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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. Checkin Time! So this week, I had finals. Our practice schedule kinda got shuffled around due to that, but we still got in a good 2-3 hours a day. I've also been doing work on the planche, and started the hanging L static hold (which to my pleasant surprise was not a heavily challenging hold). It works perfect on a boat rack Dad Vails, the biggest regatta in the country, is this weekend, and I'm in semis tomorrow, so wish me luck! We're going for medals by the end of the day. Next week I'll be in full swing buildup mode, and then I'll have a big list for you.
  2. what's your paypal account again? i'd gladly surrender 3 dollars for a reserved slot.
  3. Its a little less, I happen to be lucky that in my town all the people who row are rediculously rich and donate money so the flat rate isn't as high. Probably around 40/month for me, it changes depending. But yeah, if you've rowed before you know as well as me, it can be awesome, and awesome exercise. Let me know what you decide.
  4. Now don't go crazy on me, but have you considered joining an actual rowing club? I'm a rower myself and while rowing on a machine gets you fit, there's nothing like doing the real thing, and you may be surprised at some of the prices you'll find when joining a club. I don't know about Florida of course, but not only will you get the workout, but you'll learn the proper technique and really be able to get something out of it. Edit: sorry for doublepost!
  5. Steben, what you could do if you wanted is make a specific thread for weekly checkins, and have this be the general chat thread, for if someone wanted to share their story from a certain day or whatever. Its just a thought but it might make your life easier!
  6. Just a thought, but try making this more acoustic. It makes me think reggae/dancehall, and I think it'd be kinda cool with true instruments instead of synths and stuff. Just something to think about.
  7. Over the past week, I've had 3ish hours of practice per day, with different workouts each one. One day was 3 X 8 minute pieces, rowing 100% for 45 seconds, off for 15. This gets harder than you'd think, cause even when you get the time off, picking the boat back up to speed with the other 7 guys is a challenge. Also did 4 minute pieces, which is about 2/3rds of a race. I know it sounds short but due to the intensity of the sport, it kicks your ass really fast. Still grindin'.. at the beginning of next week I'll be starting my weight training and static holds, i'm excited!
  8. O MAH GAWD. Who would/could do that? And why haven't they gotten a raise yet?
  9. good times all, wish i could play longer but i need to study more when i'm done with finals!
  10. Pumped and primed. Can't wait to play with you peeps.
  11. This truly warms my heart. I'll be pulling for you this summer!
  12. Damn, I missed the first OCR game... blast. Is there any way that people can put out notice for big ocrwide games? i would have loved to join this one. (and of course i'll be around intermittently other times)
  13. I forgot to post this in my first, but just so nobody's wondering where MY first post is, I can only do about half of my planned schedule from now until the 22nd, and then all will be done for the rest of the summer. I'm still in practice for my team until then though, so it will keep me in shape.
  14. I suppose it's my turn to put out the goal sheet! Goals I want to maintain, if not raise, my cario- and anaerobic fitness levels. Being a rower they are pretty high right now, and it would be very easy to let them fall down to, well levels I don't really want them at essentially. Like GT, I want to get started on gymnastics-style physical training. My definite goal in this area is to be able to hold an advanced tuck planche, or at the very least a tuck planche, for 45 seconds by the end of the summer. Advanced tuck might be a stretch, but I'd like to be well on my way there by the end of summer. I also intend to work on solidifying my handstand, and handstand to press after that. EDITED DUE TO DIVINE INTERVENTION FROM TAUCER I also want to keep up my weight and sprints schedule from last year. It served me well and I intend to use it again. THE PLAN Diet I need to have a much more balanced diet. I eat a lot of high carb foods, but I need much more variety in order to produce optimal results. Exercise Some erging (shoot me) along with hopefully rowing in a single this summer should help me maintain my aerobic levels. For the gymnastiscs, hopefully Taucer will enlighten us all! I've learned some things through the internet that I have put into my plans, but expert advice is always nice. Also, as I previously mentioned, my weights and sprints schedule will be retained from last summer. I'll put up a picture when I find a camera.
  15. What did do it? I'd be interested to know. Also: who thinks he's still looking at this thread to see what we're saying about him?
  16. What the fuck happened to the rasetspuken? The hurricane kick? But to answer the question, a dragon punch to the face would be the single most devastating thing that could happen to a person.
  17. Speaking of demonstration, didn't you post some videos of yourself at one point? I know this would be a lot of extra time on you, but if you had said time (and a large amount of generosity) it would be AMAZING if you could put together some short easy videos for instruction, for those of us who are interested in starting gymnastics style strength exercises. And we'd all love you and send you pie.
  18. I agree with this and the decision to make a server like that public, but think of this as well, if the server were private I think a few more OCR people, who don't have the patience to find a public game with the OCRgoers and get slammed down by people they don't know, would be more interested in playing. I still like the public server better (not that I really play with you guys much/at all) but food for thought.
  19. QFE, an expert's advice is always great.
  20. This sounds like a really good option! I've been an athlete all my life (I row for my university right now), but I would really like to gain as much strength as possible over this summer so I can be a beast rowing next year. I'm guessing since this is for gymnastics there isn't much mass gained? If you've got time, post one of your workouts on these! I'm very interested in this idea.
  21. I'm glad to see someone interested in this kind of thing, often the best way to keep yourself on a workout schedule is having someone else to keep track of you too, so you're committed to more than just yourself. However, it might be hard get the followup to go with the initial committment. Good luck with this, if it succeeds I'll definitely be checking in often.
  22. So did you just use the original instruments and rearrange them a lil bit?
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