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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Very nice take on the well-trodden themes! It's creative, but kind of not in-your-face. For instance, I was appreciating the subtle melody alteration of the SMB1 main theme once I saw it pointed out by DaMonz but I didn't notice it casually. Similarly, the fireball sound usage is fantastic! It's like a ska/reggae guitar chord on the upbeat. But if Sir_NutS hadn't pointed it out in the judging, I probably wouldn't have noticed right now. The mastering is a bit loud for my tastes, and I felt the arrangement was a bit on the short side actually. Perhaps I also agree with the nutty one about SFX usage in the sense that a little reprieve from it before the final bits would've been nice at one point or another, but I thought the musical integration was really well done, even the "it's-a-me" at the beginning with the rhythmic stuttering done to it. I thought the choice of the beat was good as well, it was an element that transformed the sources on its own as well. Good job!

  2. Oh man. I remember seeing this arcade game in the wild back in the day. I don't think I played it, but it's very memorable. Some Matt Furniss goodness here! (If you like his stuff you should check out this Pixelated Audio episode!) Sounds like this tune is exclusive to the Atari ST version ... he seems to have written a different intro tune for Atari ST, Amiga, DOS (groovy monophonic bass riff there!), Commodore 64, plus one that's shared between ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC. That's crazy! Crazy awesome, I mean.

  3. That's good news @pu_freak of you joining as a director! On a bluesier note.. I think I'll better drop the claim for Mystic Invasion. I have ridiculously little time for music recently and too many project claims just waiting forever to be finished.. but I also had this really clear, inspired vision of the way I would arrange the track, and now later I have no idea if I'd have what it takes to realize it. So I think it's better to not take up the space, so someone else can grab the tune and do something great with it. Good luck with the album!

  4. FFIV has a ton of amazing music and it was my second JRPG after Mystic Quest, so it made quite an impact. In fact, I have trouble remembering music from FF6 because that earlier experience with IV was still towering over it. Doesn't make a lot of sense with some distance & objectivity now, but there it is.

    Anyway, to pick a specific track.. I always recall "The Lunarians", not because it's the flashiest or the most catchy piece, but because it's simplicity and atmosphere were quite striking combined with the story and visuals associated with it, and how it's barrenness also stuck out from the rest of the soundtrack. Like "Another Moon", it captures the "magnificent desolation" of moon landscapes. edit: I think it's circling 5/4 rhythm combined with the gratuitous use of delay also help to set the mood.


  5. I heartily recommend checking out the My So Called 8-Bit Life podcast episode. Great talk, I personally took great pleasure from hearing about trackers and BBSs, the really oldschool stuff since that was definitely a big part of my nerdy youth too. But also great bits about composer response to American Album, plus I really appreciated hearing about difficulties when writing the American Pixels (time/motivation etc).

  6. I get a SNES remake feel out of this, comparing to the PC-88 original (haven't listened to the NES version). In the source, I absolutely adore the moody and sparse b-section, though it wouldn't shine without the gentle intro and twinkly arp part surrounding it. So, my favourite part here is the b-section as well, and the bell/vibes treatment is a really cool approach. OC Jazz Collective should tackle some Ys I think! :-)

  7. Sounds like a cool project. In the first two tracks I thought the piano was pretty loud. On laptop speakers I thought I even heard the piano's reverb separately, as if the reverb itself was too loud. The piano (lead) could also use more humanization, each note was being hammered down which doesn't leave a lot of room for expression and takes away the power the loudest notes in the lead could have. Sanguine Moonblossom has a cool atmosphere, and the harpsichord in the bed of strings & choir worked for me (I don't think I've heard something exactly like that before).  A Soldier With A Grudge had a super cool groove as well, I really liked the brass melody jumping around, "jumpy" intervals don't often work so well in melodies but I think these were good, especially since the riff beneath it has an usually large interval. Or something, like I knew what I was talking about with theory and stuff, but in any case, it was really cool. I also liked that the arrangement and mix was relatively sparse, everything had a good place and nice room to operate.

  8. Interesting list of Pokemon music. ;) Haven't listened yet, but I'm very curious to hear this episode's Solo Track segment!

    I think I'm going to re-use my Dew Point suggestion "from the brilliant soundtrack of the brilliant Risk of Rain" for the sci-fi playlist.. even though the little sci-fi aspect it has in the setting is just a bit of dressing (as far as I've been able to tell while playing!) The playlist should be pretty interesting, it is a wide theme, I have an impression it'll have a certain coherence but it'll be fun to see how it comes together.

  9. Another SUPER fun episode; I was smiling from the start hearing Kyle's voice. Kirkhope's interview was great fun, and also quite enlightening to hear from a guy with such a long resume. The point about vgm introducing many people to various different styles of music was a good one, I don't think I had really thought about that (apart from game music orchestral concerts). I'm very fond of VGM's own original voice, so to speak, via chiptunes, but that's a good point.

    Lastly, the playlist is working it's magic again, I know Kirkhope mainly as the Banjo-Kazooie or DK Rap guy (funny music), but I'm getting a lot out of the orchestral pieces on the playlist. "Dalentarth" especially reminds me of some of the Finnish compositions in the classical field that I enjoy. I do feel the need to investigate further.

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