recognition from the community. Not likely to happen but i'll try. 9) Not heavily, I enjoy halo and would like to play at a high level, but I don't own an xbox thus its impossible. Also, I'm attempting to become a competitive guild wars player, though not for professional, just be a force to be reckoned with. 10) I don't have enough experience to say. 11) I miss melee but I love brawl too.
  25. Question relating to this game (in a way): does anyone have any suggestions for cooling a laptop? TF2 works fine on my laptop here for a certain amount of time, and then it overheats to the point that framerate hits like single digits. Any quick fixes people know of?
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