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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Cool track that is at the same time atmospheric and has a hard-hitting edge. The main melody is very memorable and it's well used in the arrangement. The transition calls a lot of attention to itself, it's not like a smooth seamless transition, but I like djp's description of it, to me it feels like it achieves what it sets out to do and sections the song into parts very definitely, and I liked it. The guitar sound itself sounded a bit 'contained' to me, instead of being impressively aggressive, but at the same time I suppose it's more part of the style that was gone for and it sits fine in the mix once it's less exposed after the transition.

  2. From the point of view of a patron of this site, I would personally say OCR should definitely be open to posting long-form pieces as long as they fit into submission guidelines. There's a strong recommendation of length between 2-7 minutes, but that's still just a recommendation! Longer stretches of music are more difficult to pull off, but there's a ton of value there if it succeeds.

  3. Love the style. Very effective transformation of the source, the union of the beat, the atmosphere and the synths with the original tune works both ways. I do like the simple source, so I'm quite happy to hear a version that retains some of its feel, is very recognizable and yet covers plenty of new territory. One good example is how the bass moves to introduce harmonic variation that briefly changes the 'emotion' of the tune, and then returns back to the solemn single note bass. I also liked the ending, it feels like a transition out of the tune, which works nicely in album context.

  4. On 11/9/2017 at 6:13 PM, DarkeSword said:

    Our philosophy at OCR has always been "share your music, get feedback, and make your music better." You'll be hard-pressed to find any other art community that does that.

    I've been boring people in creative fields by going on and on about OCR and that's pretty much their comment.

  5. Very nice, very pleasant. I see the point about harp and violin competing for the same sonic space, though I kind of perceive them as the same part rather than different parts I was needing to hear separately. Overall the mixing was impeccably balanced, background instruments in the background and leads alternating with clarity and variation. The bass sound is surprisingly treble-y, it kind of calls for attention to itself and made me expect it making some more active movements, like fills and what not here and there. That was a slightly missed opportunity I felt. Can't really think of anything else to criticize here. I like the fake string section taking lead in places, it's a mushy instrument but the rest of the arrangement ducks away to give it the space it needs. Violin sounds lovely, the (subdued) trumpet sounds lovely. Lots of participants in this mix but everyone is following the same shared vision. Nice game/series/platform pick as well for sure.

  6. This is a cool, light-footed take on the fantastic original, and it fits very well, yet is surprising. I like the combination of chip-style instruments, particularly the drums with the rest of the instrumentation, it's very effective and fun. Some dissonance that didn't work at 2:05, the final guitar note feels very unresolved and sorely sticks out. The pacing is a little steady for the length perhaps, but I enjoy the duration, and I liked the ending to wrap things up.

  7. Great jazz, cool rapping. I like how the chord change / dissonance thing at 1:03 etc has a huge, huge pull begging towards resolving. I think the harmony is a bit different from the source? In a way that emphasizes the pull even more. I don't think there's really a conflict between rapping and jazz here, but it's more of a case of having a long stretch of instrumental sections and then just a couple of verses at the end (not the only OCR with vocals that does this). The spoken word bit at the beginning helps a bit by foreshadowing it, but I still feel the balance is off structurally. Regardless, a mighty fine arrangement of the source, it's genuinely funny (I find the mild crassness amusing for the source material too) and arrangement fits the music and the game very well.

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